Information Pages

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Sun City Anthem Treasurer: A Different Person Than the Candidate

Would the Real Forrest Quinn
Please Step Forward ?
(Part Two of Two)
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A day ago we published an article comparing the past candidate commentary of Sun City Anthem Treasurer, Forrest Quinn in 2016, to his actions since his 2017 election to the Board of Directors.

In our opinion, the contrast between being critical of the prior Sun City Anthem Board and his current actions, have changed drastically... much so, that he is now the subject of a formal complaint filed with the Nevada Real Estate Division.

What has become of Mr. Quinn?

Perhaps the answer may be found almost IMMEDIATELY after his 2017 election.

Was He Part of Backdoor Election Deal ?
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There leaves little doubt in the minds of many that an eblast sent by Sun City Anthem Treasurer, Forrest Quinn on SCA letterhead,  and subsequently forwarded by association Activities Director, Danielle Bartle, to all association club presidents asking it be forwarded to their members...

...Quinn's formal "Response to Recall Petition" document placed on the official community Association Bulletin Board...

...a Quinn financial report by Association President Rex Weddle included in a recent edition of the monthly Spirit Magazine...

...had the intention of INTERFERING with those who were gathering REMOVAL PETITIONS.

There is NO DOUBT, as evidenced by the actual email sent by Bartle to club presidents during the time she was being paid as a Sun City Anthem employee, VIOLATED Association policy.

What does all of this imply?

That...THE SYSTEM IS MORE THAN BROKEN;  It appears to be "FIXED" and more crooked than we originally believed it to be.

But what about Forrest Quinn, the current Sun City Anthem Treasurer?

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Let's keep a few additional tidbits in mind as to the motive and credibility of Mr. Quinn.

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1. When he was a member of the Finance Committee prior to his Board position,  he was in constant disagreement with the Board and in particular, Association President Rex Weddle and former Treasurer, Tom Nissen .

Yet once Quinn was elected to the Board, he voted to retain Weddle as the association president despite Weddle receiving the least amount of resident votes.

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2. Within moments of Weddle's reelection to the association presidency, Quinn's former nemesis, Tom Nissen, then nominated Quinn to replace him as the Association Treasurer, and was subsequently unanimously elected to the post.

A quid pro quo ???

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3. During the 2017 election period, Mr. Quinn, on two occasions,   contacted Anthem Opinions to comment on certain matters. 

When the first comment was received, we printed it; but in addition, Anthem Opinions also responded to Quinn asking him WHY HE REFUSED TO ANSWER RESIDENT QUESTIONS AS TO WHY HE WAS MOST SUITED FOR ELECTION.

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Mr. Quinn NEVER RESPONDED and instead sent us another comment, which we refused to post UNLESS HE WOULD AGREE TO ANSWER RESIDENT QUESTIONS.

Again, Mr. Quinn DID NOT RESPOND.
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To us , it became obvious he was merely looking for publicity without having to answer ANY LEGITIMATE INQUIRIES in return.

And so we ask you to look at these FACTS, and ask yourself:

Prior to the official election of the Board officers, was Quinn part of a back door deal in which it was predetermined which Board members would hold each position? you believe his eblast, bulletin board post, and subsequent article in the Spirit President's report, were made to stifle the Recall effort?

These actions, in our opinion, leave such taint in the manner in which Sun City Anthem is governed and managed; that the Recall effort must proceed and succeed in order to regain any form of trust and integrity.
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  1. From Laura Opinions

    I used to really enjoy living in Sun City Anthem. Took a lot of pride in the community..........not so much anymore.

    Things have got to get fixed here, sooner rather than later.

    This whole situation is a turn-off.

    What does it take for the fools in our community to get rid of everyone on the Board?

    They are liars, and management pays themselves absorbent amounts of money for salary, bonus' and medical.

    What a deal.........can I get a job too?

    Get your act together, everyone!!!!
    1. From Marty Opinions

      Oddly I was there on that Sunday when the potential candidates were on stage to address the questions presented by the community. It was a time that I didn't have much to do so I thought, "what the heck, lets' watch and see what'll happen."

      First, I was completely surprised when I saw Ms. Tobin up there and thought, "wow, she's got experience and expertise to do this job." It should be a piece of cake for her, and the community would stand to surely be fortunate to have such a person.

      The other thing I saw was Mr. Quinn answering questions from the community. By all measures he barely answered anything, and just didn't have an answer for the questions being asked. I thought, "what the hell is he doing up there and why is he embarrassing himself?"

      We move forward to now, and this is going on. So what is it that I am supposed to expect from this guy?

      He claimed to come with some expertise, but sure isn't showing any of it. Where does it leave us?

      Now we signed the forms that we are unhappy with his performance, as we are not happy with the others (mentioned) too.

      Mr. "Sandy Ridge" is still blowing smoke up our proverbial behinds with a lot of rhetoric and probably more of the same as to a lot of words that are meaningless, so we need to make all of our changes happen or we are nearly doomed to our "business as usual".


  1. From Laura Opinions

    I used to really enjoy living in Sun City Anthem. Took a lot of pride in the community..........not so much anymore.

    Things have got to get fixed here, sooner rather than later.

    This whole situation is a turn-off.

    What does it take for the fools in our community to get rid of everyone on the Board?

    They are liars, and management pays themselves absorbent amounts of money for salary, bonus' and medical.

    What a deal.........can I get a job too?

    Get your act together, everyone!!!!

  2. From Marty Opinions

    Oddly I was there on that Sunday when the potential candidates were on stage to address the questions presented by the community. It was a time that I didn't have much to do so I thought, "what the heck, lets' watch and see what'll happen."

    First, I was completely surprised when I saw Ms. Tobin up there and thought, "wow, she's got experience and expertise to do this job." It should be a piece of cake for her, and the community would stand to surely be fortunate to have such a person.

    The other thing I saw was Mr. Quinn answering questions from the community. By all measures he barely answered anything, and just didn't have an answer for the questions being asked. I thought, "what the hell is he doing up there and why is he embarrassing himself?"

    We move forward to now, and this is going on. So what is it that I am supposed to expect from this guy?

    He claimed to come with some expertise, but sure isn't showing any of it. Where does it leave us?

    Now we signed the forms that we are unhappy with his performance, as we are not happy with the others (mentioned) too.

    Mr. "Sandy Ridge" is still blowing smoke up our proverbial behinds with a lot of rhetoric and probably more of the same as to a lot of words that are meaningless, so we need to make all of our changes happen or we are nearly doomed to our "business as usual".
