Information Pages

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Do the Seven "Foxes" Know How to Watch the Chicken Coop? ... An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Do Any Sun City Anthem Board Members and/or Candidates Know How to
Keep an Eye on Her ?

Somewhere along the line Sun City Anthem has come up with this idea that allowing a General Manager to "twist them around her little fingers" is an acceptable business practice...

...and I have to hand it to her, she's done well manipulating a bunch of old people and bamboozling a community into believing she should not  be considered "the hired help", but rather...

The queen of the castle with unit owners as her readily available banking source.

5rlwcr3p.gif~c200 (200×200)'s time she realized she works for us...that her spending habits are out of control.

This entire problem...and I mean...problem...started with a Sun City Anthem Board Treasurer named Tom Nissen, who obviously believed it was  his "divine right" to choose her in the first place.

Bet you weren't aware that a number of board members were BARRED from the initial screening process, were you ????

Wine and dine, pay for a private plane to interview her, and then have an exclusive and costly party to further entice her to come to the desert to run Sun City Anthem.

She was given a salary of $250,000....approximately $65,000 more than the person who manages the ENTIRE CITY OF HENDERSON, and a benefit package, that has cost the unit owners of Sun City Anthem a literal FORTUNE.

Let's discuss that benefit package...and its result to your wallet.

A year ago, a number of us made every attempt to curtail a benefit package due to the laws pertaining to The Affordable Care Act.

A previous board candidate, Barry Goldstein, tried desperately to warn of the adverse ramifications of not doing proper homework before any benefit package was offered.

He was ignored...and... always, Mr. Nissen, in his infinite "know it all" attitude, along with almost all of his fellow board members who resembled "blind mice"...
three_blind_mice_lg_nwm.gif (200×200)
...agreed to a package that they believed could be offered to her alone.

They were wrong...expensively wrong...

DISCRIMINATION (singling out one individual) was AGAINST THE LAW.

As a result of a lack of knowledge from a person who claims to be a qualified CPA, the result was have to treat all employees  equally

Nissen's solution...

...rather than admitting HE WAS WRONG......was simply...

 "We promised her a great benefit package, and since we can't go back on our promise, we have to give it to everyone no matter how much it costs the residents of Sun City Anthem".

20070418-Animated_man_swimming_money_hg_clr.gif (352×248)

...and folks, that attitude and decision has cost us A BOODLE.

Let me be specific.

While the average business now pays 50% of employee medical insurance premiums, we've been made aware that Sun City Anthem pays 85% of the cost. 

Do any of you know the real cost of medical insurance in today's world for those under age 65?  Probably not, because unless you've had to bear those costs as an individual or employer, you take them for granted.

The average premium of Obamacare coverage with a $1000 deductible is approximately $700+ per month...and rising...rising so rapidly, that insurers are dropping out of the market due to the losses they sustain.

But...we will use that as an example of cost for medical insurance.

Multiply that by the approximate 50 Sun City Anthem employees, and that comes to $35,000 p/month or $420,000 per year

That's the approximate total amount Sun City Anthem pays for employee medical insurance benefits.

Where the MARKETPLACE would have resulted in a cost of half that amount or $210,000, Mr. Nissen's 85% COVER YOUR TRACKS BLUNDER along with his fellow board members who voted to approve that package, have cost Sun City Anthem $357,000.

How do you "cover" your ANNUAL ECONOMIC CATASTROPHIC $157,000 MISCALCULATION  due to the refusal or inability to seek qualified assistance or LISTEN to COMPETENT individuals?

You raise the annual dues 10%...AND....make sure you don't tell the people that an additional 10% increase is on the planning table for the following year.

Over the recent past, while the economy struggled, employers across the country were faced with having to reduce employee benefit packages in order to SURVIVE.

Pension and profit-sharing plans disappeared from the workplace and were substituted with 401(k) plans...plans that initially began with matching employer contributions, but over time, those employer contributions ceased.

We know of NO MAJOR CASINO OPERATION in Las Vegas matching 401(k) contributions any longer.

To further enable SURVIVAL, many of the largest companies in the US also ELIMINATED or SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED medical insurance benefits to their retirees.

The marketplace had had to "go with the times", and its SURVIVAL depended on REDUCTION OF COST...

...common knowledge amongst those who were capable of reading a newspaper, but obviously NOT amongst those who were so "over the hill", yet continued to believe they were every bit as knowledgeable as they were prior to their some cases 10-15 years ago.

That lack of knowledge was quite evident in employing Mrs. Seddon and allowing her to create what I will now refer to as "her kingdom" to which she has been given an almost unlimited amount of POWER... those WHO HAD NO IDEA AS TO THE REALITIES OF THE TIMES and in almost all cases, had NO EXPERIENCE at even asking the right questions...

...or even worse, NEVER ASKING QUALIFIED EXPERIENCED INDIVIDUALS for input of any kind... order to properly "guide" her decisions...

...the model on which "self management" was originally intended.

The result ? 

She "rules the roost" without any RELEVANT supervision, and the extravagant expenses she has incurred as a result of LIMITED BIDDING PROCEDURES,  have had little or no justification other than...

 i-want-it-now.jpg (1634×933)

What is her job description and how is she judged in order to achieve a raise or bonus?


Is there anyone who has ever worked, not been made aware of a criterion to achieve a raise or bonus?

After just a few months on the job, she was also given a $20,000 bonus.

How about her "direction" of the Liberty Center?

Remember we were originally told the tab would be close to $500,000?
It's now over $2 million...and...we have a substantial lawsuit as well.

Bathrooms at Anthem Center?
$450,000 to $500,000 to redo them? You can buy 2 new homes in Sun City Anthem for those figures.

New WHITE carpeting in the Anthem Center ballroom.....WHITE on a heavily trafficked floor?

And don't let her fool you about her desire for a restaurant either?

She wants one...but...

...what she won't actually come out and tell you is that...

She wants YOU to spend between $200,000 and $300,000 of your dues money EACH YEAR to have one, by giving an outside vendor FREE RENT and FREE UTILITIES in order for the kingdom to "look the part" of what will inevitably require INCREASE AFTER INCREASE in annual dues in order to sustain....

...while at the same time using a "convenient" 50% voting rule as the only way to avoid it....

...yet for some reason not adhering to a similar requirement to file a multi-million dollar lawsuit.

It goes on and on and is rubber stamped each and every time because...

"Whatever Sandy Wants...Sandy Gets"

Why would this situation have been allowed to evolve to this point?

This board IS SCARED STIFF of her  They have no back-up plan for any kind of replacement, thereby leaving all of Sun City Anthem vulnerable to her wishes.

In short...these "over the hill" lack of relevant experienced bunch of "leaders"  have allowed a QUEEN to emerge whose attitude now approaches Marie Antoinette's when asked about her spending habits at the expense of "the people".

When Mrs. Seddon first came to Sun City Anthem, a former board candidate was told by her...

"The Dues Are Too Low"

Those words should have raised a "red flag" as to her controlling the future spending habits of Sun City Anthem.

And when the pieces have been added together over the past year...
...rather  than providing a financially sound atmosphere, it's now come to...

Mr-Peabody-and-Sherman-Marie_Antoinette.jpg (790×443)

"Let Them Eat Cake"

Got a comment?

Send them to us at:
  1. From Jim Mayfield....Sun City Anthem Board Opinions

    The Board has not adopted a policy or process for regular review and oversight of her performance.

    I have tried three times to have this subject, along with a comprehensive PUBLIC review of the SCA Policy Manual, put on the monthly meeting agenda and have been blocked by Mr Weddle and Ms. Meese.

    Their blocking of having an item put on the agenda probably violates NRS 116.

    Instead, Mr. Weddle appointed three members of the Board to conduct an out of sight review of the Policy Manual.

    Ms. Waterhouse and Mr. Burch, who campaigned on transparency, strict legal compliance, and independence, should be held accountable for flip-flop on these issues once elected. 

  1. From Robert Opinions

    I've long said that we are merely serfs on a Feudal Estate.

    BTW-if anyone thinks this current election of the HOA Board will have any positive impact, I know of a bridge in Brooklyn that's up for sale.
    1. From Barbara Opinions

      Your article today was fantastic. You hit the nail on the head with all your comments.

      The only thing you left out is how much we are paying a CFO (who we never see or hear from) and I believe, HE, (at least I think it is a HE, is getting about $200K.

      We never voted to go to self-management, were never shown a cost comparison between a management company and self-management and now are we really stuck?

      Does her contract give her a lifetime of running us into the ground?

      Does she not have to be accountable for anything?

      Wish I could have found a job like that.

      Thanks for all you do. Hope enough people read it but I really think our hands are tied because I just don't know how to change anything.

      You saw that I received no response from our board when I wrote them, twice.

      I am open to suggestions but I think most people who live here, just don't care.

      We can't even get them to send in the age survey, let alone vote (probably because they figure the election is fixed).

      Why would anyone even want to run?

      Very sad.
      1. From Valerie Opinions


        1. From Roseann Opinions

          Reading this article is really upsetting me.

          Are we fools....or WHAT?

          I retired after 30 years from the Federal Government.

          I'm appalled at what is being paid and benefited to this woman.

          I own 3 homes in this community. I don't want to be taken advantage of, by this woman, who is highly "OVERPAID."

          I am a resident here for 12 yrs.

          Years back, for at least 3 years, we would be excused from paying the last 3 months of dues, because of the surplus.

          We need to vote out the present board members.

          I submitted my 3 home votes immediately, when I received them.

          I wished that Jim Mayfield would have been one of the choices!

          Wish we could vote out the General Manager!!

          Thank you for taking the time to enlighten us, as to what is going on, in our community.
          1. From Buddy Opinions

            What can you do about HOW YOU FEEL REGARDING BOARD ACTIONS..

            Many of us continue to be frustrated with the board and community manager(queen Sandy)

            So what do we do? We post a complaint on a blog, that some folks read, and then complain that we do not know what to do about it.

            How about if the readers did a few things rather than just saying “what can I do”

            The first most important thing to do is to attend board meetings. Yes they are boring, but when we do not show up, the board is empowered to do whatever they choose.

            At the board meeting, ask questions and wait until you get an answer. If they do not answer just say "You Did Not Answer My Question".

            Confront board members both at the meetings and when seen in our facilities to let them know you care and have opinions.

            Send emails to board members and ask specific questions that are important to you.

            Ask for a meeting with our community manager (Sandy) and ask her face to face what you want to know.

            It is only thru our individual involvement, questioning board members and management, with pertinent information and opinions that we can make any type difference.

            Yes, blog comments are interesting…yes, we like to see that others feel as we do…but these comments will not be an effective method of change.

            Personal direct involvement is the answer!
            1. From Laura Opinions

              Yes......I have a comment.

              Now that you've stirred up all of this stuff, or should I say, brought this to our attention, my question is "what can we do about it"?

              There are many people living in Sun City Anthem who do not have to worry about their Association dues going up and on the flip side, there are many people living on a fixed income who do have to worry.

              So, as I stated.........what can we do about this situation?
            2. Laura, I suggest that you read the comment made by Buddy Greenfield. He gave some pretty good advice.

              I'll give you another suggestion. Now that you know WHO is allowing the problem to persist, the most expedient answer is not voting for an incumbent who has allowed this to take place. 

              Unfortunately due to having to elect four candidates with only five running for office, at least one winner will be an incumbent.

              This election is not about electing who is best, but eliminating who is the worst.

              Though Anthem Opinions promised not to get involved in the 2017 election, only one of the candidates, Carl Weinstein, an incumbent, was willing to answer any resident questions. 

              Believe me, I have a number of disagreements with Carl Weinstein, but....on the positive side, Carl normally answers emails, and he has always been approachable.

              That being said, the only incumbent that is left is Rex Weddle. 

              And with that in mind, considering Weddle's dictatorial style and his backdoor dealings often eliminating other Board Members from relevant discussions; in my personal opinion, I would STRONGLY SUGGEST:

              Eliminating from consideration:

              "Weddle the Weasel"
              1. From Patricia Opinions

                What we need is a coordinated old fashioned revolt at a Board Meeting.

                We need to turn out in numbers. People are ready.

                Name the date and place and spread the word.

                A beautifully crafted masterpiece, this was!
                1. From Carolyn Opinions

                  I just can't believe what idiots are on the Board.

                  I do hope there is a recourse to get rid of "the queen".
                2. From The Opinions

                  With an ever changing Board of Directors and who knows their expertise in the big picture...

                  ...this was a given just waiting to happen!

                  At the present time, the number of homes for sale here in Sun City Anthem is at a low, but with a woman with a powerful tongue and wit and way such as Sandy Seddon, I forsee many more homes put on the market because of her needs, gifts and perk's!

                  "The "Sun Will Not Come Out Tomorrow" with her at the head!!
                3. From Lynda Opinions

                  I found your piece about Ms. Seddon very interesting. And it brought up the multitude of rumors residents have been spouting for weeks now, as it relates to this general manager...

                  Now that she has successfully helped get rid of The Foundation Assisting Seniors by moving them out of Sun City Anthem, the rumor mill is churning that she plans on moving her people into the space that she helped to vacate and possibly may even get rid the television station.

                  I am appalled that there was never a job description put forth for this new position since every corporation and small company makes it mandatory so that they know what the goals are and are in compliance with expectations.

                  I keep reading about what she's doing/spending and I'm wondering if the HOA is so well funded that they could afford all of this. 
                  1. From Carol Opinions

                    She is making a bundle off of us, and everything, for the worse, has happened since she has taken reigns over the SCA people and community.

                    We have had a horrible meeting with her, and I think she is running our community like an Autocratic ruler.

                    What can we do about this?
                  2. Carol,

                    I suggest you read Buddy Greenfield's commentary.

                    I would hope that the members of the current Board and all those running for office, take note that in the case of Ms. Seddon, THE HONEYMOON IS OVER.

                    Tell your friends that the likes of those who allowed this to take place; namely Weddle, Nissen, Weinstein, Meese,Burch, and Waterhouse that "YOU'RE MAD AS HELL and WON'T TAKE IT ANYMORE" by barraging them with emails telling them so. Only retiring Board Director, Jim Mayfield, has come forth to TELL IT LIKE IT IS.

                    Here's a link to all of the Board email addresses.


                    Then tell your friends that of all those running for office, the worst of the worst, is REX WEDDLE; that he MUST GO.
                    1. It has come to our attention that David Berman has taken it upon himself to send personal emails to the readers of Anthem Opinions which serve no purpose other than discredit a publication that he considers a competitor.

                      To Mr. Berman, let us firmly state:

                      First, we are NOT your competition. We have never considered you in that manner. To do so, would insult us and our many readers.

                      Our mission is to provide a community an honest interpretation of the many wrongs YOU HAVE DISGUISED through the half truths you have used again and again to HIDE THE REALITY of the CORRUPTION you have painstakingly "reported" for years.

                      You sir, are owned lock, stock, and barrel by a corrupt system you carefully developed along with a flock of other wannabes who have experienced little or no success in the REAL WORLD prior to their arrival in our community.

                      You sir, have admitted to dishonesty.

                      You sir, have contributed to the many financial failures that have cost unit owners thousands of dollars in waste...

                      ...because you sir, need a system to exist that will tolerate corruption, corruption that the people of Sun City Anthem are realizing more and more on a daily basis, you, with your wicked pen, have created and promoted, year after year.

                      Secondly, we would NEVER send a private email to a person to discredit your publication. Our readers do not need a reminder of the mannerisms you have displayed over the years that are self-serving and in so many cases, disrespectful to others.

                      Now please, go along your merry way traipsing through Anthem Center with your little recorder tucked neatly out of sight in order to record private conversations to eventually use against others, trying to convince yourself and others that you matter at all.

                      You fool only a select few any longer, sir, and even those are disappearing on a daily basis.

                      You sir, do not deserve hatred in return; but instead pity for going through life creating and promoting such selfishness that has heavily contributed to a community's financial woes year after year through the obnoxious and all to often unqualified individuals you have recommended.

                      So Mr. Berman, please refrain from "pestering" and/or making an attempt to "intimidate" Anthem Opinions readers with your personal distasteful emails.

                      They serve only one purpose...making a fool of yourself.
                  3. From Marty Opinions

                    As to today's daily blog...

                    Isn't it nice to know SCA has (or always was) a repository for those who barely managed to aspire to the Peter Principle, and had to prove how brain dead they really are!    Geez!
                    1. From Suzane Opinions

                      Appreciate the candid details concerning the current GM debacle.

                      Many residents believe that the GM remuneration package is excessive, but feel powerless against the board.

                      How often have residents verbalized their concerns at a board meeting only to have the board take an opposite approach to what the majority has spoken?

                      The board and GM lack accountability for their

                      The current spending spree and unwise purchasing decisions are obvious. If allowed to continue, I believe that annual membership dues will increase another 10-20% next year.

                      It may be time to forgo the self-management concept and re-evaluate a HOA management group again!! 
                    2. Are the Board candidates listening to this?

                      What say any of you ?

                      Your silence on this important topic, now viewed by in excess of 2,900 readers, is setting a tone for a community that you find these actions acceptable.

                      Would any of you like to tell us WHY Sun City Anthem should vote for you if you remain silent ?

                      We need answers, and we are fully entitled to them.

                      Stop insulting our community by merely asking for our votes, yet never giving us a valid reason as to why you should receive it.

                      And people question WHY the Sun City Anthem Board receives such little support...why only 30-40 people ever show up at your precious meetings, yet at the same time so many of you criticize others for not attending ????

                      Look at yourselves and ask...

                      Why would any individual subject themselves to such arrogance refusing to answer resident questions ?

                      You ask a community for trust, yet you are unwilling to give us reasons as to why we should do so.

                      You reap what you sow, and this certainly is one group of individuals who should be looked at with contempt.

                      All of you have made a mockery of association governance.


  1. From Jim Mayfield....Sun City Anthem Board Opinions

    The Board has not adopted a policy or process for regular review and oversight of her performance.

    I have tried three times to have this subject, along with a comprehensive PUBLIC review of the SCA Policy Manual, put on the monthly meeting agenda and have been blocked by Mr Weddle and Ms. Meese.

    Their blocking of having an item put on the agenda probably violates NRS 116.

    Instead, Mr. Weddle appointed three members of the Board to conduct an out of sight review of the Policy Manual.

    Ms. Waterhouse and Mr. Burch who campaigned on transparency, strict legal compliance, and independence should be held accountable for flip-flop on these issues one elected.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    I've long said that we are merely serfs on a Feudal Estate.

    BTW-if anyone thinks this current election of the HOA Board will have any positive impact, I know of a bridge in Brooklyn that's up for sale.

  3. From Barbara Opinions

    Your article today was fantastic. You hit the nail on the head with all your comments.

    The only thing you left out is how much we are paying a CFO (who we never see or hear from) and I believe, HE, (at least I think it is a HE, is getting about $200K.

    We never voted to go to self-management, were never shown a cost comparison between a management company and self-management and now are we really stuck?

    Does her contract give her a lifetime of running us into the ground?

    Does she not have to be accountable for anything?

    Wish I could have found a job like that.

    Thanks for all you do. Hope enough people read it but I really think our hands are tied because I just don't know how to change anything.

    You saw that I received no response from our board when I wrote them, twice.

    I am open to suggestions but I think most people who live here, just don't care.

    We can't even get them to send in the age survey, let alone vote (probably because they figure the election is fixed).

    Why would anyone even want to run?

    Very sad.

  4. From Valerie Opinions



  5. From Roseann Opinions

    Reading this article is really upsetting me.

    Are we fools....or WHAT?

    I retired after 30 years from the Federal Government.

    I'm appalled at what is being paid and benefited to this woman.

    I own 3 homes in this community. I don't want to be taken advantage of, by this woman, who is highly "OVERPAID."

    I am a resident here for 12 yrs.

    Years back, for at least 3 years, we would be excused from paying the last 3 months of dues, because of the surplus.

    We need to vote out the present board members.

    I submitted my 3 home votes immediately, when I received them.

    I wished that Jim Mayfield would have been one of the choices!

    Wish we could vote out the General Manager!!

    Thank you for taking the time to enlighten us, as to what is going on, in our community.

  6. From Buddy Opinions

    What can you do about HOW YOU FEEL REGARDING BOARD ACTIONS..

    Many of us continue to be frustrated with the board and community manager(queen Sandy)

    So what do we do? We post a complaint on a blog, that some folks read, and then complain that we do not know what to do about it.

    How about if the readers did a few things rather than just saying “what can I do”

    The first most important thing to do is to attend board meetings. Yes they are boring, but when we do not show up, the board is empowered to do whatever they choose.

    At the board meeting, ask questions and wait until you get an answer. If they do not answer just say "You Did Not Answer My Question".

    Confront board members both at the meetings and when seen in our facilities to let them know you care and have opinions.

    Send emails to board members and ask specific questions that are important to you.

    Ask for a meeting with our community manager (Sandy) and ask her face to face what you want to know.

    It is only thru our individual involvement, questioning board members and management, with pertinent information and opinions that we can make any type difference.

    Yes, blog comments are interesting…yes, we like to see that others feel as we do…but these comments will not be an effective method of change.

    Personal direct involvement is the answer!

  7. From Laura Opinions

    Yes......I have a comment.

    Now that you've stirred up all of this stuff, or should I say, brought this to our attention, my question is "what can we do about it"?

    There are many people living in Sun City Anthem who do not have to worry about their Association dues going up and on the flip side, there are many people living on a fixed income who do have to worry.

    So, as I stated.........what can we do about this situation?

  8. Laura, I suggest that you read the comment made by Buddy Greenfield. He gave some pretty good advice.

    I'll give you another suggestion. Now that you know WHO is allowing the problem to persist, the most expedient answer is not voting for an incumbent who has allowed this to take place.

    Unfortunately due to having to elect four candidates with only five running for office, at least one winner will be an incumbent.

    This election is not elected who is best, but eliminating who is the worst?

    Though Anthem Opinions promised not to get involved in the 2017 election, only one of the candidates, Carl Weinstein, an incumbent, was willing to answer any resident questions.

    Believe me, I have a number of disagreements with Carl Weinstein, but....on the positive side, Carl normally answers emails, and he has always been approachable.

    That being said, the only incumbent that is left is Rex Weddle.

    And with that being said, considering Weddle's dictatorial style and his backdoor dealings often eliminating other Board Members from relevant discussions, in my personal opinion, I would STRONGLY SUGGEST:

    Eliminating from consideration:

    "Weddle the Weasal"

  9. From Patricia Opinions

    What we need is a coordinated old fashioned revolt at a Board Meeting.

    We need to turn out in numbers. People are ready.

    Name the date and place and spread the word.

    A beautifully crafted masterpiece, this was!

  10. From Carolyn Opinions

    I just can't believe what idiots are on the Board.

    I do hope there is a recourse to get rid of "the queen".

  11. From The Opinions

    With an ever changing Board of Directors and who knows their expertise in the big picture...

    ...this was a given just waiting to happen!

    At the present time, the number of homes for sale here in Sun City Anthem is at a low, but with a woman with a powerful tongue and wit and way such as Sandy Seddon, I forsee many more homes put on the market because of her needs, gifts and perk's!

    "The "Sun Will Not Come Out Tomorrow" with her at the head!!

  12. From Lynda Opinions

    I found your piece about Ms. Seddon very interesting. And it brought up the multitude of rumors residents have been spouting for weeks now, as it relates to this general manager...

    Now that she has successfully helped get rid of The Foundation Assisting Seniors by moving them out of Sun City Anthem, the rumor mill is churning that she plans on moving her people into the space that she helped to vacate and possibly may even get rid the television station.

    I am appalled that there was never a job description put forth for this new position since every corporation and small company makes it mandatory so that they know what the goals are and are in compliance with expectations.

    I keep reading about what she's doing/spending and I'm wondering if the HOA is so well funded that they could afford all of this.

  13. From Carol Opinions

    She is making a bundle off of us, and everything, for the worse, has happened since she has taken reigns over the SCA people and community.

    We have had a horrible meeting with her, and I think she is running our community like an Autocratic ruler.

    What can we do about this?

  14. Carol,

    I suggest you read Buddy Greenfield's commentary.

    I would hope that the members of the current Board and all those running for office, take note that in the case of Ms. Seddon, THE HONEYMOON IS OVER.

    Tell your friends that the likes of those who allowed this to take place; namely Weddle, Nissen, Weinstein, Meese,Burch, and Waterhouse that "YOU'RE MAD AS HELL and WON'T TAKE IT ANYMORE" by barraging them with emails telling them so. Only retiring Board Director, Jim Mayfield, has come forth to TELL IT LIKE IT IS.

    Here's a link to all of the Board email addresses.

    Then tell your friends that of all those running for office, the worst of the worst, is REX WEDDLE; that he MUST GO.

  15. It has come to our attention that David Berman has taken it upon himself to send personal emails to the readers of Anthem Opinions which serve no purpose other than discredit a publication that he considers a competitor.

    To Mr. Berman, let us firmly state:

    First, we are NOT your competition. We have never considered you in that manner. To do so, would insult us.

    Our mission is to provide a community an honest interpretation of the many wrongs YOU HAVE DISGUISED through the half truths you have used again and again to HIDE THE REALITY of the CORRUPTION you have painstakingly "reported" for years.

    You sir, are owned lock, stock, and barrel by a corrupt system you carefully developed along with a flock of other wannabes who have experienced little or no success in the REAL WORLD prior to their arrival in our community.

    You sir, have admitted to dishonesty and mental illness.

    You sir, have contributed to the many financial failures that have cost unit owners thousands of dollars in waste...

    ...because you sir, need a system to exist that will tolerate corruption, corruption that the people of Sun City Anthem are realizing more and more on a daily basis, you, with your wicked pen, have created and promoted, year after year.

    Secondly, we would NEVER send a private email to a person to discredit your publication. Our readers do not need a reminder of the mannerisms you have displayed over the years that are self-serving and in so many cases, disrespectful to others.

    Now please, go along your merry way traipsing through Anthem Center with your little recorder tucked neatly out of site in order to record private conversation to eventually use against others, trying to convince yourself and others that you matter at all.

    You fool only a select few any longer, sir, and even those are disappearing on a daily basis.

    You sir, do not deserve hatred in return; but instead pity for going through life creating and promoting such selfishness that has heavily contributed to a community's financial woes year after year through the obnoxious and all to often unqualified individuals you have recommended.

    So Mr. Berman, please refrain from "pestering" and/or making an attempt to "intimidate" Anthem Opinions readers with your personal distasteful emails.

    They serve only one purpose...making a fool of yourself.

  16. From Marty Opinions

    As to today's daily blog...

    Isn't it nice to know SCA has (or always was) a repository for those who barely managed to aspire to the Peter Principle, and had to prove how brain dead they really are! Geez!

  17. From Suzane Opinions

    Appreciate the candid details concerning the current GM debacle.

    Many residents believe that the GM remuneration package is excessive, but feel powerless against the board.

    How often have residents verbalized their concerns at a board meeting only to have the board take an opposite approach to what the majority has spoken?

    The board and GM lack accountability for their

    The current spending spree and unwise purchasing decisions are obvious. If allowed to continue, I believe that annual membership dues will increase another 10-20% next year.

    It may be time to forgo the self-management concept and re-evaluate a HOA management group again!!

  18. Are the Board candidates listening to this?

    What say any of you ?

    Your silence on this important topic, now viewed by in excess of 2,900 readers, is setting a tone for a community that you find these actions acceptable.

    Would any of you like to tell us WHY Sun City Anthem should vote for you if you remain silent ?

    We need answers, and we are fully entitled to them.

    Stop insulting our community by merely asking for our votes, yet never giving us a valid reason as to why you should receive it.

    And people question WHY the Sun City Anthem Board receives such little support...why only 30-40 people ever show up at your precious meetings, yet at the same time so many of you criticize others for not attending ????

    Look at yourselves and ask...

    Why would any individual subject themselves to such arrogance refusing to answer resident questions ?

    You ask a community for trust, yet you are unwilling to give us reasons as to why we should do so.

    You reap what you sow, and this certainly is a one group of individuals who should be looked at with contempt.

    All of you have made a mockery of association governance.
