Information Pages

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

How to Beat the Removal....Don't Vote Says Sun City Anthem Resident Sending emails to Residents...Along with Removal Candidate's Email Telling Residents to Vote "No"

The Disgusting Dirty Tricks of
Sun City Anthem Removal Opponents

Shame-on-you.png (960×720)

To our readers, this removal election has gotten to the point of seeing the worst in some who reside in the Sun City Anthem Community.

We received this email from a Sun City Anthem resident, and we urge all of you to read it CAREFULLY.

Note this was sent by individuals Jerry & Moira Malone to a substantial number of Sun City Anthem residents.

First, note how these two individuals suggest how to defeat the removal election.


Don't vote -- that if sufficient ballots (2,501) are not returned, the ballots will not be counted.

This was the conniving restriction placed on the election by the individual or individuals who structured the DECEPTIVE manner in which the Ballots were sent to residents AND if not sufficient, WILL HIDE THE NUMBERS OF UNIT OWNERS WHO VOTED TO REMOVE THE DIRECTORS.

In addition NOTE THE EMAIL FROM BOARD MEMBER, ALETTA WATERHOUSE, who is one of the Directors subject to REMOVAL.

Any individual director IS BARRED from any activity which will INTERFERE WITH THE REMOVAL ELECTION in accordance with Nevada Statutes.

We want  Jerry & Moira Malone and Aletta Waterhouse to know this has now been forwarded to the Nevada Ombudsman for investigation.

This is the state of Sun City Anthem's Removal election.

And in our opinion, the actions of these individuals clearly demonstrate JUST HOW LOW THE REMOVAL OPPONENTS WILL GO TO MAINTAIN THEIR CORRUPT STANGLEHOLD on Sun City Anthem.

Is there any question this removal must be successful?

Are YOU condoning such actions?

Or are YOU as UNETHICAL as they have demonstrated themselves to be? this and "weep". what represents the governance of Sun City Anthem. 
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-----Original Message-----


Jerry and Moira Malone <>


 Gina Castillo <>; Barbara & Duayne Hillyard <>; Cathy Lightcap <>; strands4hair <>; Dan & Clem Salas, 2527 Leighton Neighbors <>; calmiracky <>; Dollie Circle <>; Elaine Stetler <>; Gina Castillo <>; Jill Payne <>; Jim & Melanie McGroarty <>; Joe and Darlene Radakovits <>; Kandace and Richard Harden <>; Karen on Lombardo <>; Kathe Ingerson <>; KenGonzale <>; Lois & Dave Green <>; Marie Topper, Mt. View Neighborhood <>; Marilyn & Bob Saenz <>; Ray & Michelle Crepeau, 2553 Leighton <>; Rob & Virginia Kennedy, Neighbor <>; Ron Carr <>; Roy Circle <>; sandula4 <>; Teresa Lagasse <>; dru.scott <>; Bert Decker <>; berniehorton <>; Susan Sargeant <>; Tina Aguiar <>; Tony Aguiar <>; WJFeeney <>; Bill Van Ooyen <>; Bob & Nui Ulrickson <>; Bob Haughey <>; Bob Ulrickson <>; Carol & Dave McClendon <>; Cathy Lightcap <>; Darlene & Bob Spierowski <>; Dave Servello <>; Faye Jones <>; Gary Corless - Woodchips Secretary <>; Gigi and Tom Maher <>; Joan & Vince Colucci <>; Michele Wilson <>; Nancy Ward - Woodchips <>; Pat Goode <>; Phil & Dawn McKenney <>; Philip McKenney <>; Rich DeMunda - Community Service <>; Sharon Cregan <>; Shu Ching \Nike\ <>

Sent: Mon, Oct 9, 2017 1:56 pm


RE: Recall Election - A Message from Aletta Waterhouse

Someone made a good suggestion, and I thought I would pass it on to you for your consideration.

If there are not enough ballots mailed in, the recall people are not even allowed to count the vote.  They need a certain percentage of ballots returned in order for the election to be valid.   Someone said, save a stamp, and don't even bother returning the ballot.

I, unfortunately, am way too efficient and already wasted my stamp!  ;)



Jerry and Moira Malone []

Sent: Monday, October 09, 2017 9:20 AM


Gina Castillo <>; Barbara & Duayne Hillyard ( <>; Cathy Lightcap ( <>; Cheryl and Hank -<>; Dan & Clem Salas, 2527 Leighton Neighbors <>; Dennis & Sheryl Miracky<>; Dollie Circle <>; Elaine Stetler <>; Gina Castillo <>; Jill Payne ( <>; Jim & Melanie McGroarty ( <>; Joe and Darlene Radakovits ( <>; Kandace and Richard Harden ( <>; Karen on Lombardo <>; Kathe Ingerson ( <>;; Lois & Dave Green <>; Marie Topper, Mt. View Neighborhood ( <>; Marilyn & Bob Saenz <>; Paul Herman, 2524 Leighton Neighbor <>; Ray & Michelle Crepeau, 2553 Leighton <>; Rob & Virginia Kennedy, Neighbor <>; Ron Carr ( <>; Roy Circle <>; Sandy Leftakes - <>; Teresa Lagasse <>;; Bert Decker <>; '' <>; Susan Sargeant <>; Tina Aguiar <>; Tony Aguiar ( <>;; Bill Van Ooyen <>; Bob & Nui Ulrickson <>; Bob Haughey <>; Bob Ulrickson <>; Carol & Dave McClendon <>; Cathy Lightcap ( <>; Darlene & Bob Spierowski <>; Dave Servello <>; Faye Jones <>; Gary Corless - Woodchips Secretary <>; Gigi and Tom Maher <>; Joan & Vince Colucci ( <>; Michele Wilson <>; Nancy Ward - Woodchips ( <>; Pat Goode ( <>; Phil & Dawn McKenney <>; Philip McKenney <>; Rich DeMunda - Community Service ( <>; Sharon Cregan <>; Shu Ching "Nike" <>

Subject: FW: Recall Election - A Message from Aletta Waterhouse

To my friends and neighbors,

We received the voting ballot in a plain white envelope on Saturday

The return address is Ovist & Howard, CPAs.  There is no other marking on the envelope to make it look like something important.

I thought that both of the below notes were worth reading, and wanted to share them with you for your information.

Moira Malone


Mike & Aletta Waterhouse []

Sent: Monday, October 09, 2017 8:59 AM

Subject: Recall Election - A Message from Aletta Waterhouse

Dear SCA Friends,

Before I get to the heart of this message that I drafted before the delivery of the recall election ballots this weekend, I want you all to know how distressed I am over the lack of information on the envelopes you received and other possible difficulties in voting.

Because I must be recused from any decision-making on the logistics of this election, I am limited in what I can say or do right now, but I have been assured that those in charge will work to resolve these issues as best as possible.

First of all on the recall itself, I want to thank those many of you who have given me encouragement and support and good suggestions during my tenure as an SCA Board Member. 

The extra support you have given during the difficult period of the recall petition and election has meant more to me than I can put into words.

I'm contacting you now to ask you to PLEASE MARK "NO" on the ballot by the names of the 3 Board members listed. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE, AND VOTE "NO" IN ORDER TO SEND A CLEAR MESSAGE ON THE FUTURE OF SCA.

I am including at the end of this message a letter from SCA homeowner Bob Goldfried that very clearly lays out why this recall effort is unjustified and very damaging to the community we all enjoy living in.

I want to briefly write to you about my service to you as a Board Member for the past 17 months. I have tried my best to represent your interests by delving into the all issues brought before the Board, getting input on these issues from a wide range of sources and working closely with other Board members to make difficult decisions for the success and future of SCA.  We as a Board have made some hard choices and decisions that have upheld the current and future financial and structural integrity of this Association. 
They haven't always been the most popular choices and we knew at times that these decisions would meet with further questions or doubts. I guess that's what decision-making reluctantly comes down to sometimes.  But these decisions were taken with detailed research and input also provided from our professional staff and outside resources. 

We are in the middle of the transition to full Self-Management and learning along the way. I have worked hard to be sure all voices are being heard and to improve Board communications with homeowners and much more needs to be done.
I have also made every effort to respond to your and other homeowners concerns and questions given to me. I will, of course, continue to do so. I want to hear from you and respond to your concerns. 


PHONE #: 702-485-2105


Here is Bob Goldfried's Letter to the Community:



Aletta Waterhouse

Dear Folks:

Early next week you are going to receive a ballot in the mail regarding a recall of three SCA HOA board members.
During the four years that I’ve lived in Sun City Anthem, it has become apparent to me that our HOA board members are elected in free and fair elections, open to any candidate who decides to run. We have an election every year, in May, alternately for  three or four of the seven board member positions.
If homeowners do not support current board members, those homeowners have been, and continue to be, free to find candidates who they do support, and to vote for those candidates, in duly held regularly scheduled annual elections. For that reason alone I am opposed to the recall, quite independent of who is currently on the board.
Moreover, the recall petitions do not allege any criminal conduct, fraud or other dishonesty, or gross abuse of discretion on the part of the three board members.
While the law does not seem to require such culpable conduct as a prerequisite for recall, shouldn’t we, as responsible, mature people, require evidence of criminal conduct, fraud or other dishonesty, or gross abuse of discretion, before we take the extraordinary step of recalling fairly elected board members?  Or are our annual elections simply a charade, a waste of time, subject to being reversed at the will of a dissatisfied minority, regardless of the merit of their claims?
Indeed, the overwhelming bulk of the allegations against the board members seem to me to be emotional in nature, phrased in vague language, with no examples given or facts cited in support.
What the allegations reveal to me is that there are some people who live in Sun City Anthem who simply disagree with decisions made by some board members, or who simply do not like some board members.  I don’t agree with all of the decisions made by the board.  But, in my view, that is simply an insufficient basis to overturn the results of free and fair elections, results that the supporters of recall are apparently unable to achieve through the election process.
A successful recall election could be expected to chill the willingness of qualified residents to serve on committees and boards. Why would anyone want to do so, knowing that they will be subject to personal attacks and vilification? Would you want to serve under such conditions?
People who serve on the board and on SCA committees are our neighbors, and in some cases our friends. They are all volunteers.  They freely devote substantial amounts of their time to our community. I believe that they act in what they honestly believe are the best interests of the SCA community, as a whole. I have seen no evidence to suggest otherwise.
Are they perfect human beings, incapable of making a mistake on an issue?  No more or less than any of us. Why then are they being portrayed in such an abusive manner? 
A successful recall would also likely have a negative effect on all of our property values, since potential buyers who research SCA on the internet will become aware of the turmoil and instability that a successful recall would no doubt generate. Would you want to buy a house in such a community?  I wouldn’t.
If you believe, as I do, that the recall should be defeated, I urge you to cast your vote promptly, by carefully following the instructions you will receive along with the ballot. We cannot take the chance that the recall might succeed.
I view it as vital to the continuing well-being of SCA to defeat the recall, and to do so resoundingly. A successful recall would set a dangerous precedent for our community.  We would then be likely to see recall elections after every Board election, because no one candidate is going to satisfy everyone all of the time. Chaos would result.
That doesn’t make for a community that I, for one, would want to continue to live in.
Would you?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We'd like to know how you feel about these tactics ?
Send your comments to:
  1. A bit of clarification:

    Let's not find fault with the innocent parties who RECEIVED these disturbing emails...

    ...unless they too have taken it upon themselves to forward it to others in support of such a disgusting and underhanded tactic that brings shame on Sun City Anthem.

    If that be the case, they too, should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for stooping to such a disturbing level as the Malones and Aletta Waterhouse for such actions.

    ...and if so, we want to know about it to make sure the entire community may look at them in the light they deserve.

    For Aletta Waterhouse to apparently use her SCA Board email address in her position as a Sun City Anthem Director to influence unit owners, is not only interfering with the election, but perhaps one of most UNETHICAL examples any member of any Sun City Board has ever committed.

    This act alone proves how little she looks at fair play and integrity, and MUST, as a result, be removed if for no other reason, than to maintain any remaining respect for the Sun City Anthem community.

    This is a very sad day in Sun City Anthem.
    1. As the President of a Club of almost 400 members I have bent over backwards not to impose my opinion. I have refused to forward any of the emails I’ve been asked to “share“. WHERE ARE THE MORALS IN THIS COMMUNITY? How can Officers on the BOD, CLC, Employees and Club Presidents try to influence the recall by directly contacting residents and asking them to “share” their bloviations and feel they are honest? I am disgusted!!!
    1. From Bill Opinions

      I read Aletha Waterhouse’s email to the community and cannot believe her statement.

      First she states she must recuse herself from this recall, and subsequently states that you should vote no!!!

      This should be investigated.

      These people are abusing their position of power.
      1. I have to ask our readers a question.

        Are there ANY who believe that David Berman and his OSCAR "weiners" aren't responsible for this display of corruption?

        Only he would refer to these individuals as "enthusiastic" while the rest of the sane world would call it CORRUPT.

        Keep in mind the email also involved one forwarded by Aletta Waterhouse.

        That part doesn't seem to make it in his article for some reason.

        Unfortunately, the crocodile tears saying "I have sinned" just doesn't cut it.  Even Jerry Falwell would have been more convincing.

        This act was disgusting, was typical of "his kind" and their dirty tactics, and after trying to make excuse after excuse for it all day, he couldn't convince Pinocchio !

        Then he says he wants to win "fair and square" !

        Nice try, but this time he got caught with his knickers over his socks...and..

        ...the sight ain't very pretty !  The man can't even lie very well.
        1. From Valerie Opinions

          In looking over the names this was sent to these are people who have not lived here while the mess was building up and didn’t have a history about how really good things were in the past in spite of problems.

          This does not feel like the same community.

          The new people are unaware how the intolerable position we are in and think this is a wonderful place to live. A lot of owners don't read the blogs and don’t want to know.

          This apathy is dangerous especially since we have Berman and his cronies manipulating and feeding lies with a smile and ulterior motives to make people believe what he says.


  1. A bit of clarification:

    Let's not find fault with the innocent parties who RECEIVED these disturbing emails...

    ...unless they too have taken it upon themselves to forward it to others in support of such a disgusting and underhanded tactic that brings shame on Sun City Anthem.

    If that be the case, they too, should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for stooping to such a disturbing level as the Malones and Aletta Waterhouse for such actions.

    ...and if so, we want to know about it to make sure the entire community may look at them in the light they deserve.

    For Aletta Waterhouse to apparently use her SCA Board email address in her position as a Sun City Anthem Director to influence unit owners, is not only interfering with the election, but perhaps one of most UNETHICAL examples any member of any Sun City Board has ever committed.

    This act alone proves how little she looks at fair play and integrity, and MUST, as a result, be removed if for no other reason, than to maintain any remaining respect for the Sun City Anthem community.

    This is a very sad day in Sun City Anthem.

  2. As the President of a Club of almost 400 members I have bent over backwards not to impose my opinion. I have refused to forward any of the emails I’ve been asked to “share“. WHERE ARE THE MORALS IN THIS COMMUNITY? How can Officers on the BOD, CLC, Employees and Club Presidents try to influence the recall by directly contacting residents and asking them to “share” their bloviations and feel they are honest? I am disgusted!!!

  3. From Bill Opinions

    I read Aletha Waterhouse’s email to the community and cannot believe her statement.

    First she states she must recuse herself from this recall, and subsequently states that you should vote no!!!

    This should be investigated.

    These people are abusing their position of power.

  4. I have to ask our readers a question.

    Are there ANY who believe that David Berman and his OSCAR weiners aren't responsible for this display of corruption?

    Only he would refer to these individuals as "enthusiastic" while the rest of the sane world would call it CORRUPT.

    Keep in mind the email also involved one forwarded by Aletta Waterhouse.

    That part doesn't seem to make it in his article for some reason.

    Unfortunately, the crocodile tears saying "I have sinned" just doesn't cut it.

    This act was disgusting, is typical of "his kind", and after trying to make excuse after excuse for it all day, he couldn't convince Pinocchio !

    ...that he wants to win "fair and square" !

    Nice try, but this time he got caught with his knickers over his socks...and..

    ...the sight ain't very pretty !

  5. From Valerie Opinions

    In looking over the names this was sent to these are people who have not lived here while the mess was building up and didn’t have a history about how really good things were in the past in spite of problems.

    This does not feel like the same community.

    The new people are unaware how the intolerable position we are in and think this is a wonderful place to live. A lot of owners don't read the blogs and don’t want to know.

    This apathy is dangerous especially since we have Berman and his cronies manipulating and feeding lies with a smile and ulterior motives to make people believe what he says.
