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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Reflections...Mayoral Candidates Speak Up...but...Local HOA Candidates Remain Silent....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Mayoral Candidate Article Addressing
Concerning Issues
Draw Comments from Numerous Candidates

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If you merely read our article entitled "Troubling Issues Make Mayoral Election a Choice between Ideas, not Individuals", and did not check back for the various comments made by four of the Henderson Mayoral Candidates, we strongly suggest you do.

 Candidates Angelo Gomez, Edward Hamilton, Crystal Hendrickson, and Debra March were quite receptive to our article, and we also received a separate email from Rick Workman, saying his schedule would not allow him to respond immediately, but that he would happily do so within the next day or two.

When he does, we will promptly bring you his response.

We are truly proud of each candidate who took time from their busy campaign schedule to address their views to the residents of the Anthem communities, and look forward to hearing their views as early voting commences on March 18, 2017.

If you would like to examine the comments from the candidates, as well as commentary from other residents, just click on this link and the article and comments will be available.

Once again, a sincere thank you to all the Mayoral candidates who shared their concerns with the readers of Anthem Opinions.

As a side note, we might ask those who are running in our Sun City Anthem Board of Directors election WHY they ignored our requests to do so, when a citywide election drew such vibrant support.

In our opinion, that certainly is an indictment as to the transparency of those running for Sun City Anthem Board positions....

...and all of the candidates, with the exception of Carl Weinstein who was willing to answer resident concerns...

...should be ashamed of themselves for believing they are above such questioning. the Mayoral candidates, you are to be congratulated, and a sincere thank you should be extended by all for your efforts in demonstrating a dedicated desire to "earn the right" to represent the people of Henderson, Nevada.

Anthem Opinions Administration

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