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Monday, September 11, 2017

General Manager Income Wasn't Too Much ? LOL

General Manager Income Not Too Much?
You Bet it is  !
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Well now, if we run that by the unit owners, somehow the "intelligent" ones may somewhat disagree. 

It alot !

As a matter of fact, when the overwhelming majority of unit owners were made aware of her staggering income, the more accurate general reaction was more like....
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No, we weren't kidding, and as we delved into more of the Sun City Anthem's financial expenditures, it became even worse.

 Remember, the....$250K was just the beginning of the party for Ms. Sandy. 

She also got a $20K bonus, a 401(k) plan with matching contributions, a disability insurance plan, and of course a medical insurance package as well.

Can't forget the $30,000 paid to her in relocation expenses, the $5,000 annual continuing education expense, or the 3 week vacation either.

That "prominent executive search firm" also got a paid a tidy sum of about $50,000 as well to find her too !

...and she wasted no time in garnering expensive members of her entourage as well over the months.

Between her, her CFO, Community Association Manager, Activities Department Head, and Facilities Director and their benefit packages, that amount comes close to...

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Well now, we've delved into the ridiculous incomes paid the General Manager and her staff enough.

That's a..

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...but what doesn't seem to make the "headlines" elsewhere is the LOW MORALE this woman and her staff have managed to create in such a short period of time...

...and you can't put that into dollars and cents !

The residents...have spoken loudly.

They DON'T LIKE HER ACT or THOSE whom she's placed in management positions.

Remember, 836 individuals signed petitions of "no confidence" toward her and NEVER has that ever taken place in the history of Sun City Anthem.

While opponents have chastised that number as being "only" approximately 12% of Sun City Anthem unit owners, if one looks closer at this total, it proves just HOW unpopular she and the Board who hired her, really are with owners; and how dissatisfied the community has become since she and her "bully brigade" have arrived.

Keep in mind...and ask yourself, is that 836 number of signed petitions significant?

In reality, it was OVERWHELMING when the following is considered.

1That number was achieved in a mere 5 week period, one of which was the 4th of July week.

2. 15% of those who reside in Sun City Anthem are renters and CANNOT VOTE.

Those who owned that rented property, were never approached for petition signatures if they were not also residing in Sun City Anthem.

3Many owners leave our community for the summer months to escape the heat, traveling to other parts of the country.

These people were never approached for petition signatures.

4An Association Treasurer sent an eblast on Sun City Anthem letterhead to all community subscribers essentially hindering the petitioners.

5An employee of Sun City Anthem, the Activities Director, sent a copy of that Treasurers' memo to all Club Presidents, asking them to forward it to their additional attempt to hinder the petitioners...

...yet was NEVER in any way chastised for violating Club policies of using membership lists for anything not involving Club business.

6. The Association Treasurer posted an official document on the Anthem Center bulletin additional attempt to hinder the petitioners.

7When "equal time" was requested to refute the Treasurer's eblast, that request was DENIED by the General Manager at the order of the Sun City Anthem Board.

8Opponents harassed those obtaining the petitions; directly though derogatory comments toward them (one former Director calling one woman a "whore"); and indirectly, by publishing statements that those who signed the petitions would be publicly "exposed" leading them to believe they would face retribution of some kind.

And...after the petitions were submitted for both removal and "no confidence", this Board, in collaboration with the General Manager, saw fit to hire an association attorney drum up some excuse TO FIRE Board Member, Nona Tobin.

Such actions...were then followed by NUMEROUS complaints being filed with the Nevada Real Estate Division against The Sun City Anthem Board, the General Manager, and Lori Martin, the Community Association Manager.

Yes siree...keeping all this in place certainly makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

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But...the General Manager and certain members of her staff are merely the result of BAD GOVERNANCE.

Four of the members of the current Board were responsible for her hiring and condoning and sanctioning her subsequent actions...

...actions that have those in Clubs staunchly OPPOSING her dictatorial manner of management.

Remove  Weddle,  NissenWaterhouse & Burch, directors who have brought shame, waste, and humiliation to so many, and replace them with others who have the knowledge and compassion required to create the harmonious community we desperately seek.

Then, once that has been achieved, we must  remove the managerial regime of Seddon along with the over priced menaces who have brought the morale of our community to such a depth, that removal became the only option to save the reputation of Sun City Anthem.

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Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Marla Opinions

    According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, the Henderson Police Dept. employs approximately 434 police and corrections officers and police supervisors.

    The new Police Chief (not yet chosen), will receive a salary in the range of $125,985 to $193,823.

    Ralph Andersen & Associates conducted the search for $29,000 according to the contract.

    So go figure.

    Pay a person to manage about 20% of the employees the Police Chief will supervise an income of between 135% and 215% higher, and a search firm 100% more than what SCA paid to get a GM, makes sense to whom?

    I wonder if the Police Department candidates will be flown into the city on a private plane for the interviews, as was Ms. Seddon?

    How in the world can anyone justify her income or those of her management staff?
  1. From Laura Opinions

    I am so upset, I can't find the appropriate words to explain my frustration with everyone associated with our Board and their misappropriation of our funds.

    Who do they think they are?

    I am at the point where I think contacting all news organizations might be helpful or at least shine some light on these individual who are ripping us off.

    Let's go work at Sun City Anthem........they're an easy mark!!!!

    How dare they pay this Seddon person that kind of money, along with her cohorts?

    This is not the Governors Mansion that they're's Sun City Anthem.

    What morons could have approved that kind of money to pay her to mess things up even more?

    Get them out of here sooner rather than later.
    1. Laura, those you refer to are Rex Weddle, Aletta Waterhouse, Thomas Nissen, and Robert Burch.

      And, we must remove them before they create even greater financial damage to our community.

      Regarding you comment about the "Governor's mansion"? 

      Looks like she could well afford to live there with her staff.

      Here's what the top people are paid.

      Governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval

      Lieutenant Governor of Nevada Mark Hutchison 

      Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske

      Attorney General of Nevada Adam Paul Laxalt

      Nevada State Treasurer Dan Schwartz

      Total for the top 5 elected Nevada State officials:


      about 50% of what Sun City Anthem pays its management staff including benefits.
      1. From Barbara Opinions

        Just thought I would let you know how great your blog was today.

        Really covered good things.
      2. From Gene Opinions

        I wonder if the G.M. and/or her staff submit expense reports?

        If yes, what is the process for approval?

        Can the expenses be made public? If not, why not?

        If not well controlled, expense can amount to significant money.

        It can also be a way to cheat.

        Strong controls can save SCA money and prevent embarrassment.
        1. From Buddy Opinions

          I do like seeing the comments on Anthem Opinions. It tells me that there are other people that feel the same way that I do.

          It is apparent the many of these comments are will founded, and it appears that many people are upset.

          Rather than being upset, I propose that each of those who reply or feel as I do, GO TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW HOW YOU FEEL AND STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF VOTING YOUR OPINION ON THE RECALL ELECTION.



  1. From Marla Opinions

    According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, the Henderson Police Dept. employees approximately 434 police and corrections officers and police supervisors

    The new Police Chief (not yet chosen), will receive a salary in the range of $125,985 to $193,823.

    Ralph Andersen & Associates conducted the search for $29,000 according to the contract.

    So go figure.

    Pay a person to manage about 20% of the employees the Police Chief will supervise, an income of between 135% and 215% higher, and a search firm 100% more what SCA paid to get a GM, make sense to whom?

    I wonder if the Police Department candidates will be flown into the city on a private plane for the interviews, as was Ms. Seddon?

    How in the world can anyone justify her income or those of her management staff?

  2. From Laura Opinions

    I am so upset, I can't find the appropriate words to explain my frustration with everyone associated with our Board and their misappropriation of our funds.

    Who do they think they are?

    I am at the point where I think contacting all news organizations might be helpful or at least shine some light on these individual who are ripping us off.

    Let's go work at Sun City Anthem........they're an easy mark!!!!

    How dare they pay this Seddon person that kind of money, along with her cohorts?

    This is not the Governors Mansion that they're's Sun City Anthem.

    What morons could have approved that kind of money to pay her to mess things up even more?

    Get them out of here sooner rather than later.

  3. Laura, those you refer to are Rex Weddle, Aletta Waterhouse, Thomas Nissen, and Robert Burch.

    And, we must remove them before they create even greater financial damage to our community.

    Regarding you comment about the "Governor's mansion"?

    Looks like she could well afford to live there with her staff.

    Here's what the top people are paid.

    Governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval

    Lieutenant Governor of Nevada Mark Hutchison

    Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske

    Attorney General of Nevada Adam Paul Laxalt

    Nevada State Treasurer Dan Schwartz

    Total for the top 5 elected Nevada State officials:


    about 50% of what Sun City Anthem pays its management staff including benefits).

  4. From Barbara Opinions

    Just thought I would let you know how great your blog was today.

    Really covered good things.

  5. From Gene Opinions

    I wonder if the G.M. and/or her staff submit expense reports?

    If yes, what is the process for approval?

    Can the expenses be made public? If not, why not?

    If not well controlled, expense can amount to significant money.

    It can also be a way to cheat.

    Strong controls can save SCA money and prevent embarrassment.

  6. From Buddy Opinions

    I do like seeing the comments on Anthem Opinions. It tells me that there are other people that feel the same way that I do.

    It is apparent the many of these comments are will founded, and it appears that many people are upset.

    Rather than being upset, I propose that each of those who reply or feel as I do, GO TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW HOW YOU FEEL AND STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF VOTING YOUR OPINION ON THE RECALL ELECTION.


