Information Pages

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Has Sun City Anthem Board Finally Gone Too Far ?

Sun City Anthem Board 
Removes Director Nona Tobin
Without Due Process in Backroom Meeting

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In a stunning series of events, the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors met in executive session and decided Board member,  Nona Tobin, "had to go", on Thursday, August 24, 2017.

From what we have learned, moments before the Board meeting, Ms. Tobin was handed an envelope by Vice President Art Lindberg which apparently stated she was immediately removed from the Sun City Anthem Board.

The decision was made during a Board executive session shortly before the actual Board meeting.

When a resident asked the Association Attorney on what grounds the action had been taken?

The Attorney merely stated "I don't have to tell you, ask Nona."

In the entire 18 year history of Sun City Anthem, nothing like this has ever taken place.

There was little doubt Nona Tobin "made waves" in her valiant attempt to reform the Sun City Anthem, but complete removal without even the slightest warning, complete disregard for Nevada law and SCA CC&Rs, and trashing due process to deny her a fair hearing?

Any Board member who condoned this treatment should be ashamed of themselves. 

Do they have no sense of conscience? 


So what is their ultimate goal?

Have they sent a message to the residents who elected her that:

"Your votes mean nothing"

Have they set a precedent saying:

 "If you don't go along with us, we will humiliate you and make sure you are removed from office"

I have resided in this community for 12 years, and yes, I have on numerous occasions, disagreed with many of our leaders.

But never, have I ever been ashamed of Sun City Anthem....

...until today !

I need time to absorb the full ramifications of the stab in the heart of democracy and lawful governance that took place.

In the mean time, I urge you to flood this blog with your thoughts on what happened today, and make sure your neighbors and friends are aware of this travesty...

...that the matter of their removal is no longer a question of "if", but "when".

I also ask you to take a moment to send Nona Tobin a note expressing your sadness as well.  She may have been a Board member, but she's also a human being with feelings.

...and tell her to "keep up the fight". 

After all, we can't afford to lose an individual who "tried to make life a better experience", and was rebuked by those who will stop at nothing to maintain their evil ways....yes, evil.

Nona's email address is:

Anthem Opinions Administration

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 Got a comment?  Send it to us at:
  1. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Removal of Nona was vindictive. The BOD was exacting retribution for the petitions.

    Childish and Disgusting!
  2. From Bill Opinions

    I found the CC&R section that gives the BOD the authority to remove any director that they don't agree with..

    I don't know why we hold elections when the board has that type of authority.
  3. From Barbara Opinions

    Why and how did the current Board remove Ms. Tobin as a Director?

    It was announced at today's meeting but no explanation given.
  4. You'r incorrect, Barbara. As per the question posed by Rana Goodman to the Association attorney:

    "I don't have to tell you, ask Nona".

    This is what we are paying a lawyer for !
  5. From Victor Opinions

    If SC board members are removed in a recall, what's to keep them from running in the next election?

    I don't remember there being a lot of candidates beyond the current board.
  6. Nothing, Victor.

    On the other side of the coin, if they are removed, the remaining two (Lindberg and Quinn), will undoubtedly name one of their own disgusting kind to replace them, maintaining this corrupt system. And if they do, get ready for yet ANOTHER recall petition drive to remove them as well.
  7. From Barbara Opinions

    I guess the petitions to remove the 4 individuals on the board scared them because they figured if they got rid of Nona, there would be no one left to run our community.

    I didn't think it was possible to just get rid of a board member, but I haven't read the CCR's. That means they are worried about the recall and that is a good thing.

    The only problem is that, at this point, no one will probably want to even run for the board.
  8. From Tito Opinions

    Can you believe this? What is going on with our Board?
  9. What's going on ?

    Insanity, retribution and paranoia paid for in the form of attorney whose only concern is DOLLAR SIGNS, showing little conscience toward those who reside in SCA, and following the EXPENSIVE MARCHING ORDERS of what now should be considered the most CORRUPT and VINDICTIVE BUNCH in the history of SCA.

    That's what's going on with our board now, Tito.
  10. From Buddy Opnions

    Let me get this straight. We, the ASSOCIATION, hire a pompous lawyer who charges us, the community, lots of money to figure out a way to toss a board member, that we the community voted in to leave the board because 6 dolts were afraid of the peoples choice ?

    I would also ask readers to flood the mailboxes of the current board members.
  11. Buddy, I couldn't have said it any clearer than you.

    Yes, they did.
  12. From Vincent Opinions

    All of us should be given a complete explanation for why Nora was removed from the Board.

    This is a disgrace.

    This is not a dictatorship and SCA is not a third world country.
  13. If this is what they can do now, can you imagine what they will do later if we allow them to remain on the Board?

    They may have removed Nona in the rude and disturbing manner in which they have, but what they haven't realized is that they have also "awakened a sleeping giant"...the residents of Sun City Anthem", who, until now, may have wondered WHY the removal election was called.

    Anthem Opinions and the contents of the petitions stated EXACTLY WHY they must be removed,, and after this latest act, ANY PERSON who defends this latest act , should be looked on as every bit as EVIL as those THEY THEY WISH TO RETAIN.

    If OSCAR, those who are campaigning to retain these revolting individuals, come to your door, I suggest you do what I plan to to do.

    Just look at them, say nothing, SPIT AT THEIR FEET, and SLAM THE DOOR ON their DISGUSTING FACES.

    But...if you feel you must address them in some manner, just say "BE GONE SATAN".

    That is the effective manner to address those who ARE PROMOTING EVIL.
    1. From Patrick Opinions

      Well, guess that reinforces our fears about this corrupt Board.

      What do we do next?
    2. Patrick, as per my the plea in the main article, call you neighbors and friends and tell them what has taken place.

      Send this link to them that shows not just the original article, but the many comments sent to Anthem Opinions by Sun City Anthem Residents we have reprinted who have expressed their opinions on the matter.
    3. And most importantly, when you get the Removal Ballot, CHECK ALL the boxes to remove what can now only be referred to as "the curse on Sun City Anthem integrity".
      1. From Rana Opinions

        As a "student of NRS 116" for many, many years I have never heard of a statute allowing a board to remove a fellow director from the board without a hearing by a higher authority... The association attorney does NOT count as a "higher authority", the real estate commission, or NRED as we call it does.

        I asked attorney Clarkson to please repeat the statute used and he refused to give it to me. Why do you think that was? Even John Leach wouldn't have pulled that number.

        I highly recommend Nona take this issue to NRED and believe it or not, I'm missing John Leach these days.
  1. From Valerie Opinions

    They did to Nona what they did to Bob Frank.

    Things look very grim for any positive changes at SCA.

    Disgusting and very sad!
    1. From Lynda Opinions

      I like the people here very much for the most part they're friendly.

      I dislike the board intensely, and that's why I won't buy.

      Friends of mine from Los Angeles come up here, they look around they see a lovely community, they find it to be a place they think about moving to and then they ask about the board and that pretty much takes care of their decision to move here.

      I have sat on condo boards in Los Angeles for over 6 years and I've never seen anything like this. I find it embarrassing that people in our community have allowed this to happen.

      One would think that at the back half of our lives, people would be a little more gracious, patient and kind. These people are not, they are simply angry people. What a way to close out their life.
      1. I fear that as Nona was targeted so will the Petition signors since this BOD is obviously so vindictive. I am sure they will review each name and determine how they can extract the most damage. Will the Mah Jongg Club not have the rooms set up for our events since I signed the Petitions? Will someone else not get ARC approval for improvements? Will there be general harassment? I put nothing past the group of Inglorious Buffoons.
        1. From Carolyn Opinions

          It is so sad that the Board does not conduct themselves in a professional manner.

          This does not have the members best interest. I hope you fight this. Even though I’m not active, I know right from wrong.
        2. From Laura Opinions

          Who are these "Hitler" type people and where did they come from?

          How do they remove a Board member whom the majority of homeowners voted for?

          Don't you think this is getting out of hand?

          It already is out of hand.

          What's the deal here...........their way or the highway?

          I think this whole matter has overstayed it's welcome.

          I'm tired of it as I'm sure most of us are. Please, let's end this now.
        3. From Robin & Ron Opinions

          This makes me and my husband sick!

          This board is just doing whatever they want with our community and our money!

          I already know people who have moved away because they see the writing on the wall.

          Concerned home values will drop; dues will skyrocket;, and our wonderful community will be no more.

          Making us sick to our stomachs. So sad.

          Have we no recourse?
        4. Yes we do, It's called REMOVAL.
        5. From Bill Opinions

          Who is running this board?

          As I witnessed at the board meeting, Berman gestures to Weddle to cut a speaker off, and Weddle complies

          Is Weddle, Berman's mini-me?
          1. From Linda Opinions

            I do not personally know Nina Tobin, nor the "Board's" justification for her removal, but I would suggest there seems to be grounds for legal recourse.

            Have the "Board" members become so concerned over the "petition work" that they want to reduce their numbers to those of like minds?

            One thing is certain, our "board" members do not understand HR protocol!

            To me, they have again justified the reason for their recall.
            1. From Mike Opinions

              Pretty obvious Dick..she wouldn't play ball with the crooks.
            2. From Kim Opinions

              I'm new to SCA. Only lived here for 2 months but I'm interested in what's going on with the board and with the swift removal of Nona Tobin.

              From what little I read on your blog, it seems that the board is not interested in operating in a professional manner.

              I definitely plan to attend the next board meeting to try and get a better understanding about my community and those who are running it.
            3. Nice to hear that, Kim. After you do, make sure you send us your thoughts.

              Bring your friends and "No Doze".
              1. From Dave Opinions

                Wow! Absolutely explosive!

                Have these board members TOTALLY and completely lost ALL INTEGRITY?

                Remember those secret meetings excluding Nona???
                1. I read all the comments and as anyone who wrote to you, Dick, I'm just plain disgusted. The nerve, the gall, the chutzpah of them to do this. I personally found someone that I could honestly believe in on that fateful day when they were on the stage and offering what we needed.

                  I cannot imagine what will happen from here, but this all reeks of fear and loathing for these worthless (other) board members.
                2. Joanne and Jeff, your comments are more than appreciated, but years have elapsed hoping your wishes would come true without success, worsening with the passage of time.

                  All of us who came here had hoped that common sense and kindness would prevail in a mature senior environment; however, the problems we have today can best be described as "terminal cancer".

                  So many have tried to "nip" this disease in its infancy, yet so many have ignored the affect of that "cancer" that, year after year, has eaten the heart and soul of a community.

                  With the removal of Nona, that "cancer" has now proven to be "terminal".

                  If untreated and allowed to grow, our health will deteriorate at a pace that will accelerate its end.

                  That is the stage we at now at in Sun City Anthem.

                  Either remove it entirely NOW, or die a painful moral, ethical, and financial death by allowing these individuals, or those similar to them, to remain in control of our association and its lifestyle.

                  We must REMOVE THEM. Their actions have left no other choice.
                3. From Phillip Opinions

                  I thought I had left Chicago style politics in Chicago when I moved from IL to NV 3 weeks ago.

                  Well, I guess I won't get homesick by living in Henderson, NV - it's like I had never left home with all of the unethical political moves made by the SCA Board of Directors.
                  1. From Barbara Opinions

                    I was there and could not believe what was happening.

                    This was an underhanded, cowardly way to remove a Board member.

                    Nona was elected, not appointed. What about those voters/residents?

                    Besides, has anyone read the By Laws(CC&Rs)regarding removal of Directors and Vacancies.

                    I think what happened was not legal.
                  2. Barbara, we strongly urge to you and others to contact Nona Tobin and encourage her to pursue this outrageous action taken against her.

                    Without her actively pursuing it, we will be left with the Board decision.

                    Right now, she strongly needs your support.

                    Rejecting the wishes of the 2,000+ unit owners who voted her into office a few short months ago, is an action this Board MUST PAY removing them.


  1. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Removal of Nona was vindictive. The BOD was exacting retribution for the petitions.

    Childish and Disgusting!

  2. From Bill Opinions

    I found the CC&R section that gives the BOD the authority to remove any director that they don't agree with..

    I don't know why we hold elections when the board has that type of authority.

  3. From Barbara Opinions

    Why and how did the current Board remove Ms. Tobin as a Director?

    It was announced at today's meeting but no explanation given.

  4. You'r incorrect, Barbara. As per the question posed by Rana Goodman to the Association attorney:

    "I don't have to tell you, ask Nona".

    This is what we are paying a lawyer for !

  5. From Victor Opinions

    If SC board members are removed in a recall, what's to keep them from running in the next election?

    I don't remember there being a lot of candidates beyond the current board.

  6. Nothing, Victor.

    On the other side of the coin, if they are removed, the remaining two (Lindberg and Quinn), will undoubtedly name one of their own disgusting kind to replace them, maintaining this corrupt system.

    And if they do, get ready for yet ANOTHER recall petition drive to remove them as well.

  7. From Barbara Opinions

    I guess the petitions to remove the 4 individuals on the board scared them because they figured if they got rid of Nona, there would be no one left to run our community.

    I didn't think it was possible to just get rid of a board member, but I haven't read the CCR's. That means they are worried about the recall and that is a good thing.

    The only problem is that, at this point, no one will probably want to even run for the board.

  8. From Tito Opinions

    Can you believe this? What is going on with our Board?

  9. What's going on ?

    Insanity, retribution and paranoia paid for in the form of attorney whose only concern is DOLLAR SIGNS, showing little conscience toward those who reside in SCA, and following the EXPENSIVE MARCHING ORDERS of what now should be considered the most CORRUPT and VINDICTIVE BUNCH in the history of SCA.

    That's what's going on with our board now, Tito.

  10. From Buddy Opnions

    Let me get this straight. We, the ASSOCIATION, hire a pompous lawyer who charges us, the community, lots of money to figure out a way to toss a board member, that we the community voted in to leave the board because 6 dolts were afraid of the peoples choice ?

    I would also ask readers to flood the mailboxes of the current board members.

  11. Buddy, I couldn't have said it any clearer than you.

    Yes, they did.

  12. From Vincent Opinions

    All of us should be given a complete explanation for why Nora was removed from the Board.

    This is a disgrace.

    This is not a dictatorship and SCA is not a third world country.

  13. If this is what they can do now, can you imagine what they will do later if we allow them to remain on the Board?

    They may have removed Nona in the rude and disturbing manner in which they have, but what they haven't realized is that they have also "awakened a sleeping giant"...the residents of Sun City Anthem", who, until now, may have wondered WHY the removal election was called.

    Anthem Opinions and the contents of the petitions stated EXACTLY WHY they must be removed,, and after this latest act, ANY PERSON who defends this latest act , should be looked on as every bit as EVIL as those THEY THEY WISH TO RETAIN.

    If OSCAR, those who are campaigning to retain these revolting individuals, come to your door, I suggest you do what I plan to to do.

    Just look at them, say nothing, SPIT AT THEIR FEET, and SLAM THE DOOR ON their DISGUSTING FACES.

    But...if you feel you must address them in some manner, just say" BEGONE SATAN.

    That is the effective manner to address those who ARE PROMOTING EVIL.

  14. From Patrick Opinions

    Well, guess that reinforces our fears about this corrupt Board.

    What do we do next?

  15. Patrick, as per my the plea in the main article, call you neighbors and friends and tell them what has taken place.

    Send this link to them that shows not just the original article, but the many comments sent to Anthem Opinions by Sun City Anthem Residents we have reprinted who have expressed their opinions on the matter.

    And most importantly, when you get the Removal Ballot, CHECK ALL the boxes to remove what can now only be referred to as "the curse on Sun City Anthem integrity".

  16. From Rana Opinions

    As a "student of NRS 116" for many, many years I have never heard of a statute allowing a board to remove a fellow director from the board without a hearing by a higher authority... The association attorney does NOT count as a "higher authority", the real estate commission, or NRED as we call it does.

    I asked attorney Clarkson to please repeat the statute used and he refused to give it to me. Why do you think that was? Even John Leach wouldn't have pulled that number.

    I highly recommend Nona take this issue to NRED and believe it or not, I'm missing John Leach these days.

  17. From Valerie Opinions

    They did to Nona what they did to Bob Frank.

    Things look very grim for any positive changes at SCA.

    Disgusting and very sad!

  18. From Lynda Opinions

    I like the people here very much for the most part they're friendly.

    I dislike the board intensely, and that's why I won't buy.

    Friends of mine from Los Angeles come up here, they look around they see a lovely community, they find it to be a place they think about moving to and then they ask about the board and that pretty much takes care of their decision to move here.

    I have sat on condo boards in Los Angeles for over 6 years and I've never seen anything like this. I find it embarrassing that people in our community have allowed this to happen.

    One would think that at the back half of our lives, people would be a little more gracious, patient and kind. These people are not, they are simply angry people. What a way to close out their life.

  19. I fear that as Nona was targeted so will the Petition signors since this BOD is obviously so vindictive. I am sure they will review each name and determine how they can extract the most damage. Will the Mah Jongg Club not have the rooms set up for our events since I signed the Petitions? Will someone else not get ARC approval for improvements? Will there be general harassment? I put nothing past the group of Inglorious Buffoons,

  20. From Carolyn Opinions

    It is so sad that the Board does not conduct themselves in a professional manner.

    This does not have the members best interest. I hope you fight this. Even though I’m not active, I know right from wrong.

  21. From Laura Opinions

    Who are these "Hitler" type people and where did they come from?

    How do they remove a Board member whom the majority of homeowners voted for?

    Don't you think this is getting out of hand?

    It already is out of hand.

    What's the deal here...........their way or the highway?

    I think this whole matter has overstayed it's welcome.

    I'm tired of it as I'm sure most of us are. Please, let's end this now.

  22. From Robin & Ron Opinions

    This makes me and my husband sick!

    This board is just doing whatever they want with our community and our money!

    I already know people who have moved away because they see the writing on the wall.

    Concerned home values will drop; dues will skyrocket;, and our wonderful community will be no more.

    Making us sick to our stomachs. So sad.

    Have we no recourse?

  23. From Bill Opinions

    Who is running this board?

    As I witnessed at the board meeting, Berman gestures to Weddle to cut a speaker off, and Weddle complies

    Is Weddle, Berman's mini-me?

  24. From Linda Opinions

    I do not personally know Nina Tobin, nor the "Board's" justification for her removal, but I would suggest there seems to be grounds for legal recourse.

    Have the "Board" members become so concerned over the "petition work" that they want to reduce their numbers to those of like minds?

    One thing is certain, our "board" members do not understand HR protocol!

    To me, they have again justified the reason for their recall.

  25. From Mike Opinions

    Pretty obvious Dick..she wouldn't play ball with the crooks.

  26. From Kim Opinions

    I'm new to SCA. Only lived here for 2 months but I'm interested in what's going on with the board and with the swift removal of Nona Tobin.

    From what little I read on your blog, it seems that the board is not interested in operating in a professional manner.

    I definitely plan to attend the next board meeting to try and get a better understanding about my community and those who are running it.

  27. Nice to hear that, Kim. After you do, make sure you send us your thoughts.

    Bring your friends and "No Doze".

  28. From Dave Opinions

    Wow! Absolutely explosive!

    Have these board members TOTALLY and completely lost ALL INTEGRITY?

    Remember those secret meetings excluding Nona???

  29. From Joanne & Jeff Opinions

    I have tried to stay out of the fracas that is going on in our community but this is outrageous.

    The board has taken it upon themselves to discount my vote and silence my voice.

    Wow, what happened to each of us having a vote and a voice in the happenings of our community?

    I have been following the events and just cannot believe the rudeness, and disrespect that is happening in SCA.

    We were all brought up to respect alternate opinions and ideas.

    I'm sorry HOA board, but you cannot dismiss a board member that was legally voted in by the dues paying members of our community.

    What reasons were given for this action?

    I have not heard of any infraction Nona has participated in and would seriously like to be aware of the reasons for Nona's dismissal.

    I believe we dues paying members have this right.

    The board members should realize that we all live here together under rules that we have consented to for the good of the people. We voted, and our voices should be adhered to. Get along please,it's your duty.

    It's time for a community meeting to discuss any grievances that are festering.

  30. I read all the comments and as anyone who wrote to you Dick is just plain disgusted. The nerve, the gall, the chutzpah of them to do this. I personally found someone that I could honestly believe in on that fateful day when they were on the stage and offering what we needed.

    I cannot imagine what will happen from here, but this all reeks of fear and loathing for these worthless (other) board members.

  31. Joanne and Jeff, your comments are more than appreciated, but years have elapsed hoping your wishes would come true without success, worsening with the passage of time.

    All of us who came here had hoped that common sense and kindness would prevail in a mature senior environment; however, the problems we have today can best be described as "terminal cancer".

    So many have tried to "nip" this disease in its infancy, yet so many have ignored the affect of that "cancer" that, year after year, has eaten the heart and soul of a community.

    With the removal of Nona, that "cancer" has now proven to be "terminal".

    If untreated and allowed to grow, our health will deteriorate at a pace that will accelerate its end.

    That is the stage we at now at in Sun City Anthem.

    Either remove it entirely NOW, or die a painful moral, ethical, and financial death by allowing these individuals, or those similar to them, to remain in control of our association and its lifestyle.

    We must REMOVE THEM. Their actions have left no other choice.

  32. From Phillip Opinions

    I thought I had left Chicago style politics in Chicago when I moved from IL to NV 3 weeks ago.

    Well, I guess I won't get homesick by living in Henderson, NV - it's like I had never left home with all of the unethical political moves made by the SCA Board of Directors.

  33. From Barbara Opinions

    I was there and could not believe what was happening.

    This was an underhanded, cowardly way to remove a Board member.

    Nona was elected, not appointed. What about those voters/residents?

    Besides, has anyone read the By Laws(CC&Rs)regarding removal of Directors and Vacancies.

    I think what happened was not legal.

  34. Barbara, we strongly urge to you and others to contact Nona Tobin and encourage her to pursue this outrageous action taken against her.

    Without her actively pursuing it, we will be left with the Board decision.

    Right now, she strongly needs your support.

    Rejecting the wishes of the 2,000+ unit owners who voted her into office a few short months ago, is an action this Board MUST PAY removing them.
