Information Pages

Monday, September 4, 2017

Sun City Anthem Board & General Manager Find Yet Another Way to Waste Association Funds

Removing Nona Tobin Created Paranoia
Needless Security Expense

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Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the water....we've learned that the Sun City Anthem Board did something that we found hard to believe !

Obviously afraid of the crowd reaction to the dumping of Nona Tobin...

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..the  Sun City Anthem "brain trust", which undoubtedly included the General Manager's input, actually spent YOUR DOLLARS to hire a professional security guard during that meeting.

We learned that a well dressed man in a black suit was at that meeting, and was approached by a resident in a friendly manner telling him that he hadn't seen him before, and as a friendly gesture, welcomed him to the meeting.

Then...the guy in the big black suit looked at him and said...

"I'm not here as a resident. I'm a Security Guard"

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Want more?

It also appeared he was carrying a loaded weapon as well !

Just how far is this insanity to be tolerated?

When this information was learned, it reminded me of a similar event years ago when the then Board, led by President Mike Dixon, pulled a similar "stunt", with another bunch "conspiring" to dump another so-called "trouble maker" named Bob Frank from the Board Vice Presidency.

The word got out prior to the meeting about the "coup",  and in conjunction with all the damning articles written about him then and over the years and continuing to needlessly appear again and again,  Bob had been elected to the Board with the highest number of votes in the history of Sun City Anthem, a record he still holds to this very day.

Just about everyone believed he would be elected President as a result of his popularity, but that was not to be...instead, a bunch of individuals gathered together and "brokered" a "deal where Mike Dixon, the #3 vote getter in the election, would be "elected" President with Bob as the Veep.

Beginning to sound a bit familiar ???

You see, despite the obsession you may have read elsewhere that has continued relentlessly for approximately 9 years, Bob was a reformer; he too "bucked the system", and as a result, became the forerunner of the first of three in becoming "the system's victim".

Governor Brian Sandoval would subsequently appoint him to the Nevada Real Estate Commission a few years ago.

He had his ideas; the people elected him, and he, like Nona Tobin and I might add, Jim Mayfield, believed Sun City Anthem needed some serious reform.

Then the day came for Bob's public "execution", and low and behold, approximately 300, that's not a misprint...300 people showed up at a Board meeting to voice their support for Bob.

It was brutal.  

Bob was not even allowed to make any statement in his defense and "bam", the rest of the then original "machine", lowered the boom by removing him from his position.

Wow !  That did not set well with the crowd...but it was obvious they were ready for what was going to take place, and as the saying goes"

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The "silver haired" brigade of residents started yelling their objections, some even tossing things at the Board members.  It was a sight to behold. 

Dixon called the Henderson Police Department for "protection" and he was spotted ducking out the back door looking in both directions for anyone or anything that might have come in his direction !

Thank goodness no one was injured, and as the days and years passed, Mr. Frank has since been verbally "beaten bloody" by an individual whose obsession with him has remained relentless....

...supported by each and every individual who has been a "machine" advocate.

Anyway, the "days of yore" must have been brought to the attention of the "brain trust"; and that reminder, obviously created PARANOIA to the extent of NEEDLESSLY hiring a professional security guard believed to be "packing" to avoid, what the looney tunes must have believed, was going to involve assassination !

What's the moral of this story?

A couple...

First, if there is any sign of riot, hit the deck !

The "boys and girls" of Paranoia HOA are ready to protect their own...and don't be surprised to see another guy in attendance passing out cards saying:

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Second, on a more serious note.  this removal isn't merely getting rid of four individuals.

More importantly, it's ridding ourselves of a mind set that been allowed to exist for years...

...that MUST END !

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  1. From Buddy Opinions

    Do the Right Thing and You Shall Not Worry.

    Do the Wrong Thing and You become Paranoid.

    When the board decided to independently toss Nona Tobin off the board in spite of her being voted in by the residents of SCA, they began to worry.

    They were voiding the will of the people.

    They were concerned with their safety. After all, our community must be full of dangerous Thugs that may harm them for their foolish decision and actions.

    So what did they do? They hired a security guard to secretly be attendance at the meeting that they announced Nona’s removal. They must have feared for their lives.

    They did not give a reason but merely announced that she was off the board.

    What were they expecting of our peaceful residents?

    I have not heard of violence in our meetings so they must have anticipated the backlash.
    1. From Marty Anthem Opinions

      Just think, in a worse case scenario , if the guard shot someone, WE ARE HIS AGENT and WE are a part of any lawsuit that might prevail.

      We authorized his carry, and as such makes us responsible.

      It has been this way in California and l would be shocked if were different in Nevada.

      My question is, why do we need this type of protection?

      Are the board members getting nervous? 

    2. Marty,

      My gut feeling is that this was the work of the General perhaps the suggestion of one of the community's biggest paranoiac fools. No need to mention a name. It likely wouldn't surprise anyone.


  1. From Buddy Opinions

    Do the Right Thing and You Shall Not Worry.

    Do the Wrong Thing and You become Paranoid.

    When the board decided to independently toss Nona Tobin off the board in spite of her being voted in by the residents of SCA, they began to worry.

    They were voiding the will of the people.

    They were concerned with their safety. After all, our community must be full of dangerous Thugs that may harm them for their foolish decision and actions.

    So what did they do? They hired a security guard to secretly be attendance at the meeting that they announced Nona’s removal. They must have feared for their lives.

    They did not give a reason but merely announced that she was off the board.

    What were they expecting of our peaceful residents?

    I have not heard of violence in our meetings so they must have anticipated the backlash.

  2. From Marty Anthem Opinions

    Just think, in a worse case scenario , if the guard shot someone, WE ARE HIS AGENT and WE are a part of any lawsuit that might prevail.

    We authorized his carry, and as such makes us responsible.

    It has been this way in California and l would be shocked if were different in Nevada.

    My question is, why do we need this type of protection?

    Are the board members getting nervous?

  3. Marty,

    My gut feeling is that this was the work of the General perhaps the suggestion of one of the community's biggest paranoiac fools. No need to mention a name.
