Information Pages

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Spirit Magazine's President's Report...Just Another Ploy to Inhibit Sun City Anthem Removal Process

Sun City Anthem  Biased "Treasurer's Report"
Inside "President's Report"
in August issue of "The Spirit"
Just Another Act at Duping Residents

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All unit owners of Sun City Anthem receive the monthly edition of "The Spirit" magazine, but in the August issue, the current President (and subject of an Election Removal) has decided to incorporate a Treasurer's Report...for what,  in our opinion, appears to have one objective... UNLAWFULLY interfere with a Removal election in which he is being subjected to REMOVAL.

This was not the first time this had taken place.

Originally, Forrest Quinn, the Association Treasurer, sent out a mass elbast to those who subscribe to the Sun City Anthem eblast system with his report, something RARELY if ever seen, and...

...all too close to the announcement of the Removal Petition effort

Does anyone actually believe this was mere coincidence ?

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That same day, Activities Director, Danielle Bartletook it upon herself during NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS  to VIOLATE Sun City Anthem CCRs by sending an email to ALL CLUB presidents asking them to forward the contents of Quinn's Report to their membership.

Does anyone actually believe that wasn't an attempt to influence the Removal effort ?

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And... we have documented evidence that a number of club presidents further violated Sun City Anthem guidelines by forwarding Quinn's report to their members. 

Did the forwarding of Bartle's request to send the Quinn report to their members have anything to do with their club activities?

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Once those club presidents realized they had violated Sun City Anthem CCRs, did ANY ONE OF THEM send a follow-up email to their members indicating they had made an error in doing so?

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Were any of those club presidents chastised by the Community Lifestyle Committee for violating Sun City Anthem CCR guidelines?

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Does that tell you the magnitude of "THE MACHINE", and just how "controlled" our lives are as a result their corrupt influence in carefully approving only those who will follow their every wish?

Did that stop the Removal effort?

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If anything, it fueled it by the obvious attempt of a Board Treasurer, in cooperation with a Sun City Anthem

Pull the wool over the eyes
 of an unsuspecting association membership

Bartle has NEVER BEEN CHASTISED for her actions, and of course she is under the direction of General Manager, Sandy Seddon, who is also the subject of a massive "No Confidence" petition.

Does the inaction of the General Manager, Seddon, infer that SUCH BEHAVIOR IS ACCEPTABLE...

...that this is what the path of  "self-management" has been allowed to travel, and will so in the future?

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Obviously, IT DOES, or corrective action would have been taken.

This article was originally published by Anthem Opinions on July 6, 2017:

Note that former Finance member, Barry GoldsteinREFUTED Quinn's report, and Anthem Opinions concluded the article hoping Quinn would respond to Goldstein's comments.

We know Quinn was aware of the article because he is a subscriber to Anthem Opinions.

Did Quinn respond?

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Instead...he did what so many other members of "the machine" have practiced year in and year out...

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HE IGNORED the request.

Mr. Goldstein further rebutted the report of $200,000 per year salaried Association Chief Financial Officer, Jim Orlick, on July 28, 2017:

Neither Quinn or Orlick have in any way made an attempt to address Goldstein's concerns.

Was their SILENCE yet another example of INFLUENCING the Removal effort?

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Finally...there is the matter of the August, 2017 issue of the Spirit Magazine.

In our opinion, these many attempts to stonewall the Removal have yet to be effective. does "the machine" make sure each and every member of the Sun City Anthem community is aware of their corrupt objective of maintaining a stranglehold on its members?

They "use" our official magazine to spread their half-truths and propaganda to unsuspecting people, and conveniently banning others from ever publishing an opposing view.

Do those who favor the Removal effort receive any official opportunity to tell their side of the story ?

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Keep that in mind as the removal process continues.
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Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. One correction. The Clubs were not asked to send out Quinn's information. While it was polite, with a "please", we were told to "share the information". There was no "Will we?" "Can we consider?". It was a directive from the Activities Dept. to which the CLC determined that no response on their part was appropriate because "it is not appropriate for CLC as a committee to take action on the activities
    of individual SCA residents." I don't know if that means it is viewed by CLC that Quinn was not acting in his capacity as a member of the BOD or Danielle was not acting in her capacity as the Director of Activities or both.I could not pursue it further because I felt the rhetoric was just designed to confuse rather than clarify and resolve.
  2. From Patricia Opinions

    I am so tired of all the B.S. the SCA Board members are spreading and all the half-truths and downright lies they are posting for us to read!

    I'm tired of the truth we are not receiving and the money they are spending for employees who don't know how to run this organization in a cost efficient manner!

    I'm tired of how the Board members have been arbitrarily deciding which CC&R rules to follow and which ones to ignore!. They seem to think they can pick and choose!

    I'm sick to see all this happening under our noses and so sad that more residents aren't speaking up! What a sad state of affairs!

    And just as a side note: The ladies' locker room, in my opinion, still looked new and seemed to function perfectly, yet the Board decided it needed to be remodeled.

    Yet they seem to ignore the disgusting state of the flooring in the Anthem building, where prospective new residents come to check our our facilities!

    Take a look, the next time you walk through Anthem.

    The tiles are cracked beyond what should be acceptable to anyone! And the cracks travel across many tiles and in many directions!

    The grout is so dirty, and discolored, that it literally makes me sick to look at it! I cannot believe I'm the only person who has noticed the sad, embarrassing state of the flooring in the Anthem building!

    One more thing: The new chairs that were purchased. Someone made the "bright" decision to purchase light-colored chairs.

    Take a look at how stained and dirty they already look. Another embarrassment!


  1. One correction. The Clubs were not asked to send out Quinn's information. While it was polite, with a "please", we were told to "share the information". There was no "Will we?" "Can we consider?". It was a directive from the Activities Dept. to which the CLC determined that no response on their part was appropriate because "it is not appropriate for CLC as a committee to take action on the activities
    of individual SCA residents." I don't know if that means it is viewed by CLC that Quinn was not acting in his capacity as a member of the BOD or Danielle was not acting in her capacity as the Director of Activities or both.
    I could not pursue it further because I felt the rhetoric was just designed to confuse rather than clarify and resolve.

  2. From Patricia Opinions

    I am so tired of all the B.S. the SCA Board members are spreading and all the half-truths and downright lies they are posting for us to read!

    I'm tired of the truth we are not receiving and the money they are spending for employees who don't know how to run this organization in a cost efficient manner!

    I'm tired of how the Board members have been arbitrarily deciding which CC&R rules to follow and which ones to ignore!. They seem to think they can pick and choose!

    I'm sick to see all this happening under our noses and so sad that more residents aren't speaking up! What a sad state of affairs!

    And just as a side note: The ladies' locker room, in my opinion, still looked new and seemed to function perfectly, yet the Board decided it needed to be remodeled.

    Yet they seem to ignore the disgusting state of the flooring in the Anthem building, where prospective new residents come to check our our facilities!

    Take a look, the next time you walk through Anthem.

    The tiles are cracked beyond what should be acceptable to anyone! And the cracks travel across many tiles and in many directions!

    The grout is so dirty, and discolored, that it literally makes me sick to look at it! I cannot believe I'm the only person who has noticed the sad, embarrassing state of the flooring in the Anthem building!

    One more thing: The new chairs that were purchased. Someone made the "bright" decision to purchase light-colored chairs.

    Take a look at how stained and dirty they already look. Another embarrassment!
