Information Pages

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Sun City Anthem Director Silenced by Association President & Treasurer in Need to Keep Political Machine in Charge

Board Member
Sun City Anthem President & Treasurer are Obstructing Association Reform

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Nona Tobin continues to fight "City Hall" and Anthem Opinions believes you should be aware of the tactics used by "the machine" in order to stop any positive changes within the association.

You see, Nona is trying, and the "Fab 4" removal honorees, (Weddle, Waterhouse, in conjunction with Burch and Nissen)...alongside the "distorted" financial reports of  Association Treasurer, Forrest Quinn, are blocking every attempt she's made, and all to often, in a rude manner.

According to what we've learned, Ms. Tobin was SPECIFICALLY OMITTED from a Board Executive session, an action that violates NRS 116.

Ms. Tobin has made attempts to submit the following suggestions to Sun City Anthem governance, through motions she intends to submit for inclusion to the Board agenda on July 27, 2017.

Those motions concerned the following:

Reinstatement of Code of Conduct Regulations

Initiation of Unit Owner Legal Service Committee

Initiation of Unit Owner Investment & Insurance Committee

Resolving the Restaurant Issue

She has not only carefully stated those motions, but provided a detailed explanation as to their merit.

And unlike her closed-minded fellow board members, she has submitted the ideas to the community for their opinion as well.

We have published the first motion, and intend to publish the last three; however, Director Tobin, sent us information which in our opinion, clearly shows the obstructionist attitudes certain members of the Sun City Anthem Board have exhibited toward her attempts to clean up a CORRUPT system... correspondence.

We have that email correspondence.  Read it carefully, and ask yourself this question:

Do you support this behavior by Board members and believe it should continue?

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From: Aletta Waterhouse
Jul 18, 2017 at 5:05 PM
To: Nona Tobin
Cc: Rex Weddle
, Art Lindberg , Forrest Quinn , TomNissen, Bob Burch , Sandy Seddon , Lori Martin, Anneliese Gamboa 


Per the Board Policy Manual, I reviewed with Board President Weddle your four requests for action items to be placed on the Board Meeting Agenda for July 27, 2017.

Two of your items will be placed on the agenda in the following manner:

 1) Restaurant Recommendations: ­ 

In the Old Business section of the Agenda will be an Item entitled "Update on Restaurant Space ­ Sandy Seddon". Sandy will make her planned presentation and Board members may respond as they desire to her presentation.


 2) Proposal for a Legal Services Task Force. ­ 

This is item 16B, under New Business.

Your other two items, Expansion of Finance­Related Committees for Insurance & Investment and Code of Conduct, by the nature of these proposals, should not start at the Board level. You should instead make a request of the Board Liaisons to the respective Finance and Covenants Committees to have the Committees consider these proposals. After the Committees complete their consideration of these proposals, they will report their recommendations to the Board for possible action.
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From:Nona Tobin
To: Aletta Waterhouse 
Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 5:39 PM

I am waiting for Lori to tell me the source of her information that Five Star Tavern defaulted on its lease because I based my statement of its profitability on Sun City Summerlin's most current published financial statements. 

I can't put in her claim unless I verify it. 

I will submit an updated version by tomorrow.

Setting up the agenda that way, distorts the issue and prevents a full and open discussion of the alternatives. 

I'm sure Rex or Sandy told you to do it that way, but I am very disappointed in you nonetheless.

I disagree with your assertion that this is not something that should start at the Board level.

Either put the item on the agenda for action as it is written, or
I will change the item related to Insurance and Investments to be creation of a study team like for Legal Services instead of a referral to the Finance Committee.

Which way do you want it?

Nona Tobin
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From: Aletta Waterhouse 
Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 8:35 PM
To: Nona Tobin 

Nona ­

My decision stands. 

The substance of your proposal on Insurance & Investments focuses on these being a subset of Finance Committee matters and therefore needs to go through the Committee. 

I would think that you would agree with this, given your strong support of Committees as a means for homeowners to participate in Association matters, something I also support. 

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From: Nona Tobin
To: Aletta Waterhouse
Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 9:25 PM

 It's not your decision. 

Read Board Policy Manual  6.1.1.

I am putting the item on the agenda pursuant to that section. 

The motion is completely benign and it gives the Board a chance to approve something I offer, while still kicking the can down the road. 

I'm saying for the BOD to refer it. 

You are saying for me to go and ask a single member of the BOD. 

Do you see the problem? 

The BOD should refer the matter to the Finance Committee to get their opinion of whether insurance and investments should be subsets of the Finance Committee, or if they should be stand alone committees, or if the Finance committee wants to just amend their charter to incorporate these items. 

Why is this so hard? 

I'm trying to get the Board back into the habit of doing its business in public as is required by law.

Nona Tobin
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From: Nona Tobin 
Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 2:21 PM
To: Aletta Waterhouse , Anneliese Gamboa 

I revised the Insurance and investment item . 

I got the info from Summerlin about their restaurant since I didn't hear back from Lori. 
I'll finish up the corrected version on that one within the hour.

Nona Tobin
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Aletta Waterhouse

To: Nona Tobin
Cc: Anneliese Gamboa, Rex Weddle


You have two options on this item, as it is not at the point for Board action.

As previously suggested, you can work through the Finance Committee liaison and submit this proposal to them for consideration. 

Or it can be added to the Board Meeting Agenda as a discussion item, with no action to be taken, since this is an entirely new proposal and should have complete vetting. If you select the latter, then please change your document to remove the motion.
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Nona Tobin
Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 5:40 PM

To: Aletta Waterhouse
Cc: Anneliese Gamboa , Rex Weddle 

All it does is set up a group to look at the idea. 

 It says the groups will work closely with the Finance Committee. The whole idea is for the full and complete vetting to get done by interested residents in conjunction with the Finance Committee.

I don't know what "vetting" is needed to make a referral which is what I did the first time or to create a study group which is what I did to try to accommodate your concerns.

Given that the Board Policy Manual states:

6.1.1 A. Agenda schedule. 

"Directors place items on the agenda by notifying the President and Secretary by Monday 10 days prior to the meeting." 

I met this requirement.

6.1.1 Agenda contents

"The support of three Directors will be necessary to place a motion inconsistent with Board Policy on the agenda." 

(Forming work groups is consistent with Board policy so this is not a factor). 

" A single Director may have any other item, including a motion to amend Board Policy, placed on the agenda."

I am choosing to have my new motion to be on the Agenda as an action item. 

What is the harm? 

Some poor soul has to second it on the motion chart, and then you can all vote against it if you choose. 

I really think you guys are going out of your way to make things difficult for me. And to what end? 

Do you think I am violating my fiduciary duty by spending many hours crafting these proposals? 

Do you in your heart of hearts really think you are acting in the best interests of the association by refusing to give my reasoned proposals a fair hearing and public vote just because I made them?

Nona Tobin
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Aletta Waterhouse Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 6:41 PM
To: Nona Tobin
Cc: Anneliese Gamboa , Rex Weddle 


I'm not preventing your proposals from having a fair hearing. In fact, the proposal to have this referred to the Finance Committee, where some of the volunteer expertise resides, allows for multiple hearings on this, first at their level, and then at the Board level no matter what the Finance Committee recommendation is.

You know your two choices. 

Please select one & let us know by 7:30 pm.

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This is what a member of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors goes through to better a community.

Who would have an objection to anything so valuable as the establishment of a resident committee to analyze and make insurance and investment recommendations?

Obviously bureaucrats....Rex Weddle and Aletta Watherhouse...

... whose actions must be eliminated... removal.

If you know of anyone who has not yet signed the removal petitions, contact  the Petition coordinator, Robert N. at:

Got a comment?  Send it to us at:
  1. Wow. Unbelievable. Truly Obstructionist. Thanks for keeping us informed.
  2. From Buddy Opinions

    Nona Tobin was elected for many reasons. One was to represent the people.

    To bring new ideas and refresh some of the older principles that just make sense.

    It appears that Rex Weddle thinks he is just smarter than everyone else.

    Nona brings new motions to the board and cannot get them added the agenda for discussion and vote.

    Aletta seems to be his sidekick and agree with everything that King Rex says.

    Rex does not represent me.

    Do you trust his decisions to mold the future of SCA?

    That is why the recall petition is so important.

    I would hope that every person that agrees with this would find one additional friend or neighbor to sign the petition for a recall vote.

    Rex and his band of followers need to clearly get this message.

    The recall petition is that message.
    1. From Nona Opinions

      The draft Board book was released yesterday, but you probably haven't seen it. 
    2. Here is a link to it since it is really hard to find on the website.
    3. Here's a few things to notice:

      1. My action item on the code of conduct policy is not on the agenda at all because it was blocked by Rex and Aletta. I am going to review it and add a Code of Ethics sample (attached) that I got from the free and public NRED "HOA Boards and Ethics" training that the Board is refusing to take because they have chosen instead to PAY attorney Clarkson and exclude homeowners from participating to train the Board (next Tuesday, 1 PM, in the Greene Room). I questioned the legality and the common sense of doing this, but Rex told me I didn't have to come to their training; that I could get trained on my own.

      2. My action item on study on setting up resident advisory committees for insurance/risk management and investments was also blocked as i told you all yesterday. What i didn't mention how this is part of a much bigger strategy on the part of Rex et al and the GM to disempower committees under the mistaken belief that abdicating more power to Sandy Seddon and silencing the diverse voices in the community is somehow better for the community. We have really smart people living here who are willing to use their expertise to do really boring tasks to see why our insurance claims are so high. Why not let them?

      Why would it be better for us to pay staff to do work that residents with greater expertise have offered to do for free?

      An except from Rex's May President's report in the Spirit describes the wrong-headed direction of disempowering committees/service groups I am trying to get the Board to reverse. We should be creating more opportunities for residents to be involved, not just to save the association money, but to create a sense of belonging, connection and purpose, and to contribute to keeping SCA a great place to live.

      Just having a couple of Board members decide the fate of committees by asking the GM how it should be is not as good a method as involving the owners to give them a say in how they want the organization to function.

      The recent issue over the security patrol's first aid kits exemplifies why I am opposed to management taking charge of the service groups without appropriate oversight.

      Next, really will be the restaurant item!
      1. From Robert Opinions

        It never ceases to amaze me how this Board carefully follows (or interprets) the regulations TO THEIR BENEFIT.
        1. From Tim Opinions

          This behavior is outrageous.

          Nona is trying hard to make our community better, and Rex and Aletta are vindictive and abusive in trying to block her. That is tragic.

          Wow do we need a removal election.


  1. Wow. Unbelievable. Truly Obstructionist. Thanks for keeping us informed.

  2. From Buddy Opinions

    Nona Tobin was elected for many reasons. One was to represent the people.

    To bring new ideas and refresh some of the older principles that just make sense.

    It appears that Rex Weddle thinks he is just smarter than everyone else.

    Nona brings new motions to the board and cannot get them added the agenda for discussion and vote.

    Aletta seems to be his sidekick and agree with everything that King Rex says.

    Rex does not represent me.

    Do you trust his decisions to mold the future of SCA?

    That is why the recall petition is so important.

    I would hope that every person that agrees with this would find one additional friend or neighbor to sign the petition for a recall vote.

    Rex and his band of followers need to clearly get this message.

    The recall petition is that message.

  3. From Nona Opinions

    The draft Board book was released yesterday, but you probably haven't seen it. Here is a link to it since it is really hard to find on the website,

    Here's a few things to notice:

    1. My action item on the code of conduct policy is not on the agenda at all because it was blocked by Rex and Aletta. I am going to review it and add a Code of Ethics sample (attached) that I got from the free and public NRED "HOA Boards and Ethics" training that the Board is refusing to take because they have chosen instead to PAY attorney Clarkson and exclude homeowners from participating to train the Board (next Tuesday, 1 PM, in the Greene Room). I questioned the legality and the common sense of doing this, but Rex told me I didn't have to come to their training; that I could get trained on my own.

    2. My action item on study on setting up resident advisory committees for insurance/risk management and investments was also blocked as i told you all yesterday. What i didn't mention how this is part of a much bigger strategy on the part of Rex et al and the GM to disempower committees under the mistaken belief that abdicating more power to Sandy Seddon and silencing the diverse voices in the community is somehow better for the community. We have really smart people living here who are willing to use their expertise to do really boring tasks to see why our insurance claims are so high. Why not let them?

    Why would it be better for us to pay staff to do work that residents with greater expertise have offered to do for free?

    An except from Rex's May President's report in the Spirit describes the wrong-headed direction of disempowering committees/service groups I am trying to get the Board to reverse. We should be creating more opportunities for residents to be involved, not just to save the association money, but to create a sense of belonging, connection and purpose, and to contribute to keeping SCA a great place to live.

    Just having a couple of Board members decide the fate of committees by asking the GM how it should be is not as good a method as involving the owners to give them a say in how they want the organization to function.

    The recent issue over the security patrol's first aid kits exemplifies why I am opposed to management taking charge of the service groups without appropriate oversight.

    Next, really will be the restaurant item!

  4. From Robert Opinions

    It never ceases to amaze me how this Board carefully follows (or interprets) the regulations TO THEIR BENEFIT.

  5. From Tim Opinions

    This behavior is outrageous.

    Nona is trying hard to make our community better, and Rex and Aletta are vindictive and abusive in trying to block her. That is tragic.

    Wow do we need a removal election.
