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Saturday, April 8, 2017

Sun City Anthem Board Director Addresses Latest News Regarding SORO Project

Sun City Anthem Board Secretary, Bella Meese, has requested we publish this latest update that affects all Anthem Communities.


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After several meetings with City Council members regarding opposition to the proposed SORO project, the Mayor and Council members agreed that a meeting between the developer and those entities representing various interests opposed to the residential units planned for the project would be the next best step.

With City staff coordinating, a meeting of the interested parties was held on March 16.

Attending along with the developer and the attorneys for the developer, representatives of Levi Strauss, Marnell Properties, the Ribiero Companies, the builder and developer of Quail Park business center and the hangers at HEA (Henderson Executive Airport), Director of the Clark County Department of Aviation, Rosemary Vassiliadis, and members of her staff, residents of Seven Hills and me.

Ms. Vassiliadis expressed the concerns of her department for the project and their issue with residential units be included in the SORO project that would place homes directly in the ‘fly quiet zone’ which had been designated by her Department.

She stated that the Department’s concern was the effect on the quality of life caused by certain flight patterns associated with planes departing HEA and the multiple resident complaints about low flying planes over homes adjacent to HEA.

The representatives of the business entities all commented that mixing residential units with the type of commercial project existing and/or planned for this area was not a good idea

Concerns were also raised that residential units, in such proximity to Henderson Executive Airport, would most likely continue to cause concern and complaints from residents.

There was also concern expressed about security for the commercial properties and a potentially dangerous mix of residential and commercial traffic that would be generated by placing residential units near existing businesses.

The Developer was attentive and expressed appreciation for the discussion

He has agreed to withdraw his application from consideration at the April 18 Council meeting and to request a continuance to some time in October

According to the attorney for the developer; “The purpose of the continuance would be to allow for the processing of certain land-use applications on property controlled by Mr. Kennedy north of St. Rose Parkway.”  

This proposal would eliminate the residential units in the SORO project and move them to other developer owned property nearby and was an acceptable compromise to those expressing concern about the project.

The plans for the developer owned property at Starr Avenue and St. Rose Parkway, if approved by the Council, would eliminate the residential units originally planned for the SORO project. 

This idea was discussed at the March 16 meeting and was agreed upon as a good solution. 

Pending approval of the revised plans,concerns regarding the SORO project as expressed by the Clark County Department of Aviation, local businesses and residents, have been addressed.

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