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Saturday, April 1, 2017

A New Low In Sun City Anthem Campaigning....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Why ?  

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We've promised not to get involved with the 2017 Sun City Anthem Board election for various reasons...

....but... we were convinced that there are some people who reside in Sun City Anthem who need a lesson in manners.

People who run for Board positions, whether you be in favor of them or not, deserve some sort of recognition for doing so. 

They spend their personal funds; they spend hours meeting with people; and once elected, they give of themselves a vast amount of personal time that most refuse to do.

What they do not public humiliation.

And that is the direction a number of residents have taken by placing this sign in front of their homes.


Why do these "types" feel it necessary to do such a thing?


Why would people spend money on such things when those funds could have been donated to a worthwhile charitable organization?


In all the years I have resided in this community, NEVER have I seen an individual sign that was so degrading.

Is this what Sun City Anthem campaigning has come to

Is this what you want prospective buyers to see when they examine our community?

Is this YOU ?

Whether or not you support this individual, that is irrelevant here.

This man also happens to be YOUR NEIGHBOR, a man who lives with his daughter, a man who has struggled to make ends meet, a man who lost his wife, a man who has had numerous medical problems, and despite it all...

...still has managed to be a volunteer again and again over the years.

Remember, long after this election, he will still live here.

He will still walk the same streets you and I will, but with one difference.

While the rest of the community may not know you....

...they will now look at him with some sort of dark shadow, yet have no reason as to why.

So...remove these ugly signs.  They serve only one purpose...


...and in our golden years, life is now far too short to waste it on such a petty emotion.

Anthem Opinions Administration

 Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    We have NEVER seen anything like this deplorable sign in SCA!

    Residents can agree or disagree about their choice of Candidate BUT I would like to know WHO brought this Inexcusable Negative to our community.

    Shame on them! !!!
    The sign or signs should be removed immediately. Has SCA lost it's integrity?

  2. From Allen Weintraub...Co-Owner of Anthem Opinions

    This is disgusting. This is embarrassing. I would encourage the entire board to voice their displeasure over these signs.

    Why not take some action to see if we can get a fair election without this low class tactic.

    The homeowners that are displaying these signs should be identified and dealt with.

    It would be very easy to have the Community Patrol identify these low class people when cruising our neighborhoods and report to the board or chief and request the removal of these signs.

  3. From Sun City Anthem Board Director Carl Opinions

    I just read what you wrote on Anthem Opinions!

    You have my extreme gratitude.

  4. Carl, as you can see, Allen Weintraub and I felt obligated to bring this to the attention of the residents of Sun City Anthem.

    It is one thing to disagree, but to insult publicly on a street in order to embarrass an individual in front of an entire community is shameful.

    I would hope that those who see this vindictive display of bad taste will promptly remove them from their homes...

    ...and place them in the front yard of the individual(s) who asked to have them displayed.

    And...send us an email as to their identity in order that we may tell all of Sun City Anthem who those people are in order that they may suffer a similar embarrassment.

    That way an entire community can become aware of the chief architect of this juvenile smear campaign.

    Will any of them do so? 

    Probably not. 

    These are likely the same individuals who write condescending and insulting comments about others...yet don't have the courage to use their real names in doing so.
  1. From Robert Opinions

    The important question is:

    Someone paid to have these signs printed up (they're not cheap) the interest of 'transparency' (if it exists at all in SCA), who is that individual??

    Just like in Watergate: FOLLOW THE MONEY

  2. From AC Opinions

    Have not seen that awful sign.

    But is this the sign of the times in this country?

    I recently read a quote from one of our elected "Washington" politicians that said " Donald Trump is not my President".

    Another new low.
    1. From Mary Lee Opinions

      Thank you for your editorial, Dick and thanks for your comments, Allen.

      We have lived in SCA since 2006 and love SCA.

      We cannot believe how anyone here could be so mean spirited and cruel to ANY resident. I am still in shock over the deplorable sign.

      I did drive up Scotts Valley Drive and did not see the sign there, so that one was removed.

      My intent was to remove it (or them)and take it to Sandy Seddon's office.

      We have an out of state house guest, who sold her house in SCA last year, and she was also shocked and disappointed this could happen in our community.

      Sadly, damage to one of our SCA resident's reputation has been done and those putting up the signs have negated his endless volunteer years of service to SCA.

      This is NOT the type of behavior that should be accepted in any neighborhood.

      It is doubtful Anyone will come forward to admit their shameful behavior but hopefully all of these deplorable signs will be removed immediately.

      Those residents owe Carl Weinstein an apology BUT most likely they will not have the integrity to do so.

      Shameful behavior from adults!!
  1. Thanks Mary Lee.

    Since this topic has been so heavily read, and infuriated so many Sun City Anthem residents, we want to make the following offer to ANY INDIVIDUAL who sees these signs.

    Send us the address...we'll verify it, and then WE'LL POST THE ADDRESS of any person who displayed such trash.

    Let these same individuals be looked upon in a similar manner in which they treated a fellow resident.
  1. From Lloyd Opinions

    Just goes to show you what kind of people are living in Anthem

    This is one of the reasons I never get involved with the political agenda in SCA.

  2. The following address has the disgusting sign placed in their front home.

    2876 Hayden Creek Terrace
    1. From Don Schramski...former Sun City Anthem Board Opinions

      Dick and Allen,

      Thank you for bring up this disgrace.

      Agree with a candidate, or disagree with them, but rest assured each has the best intentions for the future of SCA, and each stepped up and volunteered for an important position.

      My hope is this homeowner will remove the sign, and engage with the governance of this community in a more meaningful way.

      There are too many members who choose to snipe from the sidelines, when they would better serve their community by becoming informed and involved. 
      1. Wouldn't it be wonderful if ANY CANDIDATE running for election or any existing or former Board Member would join Mr. Schramski in expressing their views on this matter? "winning", "everything", no matter who it may harm?
        1. The following address has the disgusting sign placed in their front home.

          2994 Sumter Valley Circle
          1. The following address has the disgusting sign placed in their front home.

            2721 Olivia Heights Ave.
            1. From Norma Opinions

              I agree that those signs I have heard about but not seen, are bad for the community and opinions of another person should not be aired in public.

              However this person brought out in the open inaccurate and unnecessary information on one of the candidates, so he opened his own door for retribution , even though the way it is being done is distasteful.

              Maybe we should have something in the CCRs that will prevent negatives signs being displayed.
              1. Norma,

                For our readers to more properly understand your comment, ,can you be specific as to that "inaccurate & unnecessary information on one of the candidates?
                1. From Norma Opinions


                  Sorry that would be second hand news, and that is not what should be printed. 
                2. Norma, thanks for the clarification.

                  If anyone else can clarify this, we would certainly look forward to hearing from you.
                  1. From Forrest Quinn...Candidate for the Sun City Anthem Board of Opinions

                    Sun City Anthem is blessed with a talented pool of residents from whose experience we can all benefit. Attacks like this one on Mr. Weinstein only coarsens our community and discourages able residents from volunteering to improve our common good.

                    It should sadden us all that Mr. Weinstein was subjected to this degrading treatment after his many years of service to Sun City Anthem. 
                  2. Thank you Forrest. It's nice to see that a competitor candidate would take the time to respond.

                    I wonder why the others haven't done so ?

                    I'm sure Carl Weinstein appreciates these words from you.


  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    We have NEVER seen anything like this deplorable sign in SCA!

    Residents can agree or disagree about their choice of Candidate BUT I would like to know WHO brought this Inexcusable Negative to our community.

    Shame on them! !!!

    The sign or signs should be removed immediately. Has SCA lost it's integrity?

  2. From Allen Weintraub...Co-Owner of Anthem Opinions

    This is disgusting. This is embarrassing. I would encourage the entire board to voice their displeasure over these signs.

    Why not take some action to see if we can get a fair election without this low class tactic.

    The homeowners that are displaying these signs should be identified and dealt with.

    It would be very easy to have the Community Patrol identify these low class people when cruising our neighborhoods and report to the board or chief and request the removal of these signs.

  3. From Sun City Anthem Board Director Carl Opinions

    I just read what you wrote on Anthem Opinions!

    You have my extreme gratitude.

  4. Carl, as you can see, Allen Weintraub and I felt obligated to bring this to the attention of the residents of Sun City Anthem.

    It is one thing to disagree, but to insult publicly on a street in order to embarrass an individual in front of an entire community is shameful.

    I would hope that those who see this vindictive display of bad taste will promptly remove them from their homes...

    ...and place them in the front yard of the individual(s) who asked to have them displayed.

    And...send us an email as to their identity in order that we may tell all of Sun City Anthem who those people are in order that they may suffer a similar embarrassment.

    That way an entire community can become aware of the chief architect of this juvenile smear campaign.

    Will any of them do so?

    Probably not.

    These are likely the same individuals who write condescending and insulting comments about others...yet don't have the courage to use their real names in doing so.

  5. From Robert Opinions

    The important question is:

    Someone paid to have these signs printed up (they're not cheap) the interest of 'transparency' (if it exists at all in SCA), who is that individual??

    Just like in Watergate: FOLLOW THE MONEY

  6. From AC Opinions

    Have not seen that awful sign.

    But is this the sign of the times in this country?

    I recently read a quote from one of our elected "Washington" politicians that said " Donald Trump is not my President".

    Another new low.

  7. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Thank you for your editorial, Dick and thanks for your comments, Allen.

    We have lived in SCA since 2006 and love SCA.

    We cannot believe how anyone here could be so mean spirited and cruel to ANY resident. I am still in shock over the deplorable sign.

    I did drive up Scotts Valley Drive and did not see the sign there, so that one was removed.

    My intent was to remove it (or them)and take it to Sandy Seddon's office.

    We have an out of state house guest, who sold her house in SCA last year, and she was also shocked and disappointed this could happen in our community.

    Sadly, damage to one of our SCA resident's reputation has been done and those putting up the signs have negated his endless volunteer years of service to SCA.

    This is NOT the type of behavior that should be accepted in any neighborhood.

    It is doubtful Anyone will come forward to admit their shameful behavior but hopefully all of these deplorable signs will be removed immediately.

    Those residents owe Carl Weinstein an apology BUT most likely they will not have the integrity to do so.

    Shameful behavior from adults!!

  8. Thanks Mary Lee.

    Since this topic has been so heavily read, and infuriated so many Sun City Anthem residents, we want to make the following offer to ANY INDIVIDUAL who sees these signs.

    Send us the address...we'll verify it, and then we'll POST THE ADDRESS of any person who displayed such trash.

    Let these same individuals be looked upon in a similar manner in which that they treated a fellow resident.

  9. From Lloyd Opinions

    Just goes to show you what kind of people are living in Anthem

    This is one of the reasons I never get involved with the political agenda in SCA.

  10. The following address has the disgusting sign placed in their front home.

    2876 Hayden Creek Terrace

  11. From Don Schramski...former Sun City Anthem Board Opinions

    Dick and Allen,

    Thank you for bring up this disgrace.

    Agree with a candidate, or disagree with them, but rest assured each has the best intentions for the future of SCA, and each stepped up and volunteered for an important position.

    My hope is this homeowner will remove the sign, and engage with the governance of this community in a more meaningful way.

    There are too many members who choose to snipe from the sidelines, when they would better serve their community by becoming informed and involved.

  12. Wouldn't it be wonderful if ANY CANDIDATE running for election or any existing or former Board Member would join Mr. Schramski in expressing their views on this matter? "winning", "everything", no matter who it may harm?

  13. The following address has the disgusting sign placed in their front home.

    2994 Sumter Valley Circle

  14. The following address has the disgusting sign placed in their front home.

    2721 Olivia Heights Ave.

  15. From Norma Opinions

    I agree that those signs I have heard about but not seen, are bad for the community and opinions of another person should not be aired in public.

    However this person brought out in the open inaccurate and unnecessary information on one of the candidates, so he opened his own door for retribution , even though the way it is being done is distasteful.

    Maybe we should have something in the CCRs that will prevent negatives signs being displayed.

  16. Norma,

    For our readers to more properly understand your comment, ,can you be specific as to that "inaccurate & unnecessary information on one of the candidates?

  17. From Norma Opinions


    Sorry that would be second hand news, and that is not what should be printed.

  18. Norma, thanks for the clarification.

    If anyone else can clarify this, we would certainly look forward to hearing from you.

  19. From Forrest Quinn...Candidate for the Sun City Anthem Board of Opinions

    Sun City Anthem is blessed with a talented pool of residents from whose experience we can all benefit. Attacks like this one on Mr. Weinstein only coarsens our community and discourages able residents from volunteering to improve our common good.

    It should sadden us all that Mr. Weinstein was subjected to this degrading treatment after his many years of service to Sun City Anthem.

  20. Thank you Forrest. It's nice to see that a competitor candidate would take the time to respond.

    I wonder why the others haven't done so.

    I'm sure Carl Weinstein appreciates these words from you.
