Information Pages

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Sun City Anthem Pickleball Repairs...Why Did Sun City Anthem Accept Inferior Workmanship?

Former Sun City Anthem Pickleball Courts Board Member Shares Story of Association's  Acceptance of Inferior Workmanship

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Jeff Rosenfeld
Sun City Anthem Resident

As a member of the Pickleball Club and past and present Board member of that club I would like to make residents of Sun City Anthem aware of a lighting problem...waiting almost 5 years for that lighting problem remedied on our courts. 

Recently we had new lights and poles installed on our courts to solve the problem; however, whoever signed off on the project, should be held accountable for inferior work performed.   

The minimum standard lighting for recreational pickle ball courts lies between 50 and 66 candle lights according to standard criteria...
Sun City Anthem's courts with the new poles located near the rear of the courts, have 5 candle light illumination which is dark to dim. 
To further exacerbate the problem...

... our community paid over...

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...just two and a half years ago for an engineer's report for the lighting issue. 

When I asked Gino Mascolo from MCOR (the company who installed  the new lights and poles) about using the report, his reply was...

 What report ?

I do not know how many thousands of dollars were spent on these lights, but they are way below any club standard for lighting and there appeared to be no oversight when the work was completed. 

When I reached Sun City Anthem in an email from the SCA web site,  Shawn Evans, Sun City Anthem Facilities Director, responded that he will be looking into it, but the contractor had already been paid. 

This is absurd. 

 Whoever was responsible for signing off on these lights should have been intelligent enough to withhold all funds until the project was PROPERLY completed.

Sun City Anthem unit owners are fully entitled to know EXACTLY how much of our association funds were spent on a project that was improperly completed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anthem Opinions sends a sincere thank you to Jeff Rosenfeld for providing us this information.

As a side note, we recently learned that Shawn Evans, Sun City Anthem Facilities Director's annual compensation, approved by Self Management General Manager, Sandy Seddon,  is...



Know of any additional INCOMPETENT FINANCIAL WASTE that the unit owners of Sun City Anthem should be made aware of ???

Send it to us in order that we may make more of our community aware of these issues...

...and share these facts with others who may not be aware of them.

They are the "silent majority" whose lack of caring, not doing proper investigation in choosing competent leaders, and not voting in annual elections, have allowed these conditions to thrive  year after year.

Those in control are fully aware that those who remain silent are their best weapon to maintain the stranglehold they have demonstrated again and again.

Mr. Rosenfeld's commentary more than dramatizes that CHANGE MUST TAKE PLACE...that his story is becoming all too commonplace under the direction of a General Manager who has shown her expertise revolves around...

frivolous spending sprees

compounded with ridiculous rules affecting clubs

surrounded by a "spoils system" of employing personal friends, proving incomes and benefit packages WELL ABOVE THE NORM in today's business climate.

...that if not addressed by COMPETENT Board members who are CAPABLE of accepting the fact that PEOPLE ARE MORE THEN DISAPPOINTED with the manner in which our association is being controlled, this system will literally "explode" in the not to distant future, resulting in continual increases in annual assessments, resulting in the inevitable change to a number of people's retirement lifestyle.

Is cost effective management and a demand for quality workmanship too much to ask?

Do you believe the time has come to revisit the self-management experiment?

Send your thoughts to us at:
  1. From Donny Opinions

    Definitely think we are paying more and getting much less.

    For the first time today, in the women's bathroom in Anthem Center I noticed the walls within the individual toilets needed to be cleaned. I had never noticed any dirt before.

    I also did not see any workers in Anthem from noon through passed three o'clock.

    Was it a holiday?

    And why are the ladies at the desk not addressing ticket sales anymore? They are getting paid good money for less responsibility.

    It took 24 hours to get a simple answer to a question from the office.....why so long to get a return phone call?
    1. From Carl Opinions

      As a 13 year resident of SCA and a twice elected Board Member I can tell you that the complaints about management of SCA were just as severe when we were NOT self-managed as they are now--but for some different reasons.This community's facilities are aging and the former management company failed to maintain them in decent shape. As a result the Boards at that time had to step in to oversee many of the projects that needed to be done. Jim Mayfield was instrumental in doing that! Because of lack of attention to repairs, etc. many projects that were contracted in the last year of FSR management didn't get done in the year they were budgeted for and became issues for the new General Manager.During the FSR period, lack of attention to projects was so bad that the Board contracted with an engineering company called AMORE to oversee projects that were scheduled for completion, including repair of Liberty Center. Many of those signed contracts slopped over into the new self-management administration. A good example is the renovation of Hannamen Hall. All of that work was contracted BEFORE we hired the new GM.

      If you read Sandy's monthly report you will see that she has accomplished, in one month, more that FSR ever did in 6 months to a year of time. Another problem was that FSR did not always follow written rules/regulations and the Boards at that time (including me) were guilty of lack of oversight of that problem. Now that the GM and CAM are finally bringing procedures into line, residents are denegrating these two women. Including complaints about their salaries. Except for the fact that facility repairs come out of reserves, the regular budget is NOT costing us anymore than it did when we were not self-managed.
      SCA is still rated nationally as one of he BEST HOA's in the USA and people who come here to shop for homes are amazed at what we get for our money. This last election, only FOUR residents stepped up to run for the Board. It's easy to sit back and complain and fail to step up to run for the Board or even attend Board and Committee meetings.
    1. From Janet Opinions

      I’m just curious.

      Do you happen to know how long our Manager’s contract is for?

      Also, has her job description ever been completed?

      Many residents who participate in games in the gallery, do not even know what she looks like.

      Why doesn’t she make herself more visible to the residents?
    2. Janet, let's take you questions one at a time.

      She has NO CONTRACT. It is "at will" and she can leave or be terminated at any time, for no reason at all.

      I've never seen her official job description, but since she was the one to draft it, does it matter what it is?

      As to the last 2 questions, first..

      Here's her picture.
      6a00d83451c1bc69e201bb08d1af10970d-pi (310×398)
      Lastly, if you had her track record, wouldn't you make yourself invisible to the public?

      Seriously, reports are that she walks Anthem Center with what more than one person has reported as a "superiority complex".

  1. Part One of Two


    Obviously there are a number of us who don't have the same "love affair" you seem to have with Ms. Seddon.

    In the minds of many, her credibility has been deteriorating for months, reaching a new low with the latest rules and regulations she has imposed on Clubs.

    First, the salaries are TOTALLY OUT OF WHACK, and those of her subordinates are every bit as OUTRAGEOUS.

    With her annual salary now at $260,000 plus the $20,000 2016 bonus PLUS THE $20,000 ONE budgeted in 2017, a CFO earning $200,000, a Community Association Manager at $100,000 and now learning that a Facilities Director is being paid $150,000+ and benefits to all...

    ... that's merely 4 people earning in excess of $700,000, or about 8% of the entire Sun City Anthem Budget, that does not translate well with those who are living on fixed incomes in a senior community.

    Put another way, that means that of the 7,144 homes, 579 of them are paying those 4 incomes alone.

    Of course, you and Mr. Nissen alongside Mr. Weddle will fully justify that income because YOU VOTED to APPROVE IT, yet YOU and Mr. Nissen and Mr. Weddle, as well as, each and every other board member who voted to pay her that income, allowed selective Board members to be the sole interviewer, had private parties, and even flew her in town on a private plane to recruit her to a position NONE OF YOU EVER HAD THE FOGGIEST IDEA AS TO WHAT IT ENTAILED.

    There was no job description; there was no back-up plan, there was only a BLANK CHECK you and the rest of the Board decided to write for one reason...

  2. Part Two of Two

    Now to Mrs. Seddon's performance.

    Since she took the reigns, a number of her reports have been BIASED.

    For example, the "sales job" on the construction default suit "conveniently omitted" pertinent information from unit owners. Where NRS 116 states any such major lawsuit requires FULL DISCLOSURE and opposing views, NONE WERE ALLOWED.

    Furthermore, The Association President LIED to the owners regarding the voting requirement in order to go forth with that suit.

    Seddon...REMAINED SILENT after the vote and did not support THE LEGAL REQUIREMENT needed to go forth.

    How about the employing of individuals who have been close personal friends with incomes that far surpass those paid to others?

    What about the workmanship of certain vendors that this article brought forth?

    How about the "sales job" on a unit owner subsidized restaurant? After all, "everyone wants a restaurant" according to her.


    And look how the latest "guidelines" have affected the Clubs... know, the organizations that are the real lifeblood of the community?

    We both know that the current liability insurer, CHUBB, is no longer going to make liability coverage available to homeowners associations at the end of 2017, and that of course means having to find a new carrier.

    The problem? The horrendous claims experience associated with us and obtaining a carrier at a reasonable premium as result.

    Somehow these risks were covered for the past 18 years under the general association liability policy, but now, the attitude is "let's pass them on to the individual clubs"?'s ok to pass on the risks to the individual clubs which in reality will cause them great harm and in some cases, an eventual death, but it's ok to charge everyone for a restaurant she claims "everyone wants" ????

    Sorry Carl, the truth of the matter is that she was hired to provide quality management with the residents best interests.

    So far, we've had an increase in dues, a construction default lawsuit filed without obtaining the necessary number of votes to go forth with one, advocating a resident paid restaurant, and now a death blow to many clubs.

    Of course, that record will undoubtedly result in another raise.

    Finally, you want to blame people for not "stepping up" to attend Board Meetings or run for political office?

    Once again, WHY WOULD ANYONE do so when those who offer solutions based on actual successful financial experience, be referred to as "complainers" by those who have never had a lick of relevant experience ?

    Go to a "work group" or whatever name you call it?

    Sure...and then sit down and be inundated with comments from individuals who all too often, have less financial acumen than those who make the decision?

    Go and listen to some GM say that "everyone wants a restaurant" when 4 have previously failed and cost us THOUSANDS ?

    So, for the time being, I don't blame people at all for not stepping up.

    No Carl, we're not the problem, IT'S THE BOARD MEMBERS WHOSE WASTE AND INABILITY TO MANAGE PROPERLY, that have caused it, and have futher complicated it by giving a BLANK CHECK to a General Manager whose record thus far....

    STINKS !
  3. From Rana Opinions

    Are Sun City Anthem salaries out of line with reality? You decide:

    Jobs requiring only a high-school education typically pay $35,000 less per year than those requiring a bachelor's degree.

    But that doesn't mean there aren't high-paying jobs out there for Americans without a college education. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 24/7 Wall St lists the 50 highest-paying jobs in the US that don't require a college degree. The lowest annual wage among those 50 jobs, which include positions like railroad conductor and building inspector, is still more than $56,000. The median annual wage in the US is $37,000. Here are the 10 highest paying jobs in the US that don't require a college education and their median annual wage:

    Nuclear power reactor operators ($91,170)
    Transportation, storage, and distribution managers ($89,190)
    First-line supervisors of police and detectives ($84,840)
    Power distributors and dispatchers ($81,900)
    Elevator installers and repairers ($78,890)
    Detectives and criminal investigators ($78,120)
    Commercial pilots ($77,200)
    Media and communication equipment workers ($75,700)
    Electrical and electronics repairers ($75,670)
    Power plant operators ($74,690)
    1. From Carl Opinions

      In reply to some comments:

      You are correct that Ms Seddon's employment is "at will". There is no contract. She can terminate herself or the Board can terminate her.

      As for Rana's salary information for NON=COLLEGE degreed jobs, Ms. Seddon HAS a degree from Michigan State University so I don't know what the comparison has to do with anything.

      As for the GM's job description, it was approved by the Board a year ago, performance objectives were set, and all of it was discussed with Ms. Seddon.

      Those who denigrate her mysteriously never mention all of the facilities that have been repaired as a result of Ms Seddon and Shawn's expertise.

      There will be THREE Board openings next year.

      I CHALLENGE the residents to come up with a slate of QUALIFIED candidates to run for office and to provide them with the finances and backing they will need to win (as the ACE group did many years ago).
    2. Carl, Rana was merely saying that there is a certain "economic worth" to every job, and if you look at the comparisons of various occupations and their incomes, you can clearly see THE GM and her "chosen ones" far exceed the norms of what most people would consider a reasonable income.

      Incidentally, just learned the Danielle of the Activities Department earns $100,000 as well.

      These incomes are absurd, and can only be considered an acceptable wage by those who have never had to meet a payroll and are pros at spending other people's money.

      So now we have 5 people accounting for $800,000 plus bonuses and benefits.

      What a joke to try and defend that outrageous sum of money for people who now have such a horrible reputation.
      1. From Barry Opinions

        Dick, in reading the comments on your article, and with recent developments from meetings I attended, I think it would be money well spent to get sensitivity training involving working with seniors, for our management team.

        Also, Carl is not correct regarding administrative expenses.

        At the board meetings it is commonly stated that any admin budget positive variances are because not all staff positions have been filled.

        It will be interesting to see the comparable numbers when all positions are filled.

      2. From Sherry Opinions

        When all the board presidents got together, the Vice President said we should give Sandy a break, she is doing the best she can.

        He said she reads the posts and they discourage her.

        He also said if she feels that way she won't be giving the job her all.


        At what we pay her, she should try harder to show us all we are wrong about her.

        This is so messed up, he also couldn't answer wether the Board takes recommendations from the GM or the GM takes recommendations from the board.

        If they don't know who is in charge how are we supposed to know.

        The management team really does need sensitivity classes to deal with seniors.

      3. Barry & Sherry,

        Based on your commentary and the attitudes shown, they don't need sensitivity training, they need a pink slip

        It's about time, they realized that the world is RESULTS ORIENTED, and that if they are incapable of doing the job, (especially at the incomes being paid), there's an army of people out there who would love to replace them.

        Mediocrity is not an acceptable standard on which to manage, and let's face it, that's what we've had for years...from both Board to Management Company. 

        When I see a comment like that from Mr. Lindberg, a Board Director, if proves my point.

        When you elect a person without the slightest idea as to how to run a business, how can you expect to "guide" one successfully? 

        Now I know why all the winning candidates refused to answer resident questions before they were elected. 

        None of them knew the answers...especially Mr. Lindberg.

        From the reports I received, this comment was generally made after viewing both his comments and actions at a recent board meeting:

        "He's a nice guy...who should have stayed the President of the Veterans Club, not the Vice President of an association."

        Looks like many were right.

        Listening to such obvious inexperienced commentary was like going to a pediatrician for a psychiatric examination.


  1. From Donny Opinions

    Definitely think we are paying more and getting much less.

    For the first time today, in the women's bathroom in Anthem Center I noticed the walls within the individual toilets needed to be cleaned. I had never noticed any dirt before.

    I also did not see any workers in Anthem from noon through passed three o'clock.

    Was it a holiday?

    And why are the ladies at the desk not addressing ticket sales anymore? They are getting paid good money for less responsibility.

    It took 24 hours to get a simple answer to a question from the office.....way too so long to get a return phone call.

  2. From Carl Opinions

    As a 13 year resident of SCA and a twice elected Board Member I can tell you that the complaints about management of SCA were just as severe when we were NOT self-managed as they are now--but for some different reasons.This community's facilities are aging and the former management company failed to maintain them in decent shape. As a result the Boards at that time had to step in to oversee many of the projects that needed to be done. Jim Mayfield was instrumental in doing that! Because of lack of attention to repairs, etc. many projects that were contracted in the last year of FSR management didn't get done in the year they were budgeted for and became issues for the new General Manager.During the FSR period, lack of attention to projects was so bad that the Board contracted with an engineering company called AMORE to oversee projects that were scheduled for completion, including repair of Liberty Center. Many of those signed contracts slopped over into the new self-management administration. A good example is the renovation of Hannamen Hall. All of that work was contracted BEFORE we hired the new GM.

    If you read Sandy's monthly report you will see that she has accomplished, in one month, more that FSR ever did in 6 months to a year of time. Another problem was that FSR did not always follow written rules/regulations and the Boards at that time (including me) were guilty of lack of oversight of that problem. Now that the GM and CAM are finally bringing procedures into line, residents are denegrating these two women. Including complaints about their salaries. Except for the fact that facility repairs come out of reserves, the regular budget is NOT costing us anymore than it did when we were not self-managed.
    SCA is still rated nationally as one of he BEST HOA's in the USA and people who come here to shop for homes are amazed at what we get for our money. This last election, only FOUR residents stepped up to run for the Board. It's easy to sit back and complain and fail to step up to run for the Board or even attend Board and Committee meetings.

  3. From Janet Opinions

    I’m just curious.

    Do you happen to know how long our Manager’s contract is for?

    Also, has her job description ever been completed?

    Many residents who participate in games in the gallery, do not even know what she looks like.

    Why doesn’t she make herself more visible to the residents?

  4. Janet, let's take you questions one at a time.

    She has NO CONTRACT. It is "at will" and she can leave or be terminated at any time, for no reason at all.

    I've never seen her official job description, but since she was the one to draft it, does it matter what it is?

    As to the last 2 questions, first..

    Here's her picture.

    Lastly, if you had her track record, wouldn't you make yourself invisible to the public?

    Seriously, reports are that she walks Anthem Center with what more than one person has reported as a "superiority complex".

  5. Part One of Two


    Obviously there are a number of us who don't have the same "love affair" you seem to have with Ms. Seddon.

    In the minds of many, her credibility has been deteriorating for months, reaching a new low with the latest rules and regulations she has imposed on Clubs.

    First, the salaries are TOTALLY OUT OF WHACK, and those of her subordinates are every bit as OUTRAGEOUS.

    With her annual salary now at $260,000 plus the $20,000 2016 bonus PLUS THE $20,000 ONE budgeted in 2017, a CFO earning $200,000, a Community Association Manager at $100,000 and now learning that a Facilities Director is being paid $150,000+ and benefits to all...

    ... that's merely 4 people earning in excess of $700,000, or about 8% of the entire Sun City Anthem Budget, that does not translate well with those who are living on fixed incomes in a senior community.

    Put another way, that means that of the 7,144 homes, 579 of them are paying those 4 incomes alone.

    Of course, you and Mr. Nissen alongside Mr. Weddle will fully justify that income because YOU VOTED to APPROVE IT, yet YOU and Mr. Nissen and Mr. Weddle, as well as, each and every other board member who voted to pay her that income, allowed selective Board members to be the sole interviewer, had private parties, and even flew her in town on a private plane to recruit her to a position NONE OF YOU EVER HAD THE FOGGIEST IDEA AS TO WHAT IT ENTAILED.

    There was no job description; there was no back-up plan, there was only a BLANK CHECK you and the rest of the Board decided to write for one reason...


  6. Part Two of Two

    Now to Mrs. Seddon's performance.

    Since she took the reigns, a number of her reports have been BIASED.

    For example, the "sales job" on the construction default suit "conveniently omitted" pertinent information from unit owners. Where NRS 116 states any such major lawsuit requires FULL DISCLOSURE and opposing views, NONE WERE ALLOWED.

    Furthermore, The Association President LIED to the owners regarding the voting requirement in order to go forth with that suit.

    Seddon...REMAINED SILENT after the vote and did not support THE LEGAL REQUIREMENT needed to go forth.

    How about the employing of individuals who have been close personal friends with incomes that far surpass those paid to others?

    What about the workmanship of certain vendors that this article brought forth?

    How about the "sales job" on a unit owner subsidized restaurant? After all, "everyone wants a restaurant" according to her.


    And look how the latest newest "guidelines" that have affected the Clubs... know, the organizations that are the real lifeblood of the community?

    We both know that the current liability insurer, CHUBB, is no longer going to make liability coverage available to homeowners associations at the end of 2017, and that of course means having to find a new carrier.

    The problem? The horrendous claims experience associated with us and obtaining a carrier at a reasonable premium as result.

    Somehow these risks were covered for the past 18 years under the general association liability policy, but now, the attitude is "let's pass them on to the individual clubs"?'s ok to pass on the risks to the individual clubs which in reality will cause them great harm and in some cases, an eventual death, but it's ok to charge everyone for a restaurant she claims "everyone wants" ????

    Sorry Carl, the truth of the matter is that she was hired to provide quality management with the residents best interests.

    So far, we've had an increase in dues, a construction default lawsuit filed without obtaining the necessary number of votes to go forth with one, advocating a resident paid restaurant, and now a death blow to many clubs.

    Of course, that record will undoubtedly result in another raise.

    Finally, you want to blame people for not "stepping up" to attend Board Meetings or run for political office?

    Once again, WHY WOULD ANYONE do so when those who offer solutions based on actual successful financial experience, be referred to as "complainers" by those who have never had a lick of relevant experience ?

    Go to "work group" or whatever name you call it?

    Sure...and then sit down and be inundated with comments from individuals who all too often, have less financial acumen than those who make the decision?

    Go and listen to some GM say that "everyone wants a restaurant" when 4 have previously failed and cost us THOUSANDS ?

    So, for the time being, I don't blame people at all for not stepping up.

    No Carl, we're not the problem, IT'S THE BOARD MEMBERS WHOSE WASTE AND INABILITY TO MANAGE PROPERLY, that have caused it, and have futher complicated it by giving a BLANK CHECK to General Manager whose record thus far....

    STINKS !

  7. From Rana Opinions

    Are Sun City Anthem salaries out of line with reality? You decide:

    Jobs requiring only a high-school education typically pay $35,000 less per year than those requiring a bachelor's degree.

    But that doesn't mean there aren't high-paying jobs out there for Americans without a college education. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 24/7 Wall St lists the 50 highest-paying jobs in the US that don't require a college degree. The lowest annual wage among those 50 jobs, which include positions like railroad conductor and building inspector, is still more than $56,000. The median annual wage in the US is $37,000. Here are the 10 highest paying jobs in the US that don't require a college education and their median annual wage:

    Nuclear power reactor operators ($91,170)
    Transportation, storage, and distribution managers ($89,190)
    First-line supervisors of police and detectives ($84,840)
    Power distributors and dispatchers ($81,900)
    Elevator installers and repairers ($78,890)
    Detectives and criminal investigators ($78,120)
    Commercial pilots ($77,200)
    Media and communication equipment workers ($75,700)
    Electrical and electronics repairers ($75,670)
    Power plant operators ($74,690)

  8. From Carl Opinions

    In reply to some comments:

    You are correct that Ms Seddon's employment is "at will". There is no contract. She can terminate herself or the Board can terminate her.

    As for Rana's salary information for NON=COLLEGE degreed jobs, Ms. Seddon HAS a degree from Michigan State University so I don't know what the comparison has to do with anything.

    As for the GM's job description, it was approved by the Board a year ago, performance objectives were set, and all of it was discussed with Ms. Seddon.

    Those who denigrate her mysteriously never mention all of the facilities that have been repaired as a result of Ms Seddon and Shawn's expertise.

    There will be THREE Board openings next year.

    I CHALLENGE the residents to come up with a slate of QUALIFIED candidates to run for office and to provide them with the finances and backing they will need to win (as the ACE group did many years ago).

  9. Carl, Rana was merely saying that there is a certain "economic worth" to every job, and if you look at the comparisons of various occupations and their incomes, you can clearly see THE GM and her "chosen ones" far exceed the norms of what most people would consider a reasonable income.

    Incidentally, just learned the Danielle of the Activities Department earns $100,000 as well.

    These incomes are absurd, and can only be considered an acceptable wage by those who have never had to met a payroll and are pros at spending other people's money.

    So now we have 6 people accounting for $800,000 plus bonuses and benefits.

    What a joke to try and defend that outrageous sum of money for people who now have such a horrible reputation.

  10. From Barry Opinions

    Dick, in reading the comments on your article, and with recent developments from meetings I attended, I think it would be money well spent to get sensitivity training involving working with seniors, for our management team.

    Also, Carl is not correct regarding administrative expenses.

    At the board meetings it is commonly stated that any admin budget positive variances are because not all staff positions have been filled.

    It will be interesting to see the comparable numbers when all positions are filled.

  11. From Sherry Opinions

    When all the board presidents got together, the Vice President said we should give Sandy a break, she is doing the best she can.

    He said she reads the posts and they discourage her.

    He also said if she feels that way she won't be giving the job her all.


    At what we pay her, she should try harder to show us all we are wrong about her.

    This is so messed up, he also couldn't answer wether the Board takes recommendations from the GM or the GM takes recommendations from the board.

    If they don't know who is in charge how are we supposed to know.

    The management team really does need sensitivity classes to deal with seniors.

  12. Barry & Sherry,

    Based on your commentary and the attitudes shown, they don't need sensitivity training, they need a pink slip.

    It's about time, they realized that the world is RESULTS ORIENTED, and that if they are incapable of doing the job, (especially at the incomes being paid), there's an army of people out there who would love to replace them.

    Mediocrity is not an acceptable standard on which to manage, and let's face it, that's what we've had for years...from both Board to Management Company.

    When I see a comment like that from Mr. Lindberg, a Board Director, if proves my point.

    When you elect a person without the slightest idea as to how to run a business, how can you expect to "guide" one successfully?

    Now I know why all the winning candidates refused to answer resident questions before they were elected.

    None of them knew the answers...especially Mr. Lindberg.

    From the reports I received, this comment was generally made after viewing both his comments and actions at a recent board meeting:

    "He's a nice guy...who should have stayed the President of the Veterans Club, not the Vice President of an association."

    Looks like many were right.

    Listening to such obvious inexperienced commentary was like going to a pediatrician for a psychiatric examination.
