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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Excuses Can't Stop Recall and "No Confidence" Petition Signings

When Exposed for Corruption
Desperation is your Only Course

As expected, the King of "Fake News",  in desperate need of maintaining the inept system to which he has been a vital part of for years, has once again become so panic stricken by the throngs of unit owners standing in line to sign recall and "no confidence" petitions, he has written an epistle as to how horrible a mistake it would be to recall the following members of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors:

Rex Weddle

Aletta Waterhouse

Thomas Nissen

Robert Burch

Of course he opens his distortions by  stating that the "proponents are part of the nastiest and most hostile element of our community".

 Let's get that out of the way right off the bat.

Those individuals CARE about Sun City Anthem and NOT ONE OF THEM has ANY DESIRE to CONTROL IT as those he constantly defends.

Those individuals are GOOD PEOPLE who care enough to say...


Those individuals who have decided to sign the petitions merely wish to live a peaceful lifestyle, not being subjected to dictums of those whose actions and voting records, would force ANY OF THEM to BE FIRED in the real world.

"Work through the election system instead", cries the fake news proponent....

...who is perhaps the LEAST capable of recommending competence when he has none to speak of, in addition to devious behavior that has included making excuse after excuse for RESTAURANT after RESTAURANT loss, and supporting BACKDOOR candidacies of WEAK individuals whom he knows, will merely be pawns to be used to control a selfish agenda... agenda that has now brought such dissension,  Sun City Anthem now faces a decision TO DEPOSE a number of them.  

"He and Rosalyn..." have been two of the most destructive elements in our society.

One has to look at the Liberty Center catastrophe  under "Rosalyn's leadership" and literally laugh (or should I say, cry) out loud. 

One of those accused of being a "nasty proponent" of the recall effort tried in VAIN to make sure the building was examined prior to acceptance.

Was it?

When the Liberty Center roof began to leak, did a responsible Board of Directors actually believe placing buckets to catch the rain, would solve the problem? 

That "band aid approach" lead to the major repairs that closed the building for a year...

...and a LIE by President Rex Weddle, promising not to go forth with formal litigation without sufficient votes obtained TO FOLLOW NEVADA LAW, has now mushroomed into a multi-million dollar lawsuit.

Good old Rosalyn...the former president of Sun City Anthem who herself, was subsequently REPLACED as President by members of her own board, as a result of INCOMPETENCE...only to be replaced with another gem named "Jack Troia", who brought Sun City Anthem the distinction of being elected to the HOA Hall of Shame.

Remember back when a lady named "Penny" built a fence that was approved by the ARC Committee and subsequently went through hell?

Let's go back in's all on

Just click here to see the antics of A PERSON who the "fake newser" backed when this individual was president of Sun City Anthem...and... attention to the part when "Good old Rosalyn" REFUSED to open the door when Darcy Spears came 'a callin"...and also REFUSED to RETURN her phone call.

If you take the time to watch his horrible act of treating a fellow resident shamefully, keep one thing in mind....



...and...their actions clearly demonstrated in this Channel 13 report, the subsequent path taken by BOARDS ever since, continously being INSENSITIVE to good people, performing acts that have harmed them personally, as well as, the  community's financial well-being .

What about another man named Norm McCullough ?

Mr. McCullough was wrongfully accused of assault and charged a fee of $500 by the then association attorney.  

(McCullough was in his 80s at the time...and witnesses stated he "accidentally" touched an individual's shoulder which triggered the harassing charge against him.)

But McCullough, despite his age, decided "to fight back"...legally.

In order to go to court in an HOA dispute, the first step is to go to "mediation" with the Nevada Real Estate Division.

Norm did that and NRED sent a letter to the Sun City Anthem Board board telling them that they cannot charge a resident for the attorney attending a meeting (which is where the hearing was held) and to return the money.

They refused.

The next step was mandatory arbitration with NRED which was won by McCullough.

.and they still refused.

The law states you cannot file any small claims action until the arbitration is completed.

However, because it took 5 to 6 years to get to that point, he then filed a Small Claims request for the $500 reimbursement...

...only to be told he had filed his action in the wrong jurisdiction.

McCullough then went to a Henderson court, along with an attorney sent by General Manager, Sandy Seddon, defending the actions of the Sun City Anthem Board.

The result...the Henderson judge determined that THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS HAD EXPIRED ,and McCullough never received his $500.

Just how much money did Sun City Anthem spend in legal fees in order to AVOID paying McCullough the funds that were ORDERED BY THE NEVADA REAL ESTATE COMMISSION?

We'll never know, but what we do know is that THIS BOARD in collaboration with an association attorney and General Manager will STOP AT NOTHING in harassing Sun City Anthem residents.

Could you be the next victim ?

Finally, we were able to get a hold of an email accidentally sent to Anthem Today's Rana Goodman, by Sun City Anthem Activities Director, Danielle Bartle... email obviously sent to her in error, but nevertheless, shows the character of the author and her view of Sun City Anthem residents.

Keep in mind, Ms. Goodman had devoted countless time, effort, and funds, in ending guardianship abuse, and that devotion eventually resulted on Governor Sandoval's signing legislation to prevent it.

A comment included in the mistakenly sent email:

"see Rana's request below, now maybe she will go back under her rock"

That...from an employee of Sun City Anthem whose exorbitant salary is PAID by residents.

That...which is an obvious example of total disrespect and contempt for a distinguished resident...

That...which a GOOD GENERAL MANAGER, should have made the proper determination as an immediate cause for termination....

That...a blogger defends the current system, and has the audacity to state proponents of the recall petitions are part of the nastiest and most hostile element of our community.

Well now, being a hypocrite.

You won't see those episodes "on the dark side", but YOU WILL SEE THEM here...where FULL DISCLOSURE is all to often, criticized by many who "can't handle the truth".

We have just begun the "history" of the "types" recommended by this devious, self-serving, hypocritical, and treacherous character.

Stay tuned....but in the meantime, sign the petitions in order to avoid these types continuing its PLAGUE on our community.

Let's us close for now by saying simply...

Those supposed "nasty people" are the ones who for years have made attempts to CLEAN UP Sun City Anthem...


Those supposed "nasty people" have tried in vain, year after year, to make people aware of atrocious acts toward residents...

..while an individual who needs a machine to exist and condone his devious and desperate actions...

...supported such acts all the way.

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:

  1. And there is still a question as to why the reasons for recall mount?

    Folks, our "star attraction" has done it again in trying to snuff the recall petitions...

    ...with comments that are so "off the wall", one has to wonder why anyone wouldn't shake their heads in disbelief.

    Shortly after we published the above article, Mr. Barnum came up with this stuff:

    "But what concerns me most is the hypocrisy of railing against expenses such as paying money to rent buses for the famous Hillary Clinton event but not being concerned about spending thousands more, however much that may be, for a removal election."

    Just how many of you believe that paying for the buses of a political candidate is a justifiable association expense?

    And the removal election costs...

    We have a copy of an email sent to him from our NRS 116 "expert", Tim Stebbins, advising him of the errors he published regarding the true costs of the election

    Did he retract his mistakes?

    Of course not. That would have been the RIGHT THING TO DO.

    Instead, he continues to MISLEAD with his "FAKE NEWS".

    Then he goes on to say the Recall Petition drive is...

    "a lazy approach to cause SCA to spend time and money on a removal process"

    Regarding the dedicated volunteers who are spending hours gathering signatures and answering inquiries, let's now insult them...

    "What you have right now is a bunch of "contact people" who are listed with first names and last-name initials only, as if they are afraid to come out into the sunshine."

    And then...

    "If there is a removal election, obtaining the required number of votes for removal is going to be a heavy load to carry, as my incoming mail tells me a large number of members are prepared to mobilize."

    (remember he dumped his blog counter to show the dwindling readership.)


    Just another desperate attempt to spew his half truths in order to save his precious corrupt system.
    1. Some people enjoy digging their own grave, and the latest "excuse" from Mr. Barnum is:

      "And the plan for what happens after a successful removal election is ......what?"

      Well now that is an excellent question...a QUESTION I SPECIFICALLY ASKED prior to the approval of self-management at a Board meeting that included Jean Capillupo, Bella Meese, and Don Schramski. 

      The only Board member who looked at me and smiled: Jim Mayfield.

      All others looked at me with a blank stair as if they were deers caught in highlights...

      ...and I never got an answer, because they never even thought of having one.

      Moral of the story, DUMP THE DOPES. They caused this eventuality for one reason...


      ...AND now Barnum wants to use it as an excuse not to have a recall?

      Incidentally, the answer is simple....Nevada law provides the answer for their replacements.

      And then there's former Director, Carl Weinstein, who has to agree with Barnum for one reason:

      He's was one of the Board members who approved the outrageous incomes paid the General Manager.


  1. And there is still a question as to why the reasons for recall mount?

    Folks, our "star attraction" has done it again in trying to snuff the recall petitions...

    ...with comments that are so "off the wall", one has to wonder why anyone wouldn't shake their heads in disbelief.

    Shortly after we published the above article, Mr. Barnum came up with this stuff:

    "But what concerns me most is the hypocrisy of railing against expenses such as paying money to rent buses for the famous Hillary Clinton event but not being concerned about spending thousands more, however much that may be, for a removal election."

    Just how many of you believe that paying for the buses of a political candidate is a justifiable association expense?

    And the removal election costs...

    We have a copy of an email sent to him from our NRS 116 "expert", Tim Stebbins, advising him of the errors he published regarding the true costs of the election.

    Did he retract his mistakes?

    Of course not. That would have been the RIGHT THING TO DO.

    Instead, he continues to MISLEAD with his "FAKE NEWS".

    Then he goes on to say the Recall Petition drives is...

    "a lazy approach to cause SCA to spend time and money on a removal process"

    Regarding the dedicated volunteers who are spending hours gathering signatures and answering inquiries, let now insult them...

    "What you have right now is a bunch of "contact people" who are listed with first names and last-name initials only, as if they are afraid to come out into the sunshine."

    And then...

    "If there is a removal election, obtaining the required number of votes for removal is going to be a heavy load to carry, as my incoming mail tells me a large number of members are prepared to mobilize."

    (remember he dumped his blog counter to show the dwindling readership.)


    Just another desperate attempt to spew his half truths in order to save his precious corrupt system.

  2. Some people enjoy digging their own grave, and the latest "excuse" from Mr. Barnum is:

    "And the plan for what happens after a successful removal election is ......what?"

    Well now that is an excellent question...a QUESTION I SPECIFICALLY ASKED prior to the approval of self-management at a Board meeting that included Jean Capillupo, Bella Meese, and Don Schramski.

    The only Board member who looked at me and smiled: Jim Mayfield.

    All others looked at me with a blank stair as if they were deers caught in highlights...

    ...and I never got an answer.

    Moral of the story, DUMP THE DOPES. They caused this eventuality for one reason...


    ...AND now Barnum wants to use it as an excuse not to have a recall?

    Incidentally, the answer is simple....Nevada law provides the answer for their replacements.

    And then there's former Director, Carl Weinstein, who has to agree with Barnum for one reason:

    He's was one of the Board members who approved the outrageous incomes paid the General Manager.
