Information Pages

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Initial Court Ruling Tells Foundation Assisting Seniors They Must Leave Sun City Anthem Community Premises

Court Supports Sun City Anthem Board Position
Foundation Assisting Seniors Must Leave Community

Wednesday was a sad day in Sun City Anthem when a court ordered The Foundation Assisting Seniors, founded in 2002, to vacate the space they have occupied since 2005, the year the building was built.

Perhaps the saddest aspect of losing this organization that has provided medical equipment and various other services for those in the Anthem communities, is that the Sun City Anthem budget called for using the space occupied by that organization.... a dressing room area for entertainment venues in Independence Center.

See Page 56 of the 2018 budget.

It states:

"A request on June 6, 2017 by Performing Arts Club and Spotlight would like to have the current FAS space for storage of props.  Current storage space being utilized would then be converted into dressing room space."

What began as an attempt to have the Foundation pay rent for the space, appears to have ended with the same rental income from the proposed substitute.

We called Favil West, President of the Foundation Assisting Seniors for comment. He simply stated:

"This litigation has just begun.  There are many steps that must be taken before the final decision is rendered"

As a side note, all of the directors subject to removal: Weddle, Nissen,  and Waterhouse voted in favor of removing the Foundation from Sun City Anthem.

 And when placed in that perspective, one has to ask...

"What were they thinking?"

"What are the priorities of those who made a decision to lose such a worthwhile group for a prop storage area or dressing room area?


It' so sad. A proud tradition of serving senior communities may have come to an end...for a prop storage area !

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. Part One of Two

    It is becoming quite apparent that Mr. Berman is completely out of control and is in need of medical assistance that goes far beyond his self admitted depression.

    No rational person acts in such a nasty and demeaning manner without some form of inferiority complex that requires constantly convincing others of his self worth...

    ...especially at the expense of others. It's sick ! 

    When we were children, we all learned that "actions speak louder than words", and with that in mind...

    What makes a man who has accomplished so little in life, go to such extremes to convince others of his importance when his past is littered with deceit, failure, and an unnatural desire to control at this stage of life?

    A sick man ...

    ...who is incapable of looking at reality unless through a world created by a pen in which he can proclaim himself an expert without relevant credentials.

    A sick man...

    ...who at the very thought of being exposed for his lack of success, must destroy any person at whatever expense he chooses to employ in order to disguise an inner insecurity while maintaining a facade of expertise his mind has created through the use of mind altering medication.

    Is he not capable of recognizing his actions are that of a bully who must use the most underhanded tactics to convince others...including himself...of his worth?

    Can it be justified to call a man, Forrest Fetherolf, Mr. Fix-It, a "clown" or "slippery" when Forrest's actions of helping so many in need are countless over the years...never seeking recognition, accolades, and rarely accepting any form of compensation for his help?

    Can if be justified to contact a widow whose husband took his life and make attempts to convince her that the Woodchips Club was responsible for the tragedy... a convenient time when Forrest and another member of that Club were running for a Board position whom he opposed?

    Only to have one, Don Schramski, betray his fellow Club members a year later, and seek the Berman blessing ???

    Is that integrity, or a sick man?

    Can it be justified to sponsor a petition to have Rana Goodman removed from the Senior Citizens Advisory Commission, proclaiming a mass number of individuals supported her removal...when after examination, only 8 individuals...all his friends, signed it?

    Rana Goodman...the same individual who a few years later would be a crusader for Guardianship reform, traveling to Carson City numerous times to persuade lawmakers to pass legislation ending such abuse of the elderly.

    Is that integrity...or a sick man?

    These are but 2 individuals that had to be destroyed in the mind of an individual because they exposed him for his consistent devious actions that have cost Sun City Anthem residents thousands of dollars with his incompetent endorsements over the years.
  2. Part Two of Two

    The Berman world of influence on the "good old boy" network that Anthem Opinions has exposed; residents have experienced, and a number of former Sun City Anthem Board members have been kind enough to write detailed articles and comments as to the chicanery his publication and those he actively supports have committed, speaks loudly as to the misery he and his followers have caused the Sun City Anthem community.  836 people signed "no confidence" petitions against a General Manager...12% of an entire just 5 weeks, in the middle of summer. Did those individuals sign it for a good reason?  Of course they did; they were being subjected to demands that were changing their lifestyle by a woman and her management team being paid an astronomical income many felt unjustified.

    How he or any person can support the manner in which this removal election has been deceptively handled while innocent individuals constantly are asking question after question as to how to cast ballots, where to obtain them, or even seeking the most basic information without receiving any information from community management, should cause any HONEST person to ask themselves....

    Why, if those individual Board members not being recalled, would any of them not speak out as to the very fairness of the way the entire process has been handled?

    That silence is deafening and has cast a cloud not just on them but on an entire community...a cloud that has shown that no matter how shady the tactics, they obviously find them acceptable.

    Is this the depth of the lack of integrity our Board has stooped to? 

    Must they rely on a blogger who lost a law license to dishonesty and exhibits abnormal hostile behavior, be their spokesperson in order to exist?

    Is power on a Board and lately so obvious on various committees, so important as to support any of the devious removal actions taken ?

    God help all of us, Sun City Anthem.

    We are in the hands of the most dangerous of individuals, and looking the other way, ignoring what is right before your face, and desiring to maintain it, leaves one to question the morality of the society in which we live.

    Is David Berman a man to be used as a role model?

    Better yet, what kind of people would look at him as one?


    A Sun City Anthem Board that needs to be removed
  3. From Barry Opinions

    Regarding the space currently occupied by the Foundation Assisting Seniors, the documented evidence states:


    As soon as the board filed the lawsuit, someone put in a proposal for this change.

    They could not definitively make the change until the suit was settled.

    As you said,Dick, who is going to pay the $1,000 per month rent they wanted from FAS?
  4. Barry, thanks for the clarification.

    I will be more than happy to retract the comment of the FAS space re-purposed it the Spotlight and Performing Arts Club immediately withdrew their request.

    Well clubs, what say you?
    1. From Douglas Opinions

      This was sent to the Ombudsman's office:

      Reneece A. Jackson
      3300 W. SAHARA AVE, STE 325
      LAS VEGAS, NV 89102

      PHONE: (702) 486-4480

      FAX: (702) 486-4520

      My name is Doug West.

      I own two properties in Sun City Anthem. 

      I support the recall of the board members due to, in my opinion, financial irresponsibility. They refuse to adopt a purchase policy or a bid and specification procedure. This has lead to numerous costly projects that have been done incorrectly and/or highly overpriced. 

      My second ballot was not received by us.

      I don't know if the tenant threw it away or what as it looks like junk mail.

      I almost threw my personal residential ballot away.

      There are many absentee owners and landlords whom do not live in the area. 

      No information is given in the ballot request as to the pros and cons of the recall.

      No information was published in the monthly magazine. 

      Absentee owners have no source of unbiased information to make and informed decision.

      In order for me to get a replacement ballot I had to go to the CPA office, produce a copy of my deed and provide my id. Much more onerous than voting for president. 

      This process is flawed in numerous areas which I believe should be investigated by an appropriate governmental agency.
      1. Doug,

        I commend you for taking the time to send an email to the Nevada Ombudsman regarding the removal election.

        I did a Map Quest between Anthem Center and the CPA office and it indicated a drive of 24 minutes.

        Why they wouldn't mail it to you and what they demanded to obtain a ballot that was originally improperly sent to you, is yet another reason we hope people will write, complain, and take the time to complete a formal complaint (Intervention Affidavit).

        All of this might not be completed by the time the election ballots are due, but any formal complaint MUST BE INVESTIGATED, and as of now there are MANY filed.

        This could result in uncovering such corruption that a new election might be ordered by the Nevada Real Estate Division; and if the charges are so severe, could cause them to REMOVE THE ENTIRE BOARD and run Sun City Anthem until a special election is held.

        To all of our readers, if you are as upset about the manner in which this is handled, please take a few moments and write an email to:

        Reenece Jackson     (Just click on the email address to start your email).

        ...and follow it up with a formal complaint.
        1. Looks like the "nasty brigade" is at it in full force at David Berman's hang out.

          Some person who until now being referred to as "M", has finally identified himself as a man named Robert South.

          And for that, I am indeed indebted. At least someone on the Berman blog is willing to use a "supposed " real name....which I promise, will be stored for future reference.

          Actually I thank "M" or Mr. South or whatever his real name is, for such derogatory commentary.

          It paints the perfect portrait of the individual who opposes the Removal and the eloquent manner in which they, like that blog author, demonstrate again and again...their three common attributes:

          ...ignore the issues

          ...kill the messenger

          ...and do so, in a manner which brings a clear definition to the words "low class".

          Thank you to our readers to not stooping to such gutter trash. Then again, we would never allow such senseless insulting garbage to be printed in the first place.
          1. Hmmm...nothing from the Performing Arts or Spotlight Clubs thus far about rescinding their request for the space currently operated by FAS.

            So, maybe the other blogger was...shall we say....doing his "half truth" thing !

            Put up or shut up, Mr. Barnum.

            We still have the emails from the President of the Spotlight Club telling people who to vote for in the last Board election...and...referenced YOUR NAME.

            All we want is the Spotlight Club to say, they no longer want the space.  We know the request was made within a very short time of the Association filing the lawsuit against the Foundation.  Coincidence or "inside trader" information again?  Sounds like Spotlight and their shill were "circling the wagons" lying in wait.
            1. From Patsy Opinions

              Frankly, I don’t know why Spotlight and Performing Arts would want that space for a dressing room in the first place. I believe that there is no door from that space directly into Independence Center.

              You would have to go outside and around the building to get to Freedom Hall. Suppose it’s raining? Would you want to walk through the weather in costume?

              Or, would you want to walk around a building to make your entrance on stage?

              What about communication between the stage manager and performers between two separated places?

              I was extremely active in community theatre for 40 years before I moved her. I did everything from directing, being the star and cleaning the toilets…..that’s what a real community theatre group does.

              They would have to do the same thing to move flats and props into Freedom Hall for a production. And, if some other club or Anthem has the stage for a production, then the flats and props would have to be moved back to the separate facility.
            2. That's a good question, Patsy. With that in mind one would wonder why they would want such a space...unless of course all of your "expensive" concerns are actually part of the plan.

              Incidentally, have you noticed that neither Clubs have yet to rescind their requests in lieu of the Berman article?
            3. To David Berman:

              Mr. Berman, is your blog about issues or merely concerned about others as constant targets of your harassing comments?

              Do you really believe that most people can't see that such articles accomplish nothing other than allowing people to see the real you, the cowardly individual who uses the art of journalism to disguise an inner hatred of people in so many cases?

              The hatred, jealousy and constant barrage of insults you make toward so many, shows you to be a small man of little character whose moral fiber is consistent with that of a bully.

              You fool no one other than perhaps the other bullies who namelessly populate your blog, making similar condescending remarks toward individuals...

              They are, what you are....and you are, in the eyes of many, a poor role model on which to base their lives.

              It is now common knowledge that your life has been filled with failure, dishonesty, despicable actions toward your fellow man, and the unnatural need to "be a somebody".

              Finding such demeaning remarks about human beings to be informative or entertaining shows an upbringing that is far from what most people would call mature. 

              In fact, most with any sense of decency, would find it appalling.

              It is widely known your career in the legal field was a disaster; betraying the trust of a client, and forgery of a judge's signature, acts which honorable people with integrity would never consider.

              Acts a person of questionable character...would...

              ...a decision on your part that eventually resulted in the suspension of your law license, which to the joy of an honest public, you never requested reinstatement...

     if any individual would have ever hired an attorney with such a despicable record of disgracing a career, by freely violating the trust of an unsuspecting public you pledged to honestly represent. 

              Your many disturbing articles indicate a character flaw that all to often mirrors those of a dangerously ill individual in need of close personal care and more than closely related to that of a bully.

              We know your past; the violence you exhibited toward a resident picking up a chair at a meeting and threatening to hit her with it; holding the record in Sun City Anthem for the largest number of resident complaints filed against you...

              ...until your wife, as President, pushed through the repeal of the "code of conduct" violations, to avoid a community looking at the disturbed individual she would have had to exhibit to a community.

              We know how you made every attempt to persuade a widow to sue Sun City Anthem in an attempt to blame the Woodchips Club for her husband's suicide...simply because two of the members you opposed were running for a board position.

              We know how many restaurants you actively supported....and....all failed.

              We know how often you intrude on the privacy of individuals in your belief that you have a right to do so.

              We know how delusional you are in how you perceive yourself, while many in the community look at you as "The Fool on the Hill."

              We know you for the bully you are, and likely always have been.

              We need help.

              Now...the time has come for you, Mr. Berman, to get it. 

              No mature sane adult acts in such an abnormal manner.

              Concentrate on things like issues of a removal, and defending the corruption you need to exist as a human being.

              Your record in life is that you never have, and never will, exist in an honest world. 

              That would have required character and moral fiber, attributes that somehow escaped your gene pool at birth and demonstrate their lack in you each time you write the most demeaning of commentary...

              ...commentary whose only subject and sole purpose is harassment....

              In other words..that of a disturbed BULLY.

              1. In other words..that of a disturbed BULLY.
              2. Mr. Arendt: only one word came to mind after I read your analysis of Mr. Berman: AMEN
                1. From Sherry Opinions

                  My question is if there is to be a storage area & new dressings rooms then it should be for any club that uses the theatre not just PAC & Spotlight.

                  There are quite a few more clubs that use the theatre and they don't have a right to discriminate, we all pay our dues.

                  If it becomes a common area then it is open to anyone paying dues.


  1. Part One of Two

    It is becoming quite apparent that Mr. Berman is completely out of control and is in need of medical assistance that goes far beyond his self admitted depression.

    No rational person acts in such a nasty and demeaning manner without some form of inferiority complex that requires constantly convincing others of his self worth...

    ...especially at the expense of others. It's sick !

    When we were children, we all learned that "actions speak louder than words", and with that in mind...

    What makes a man who has accomplished so little in life, go to such extremes to convince others of his importance when his past is littered with deceit, failure, and an unnatural desire to control at this stage of life?

    A sick man ...

    ...who is incapable of looking at reality unless through a world created by a pen in which he can proclaim himself an expert without relevant credentials.

    A sick man...

    ...who at the very thought of being exposed for his lack of success, must destroy any person at whatever expense he chooses to employ to disguise an inner insecurity while maintaining a facade of expertise his mind has created through the use of mind altering medication.

    Is he not capable of recognizing his actions are that of a bully who must use the most underhanded tactics to convince others...including himself...of his worth?

    Can it be justified to call a man, Forrest Fetherolf, Mr. Fix-It, a "clown" or "slippery" when Forrest's actions of helping so many in need are countless over the years...never seeking recognition, accolades, and rarely accepting any form of compensation for his help?

    Can if be justified to contact a widow whose husband took his life and make attempts to convince her that the Woodchips Club was responsible for the tragedy... a convenient time when Forrest and another member of that Club were running for a Board position whom he opposed?

    Only to have one, Don Schramski, betray his fellow Club members a year later, and seek the Berman blessing ???

    Is that integrity, or a sick man?

    Can it be justified to sponsor a petition to have Rana Goodman removed from the Senior Citizens Action Committee, proclaiming a mass number of individuals supported her removal...when after examination only 8 individuals...all his friends signed it?

    Rana Goodman...the same individual who a few years later would be a crusader for Guardianship reform, traveling to Carson City numerous times to persuade lawmakers to pass legislation ending such abuse of the elderly.

    Is that integrity...or a sick man?

    These are but 2 individuals that had to be destroyed in the mind of an individual because they exposed him for his consistent devious actions that have cost Sun City Anthem residents thousands of dollars with his incompetent endorsements over the years.

  2. Part Two of Two

    The Berman world of influence on the "good old boy" network that Anthem Opinions has exposed; residents have experienced, and a number of former Sun City Anthem Board members have been kind enough to write detailed articles and comments as to the chicanery his publication and those he actively supports have committed, speaks loudly as to the misery he and his followers have caused the Sun City Anthem community.

    How he or any person can support the manner in which this removal election has been deceptively handled while innocent individuals constantly are asking question after question as to how to cast ballots, where to obtain them, or even seeking the most basic information without receiving any information from community management, should cause any HONEST person to ask themselves....

    Why, if those individual Board members not being recalled, would not speak out as to the very fairness of the way the entire process has been handled.

    That silence is deafening and has cast a cloud on a community...a cloud that has shown that no matter how shady the tactics, they obviously find them acceptable.

    Is this the depth of the lack of integrity our Board has stooped to?

    Must they rely on a blogger who lost a law license to dishonesty and exhibits abnormal hostile behavior, be their spokesperson in order to exist?

    Is power on a Board and lately so obvious on various committees so important as to support any of the devious removal actions taken ?

    God help all of us, Sun City Anthem.

    We are in the hands of the most dangerous of individuals, and looking the other way, ignoring what is right before your face, and desiring to maintain it, leaves one to question the morality of the society in which we live.

    Is David Berman a man to be used as a role model?

    Better yet, what kind of people would look at him as one?


    A Sun City Anthem Board that needs to be removed.

  3. From Barry Opinions

    Regarding the space currently occupied by the Foundation Assisting Seniors, the documented evidences states:


    As soon as the board filed the lawsuit, someone put in a proposal for this change.

    They could not definitively make the change until the suit was settled.

    As you said,Dick, who is going to pay the $1,000 per month rent they wanted from FAS?

  4. Barry, thanks for the clarification.

    I will be more than happy to retract the comment of the FAS space re-purposed it the Spotlight and Performing Arts Club immediately withdrew their request.

    Well clubs, what say you?

  5. From Douglas Opinions

    This was sent to the Ombudsman's office:

    Reneece A. Jackson
    3300 W. SAHARA AVE, STE 325
    LAS VEGAS, NV 89102

    PHONE: (702) 486-4480

    FAX: (702) 486-4520

    My name is Doug West..

    I own two properties in Sun City Anthem.

    I support the recall of the board members due to, in my opinion, financial irresponsibility. They refuse to adopt a purchase policy or a bid and specification procedure. This has lead to numerous costly projects that have been done incorrectly and/or highly overpriced.

    My second ballot was not received by us.

    I don't know if the tenant threw it away or what as it looks like junk mail.

    I almost threw my personal residential ballot away.

    There are many absentee owners and landlords whom do not live in the area.

    No information is given in the ballot request as to the pros and cons of the recall.

    No information was published in the monthly magazine.

    Absentee owners have no source of unbiased information to make and informed decision.

    In order for me to get a replacement ballot I had to go to the CPA office, produce a copy of my deed and provide my id. Much more onerous than voting for president.

    This process is flawed in numerous areas which I believe should be investigated by an appropriate governmental agency.

  6. Doug,

    I commend you for taking the time to send an email to the Nevada Ombudsman regarding the removal election.

    I did a Map Quest between Anthem Center and the CPA office and it indicated a drive of 24 minutes.

    Why they wouldn't mail it to you and what they demanded to obtain a ballot that was originally improperly sent to you, is yet another reason we hope people will write, complain, and take the time to complete a formal complaint (Intervention Affidavit).

    All of this might not be completed by the time the election ballots are due, but any formal complaint MUST BE INVESTIGATED, and as of now there are MANY filed.

    This could result in uncovering such corruption that a new election might be ordered by the Nevada Real Estate Division; and if the charges are so severe, could cause them to REMOVE THE ENTIRE BOARD and run Sun City Anthem until a special election is held.

    To all of our readers, if you are as upset about the manner in which this is handled, please take a few moments and write an email to:

    Reenece Jackson

    ...and follow it up with a formal complaint.

  7. Looks like the nasty brigade is at it if full force at David Berman's hang out.

    Some person who until now being referred to as "M" has finally identified himself as a man named Robert South.

    And for that, I am indeed indebted. At least someone on the Berman blog is willing to use a "supposed " real name....which I promise, will be stored for future reference.

    Actually I thank "M" or Mr. South or whatever his real name is, for such derogatory commentary.

    It paints the perfect portrait of the individual who opposes the Removal and the eloquent manner in which they, like that blog author, demonstrate again and again...their three common attributes:

    ...ignore the issues

    ...kill the messenger

    ...and in do so, in a manner which brings a clear definition to the words "low class".

    Thank you to our readers to not stooping to such gutter trash. Then again, we would never allow such senseless insulting garbage to be printed in the first place.

  8. Hmmm...nothing from the Performing Arts or Spotlight Clubs thus far about rescinding their request for the space currently operated by FAS.

    So, maybe the other blogger was...shall we say....doing his "half truth" thing !

    Put up or shut up, Mr. Barnum.

    We still have the emails from the President of Spotlight telling people who to vote for in the last Board election...and...referenced YOUR NAME.

    All we want is your Spotlight Club to say, we no longer want the space.

  9. From Patsy Opinions

    Frankly, I don’t know why Spotlight and Performing Arts would want that space for a dressing room in the first place. I believe that there is no door from that space directly into Independence Center.

    You would have to go outside and around the building to get to Freedom Hall. Suppose it’s raining? Would you want to walk through the weather in costume?

    Or, would you want to walk around a building to make your entrance on stage?

    What about communication between the stage manager and performers between two separated places?

    I was extremely active in community theatre for 40 years before I moved her. I did everything from directing, being the star and cleaning the toilets…..that’s what a real community theatre group does.

    They would have to do the same thing to move flats and props into Freedom Hall for a production. And, if some other club or Anthem has the stage for a production, then the flats and props would have to be moved back to the separate facility.

  10. That's a good question, Patsy. With that in mind one would wonder why they would want such a space...unless of course all of your "expensive" concerns are actually part of the plan.

    Incidentally, have you noticed that either Clubs have yet to rescind their requests in lieu of the Berman article?

  11. To David Berman:

    Mr. Berman, is your blog about issues or merely concerned about others constant targets of your harassing comments?

    Do you really believe that most people can't see that such articles accomplish nothing other than allowing people to see the real you, the cowardly individual who uses the art of journalism to disguise an inner hatred of people in so many cases?

    The hatred, jealousy and constant barrage of insults you make toward so many, shows you to be a small man of little character whose moral fiber is consistent with that of a bully.

    You fool no one other than perhaps the other bullies who namelessly populate your blog, making similar condescending remarks toward individuals...

    They are, what you are....and you are, in the eyes of many, a poor role model on which to base their lives.

    It is now common knowledge that your life has been filled with failure, dishonesty, despicable actions toward your fellow man, and the unnatural need to "be a somebody".

    Finding such demeaning remarks about human beings to be informative or entertaining shows an upbringing that is far from what most people would call mature.

    In fact, most with any sense of decency, would find it appalling.

    It is widely known your career in the legal field was a disaster; betraying the trust of a client, and forgery of a judge's signature, acts which honorable people with integrity would never consider.

    Acts a person of questionable character...would...

    ...a decision on our part that eventually resulted in the suspension of your law license, which to the joy of an honest public, you never requested reinstatement... if any individual would have ever hired an attorney with such a despicable record of disgracing a career, by freely violating the trust of an unsuspecting public you pledged to honestly represent.

    Your many disturbing articles indicate a character flaw that all to often mirrors those of a dangerously ill individual in need of close personal care and more than closely related to that of a bully.

    We know your past; the violence you exhibited toward a resident picking up a chair at a meeting and threatening to hit her with it; holding the record in Sun City Anthem for the largest number of resident complaints filed against you...

    ...until your wife, as President, pushed through the repeal of the "code of conduct" violations, to avoid a community looking at the disturbed individual she would have to exhibit to a community.

    We know how you made every attempt to persuade a widow to sue Sun City Anthem in an attempt to blame the Woodchips Club for her husband's suicide...simply because two of the members you opposed were running for a board position.

    We know how many restaurants you actively supported....and....all failed.

    We know how often you intrude on the privacy of individuals in your belief that you have a right to do so.

    We know how delusional you are in how you perceive yourself, while many in the community look at you as "The Fool on the Hill."

    We know you for the bully you are, and likely always have been.

    We need help.

    Now...the time has come for you, Mr. Berman, to get it.

    No mature sane adult acts in such abnormal manner.

    Concentrate on things like issues of a removal, and defending the corruption you need to exist as a human being.

    Your record in life is that you never have, and never will, exist in an honest world.

    That would have required character and moral fiber, attributes that somehow escaped your gene pool at birth and demonstrate their lack in you each time you write the most demeaning of commentary...

    ...commentary whose only subject and sole purpose is harassment....

    In other words..that of a disturbed BULLY.

  12. Mr. Arendt: only one word came to mind after I read your analysis of Mr. Berman: AMEN

  13. From Sherry Opinions

    My question is if there is to be a storage area & new dressings rooms then it should be for any club that uses the theatre not just PAC & Spotlight.

    There are quite a few more clubs that use the theatre and they don't have a right to discriminate, we all pay our dues.

    If it becomes a common area then it is open to anyone paying dues.
