Information Pages

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Election Ballot: Corruption Personified

Removal Ballot A Disgusting Display

corruptionchroniclesW.jpg (575×380)

Want proof that Sun City Anthem is governed and managed by the most corrupt and underhanded group of people in its history?

Just examine a letter you received on Saturday from some unknown CPA firm named "Ovist & Howard, CPAs."

We've seen this governing and management group perform some of the worst acts in the history of our association, but this latest UNETHICAL tactic should prove to any individual with integrity...

This removal election is WIRED and run by a bunch of SLIPPERY & UNETHICAL individuals who, for the sake of maintaining a power hold on a community,  would SINK TO THE DEEPEST LEVEL of behavior.

Their excuses, letters,  blogging, and whatever else they have done, takes a backseat to this latest DISGUSTING move they ENGINEERED, likely at the suggestion of our newest attorney whose business card should read "winning ugly".

Why is there ABSOLUTELY NOT A SINGLE DOUBT as to these statements?

Let's look closely how these UNSAVORY BUREAUCRATS have treated the residents of our community.

First, there has NEVER been any official announcement by the Sun City Anthem Board or The General Manager that a removal is even taking place in our community !

If no other reason existed, THAT IS DISHONEST.

This disturbing SLIMY bunch may have informed the community one existed at a Board meeting where only a handful of residents attend, and the General Manager and Board never hesitate to inform the community of "how financially secure" we are, or make residents aware of other meetings few attend...

...but yet, when it came to one of the most crucial times in Sun City Anthem history, a REMOVAL ELECTION, they saw fit TO IGNORE ANY OFFICIAL REMOVAL NOTICE to the entire community.

..and that...IS SHADY & DISHONEST.

We all got our removal ballots on Saturday, and if you even had the slightest inkling that group was "on the up and up"....and were going to oppose the recall...

...that hope was dashed today, or should be IF YOU TOO AREN'T SHADY & DISHONEST.


Before I answer that question, let us assume you are COMPLETELY UNAWARE of any removal election is taking are THOUSANDS of residents who do not read community blogs.

You then get a mysterious letter in the mail from an accounting firm.
Look closely at the envelope you received.

The  Sun City Anthem removal ballot was placed in an envelope with a return address on the left side of the envelope that does NOT IDENTIFY SUN CITY ANTHEM nor does it state any removal ballot is enclosed.

It is the CPA firm hired by Sun City Anthem that is listed on the return envelope, an obvious deceptive trick in which most residents will probably interpret as a solicitation from an unknown CPA firm...

..leave it unopened, and promptly deposit it in the recycle bin.

People who do not reside in the community, yet are eligible to vote because they own property in the association, will also get this letter and since they too have never been notified, will be even more in the dark, and only seeing a letter from an out-of-state CPA firm without Sun City Anthem referenced, will be even more likely to discard the letter, believing it is a junk mail solicitation.

That's WHAT THE SLIPPERY BUNCH WANT YOU TO DO......and...YOU'D BE A FOOL if you believed otherwise.

They know that will limit the number of individuals casting a ballot, and because the UNSAVORY BUNCH also installed a rule that if 2,501 ballots are not received, THEY WON'T EVEN BE COUNTED...

...leaving EACH AND EVERY RESIDENT IN THE DARK as to the "voices of the people"....

...that too is both DECEPTIVE and DISHONEST.

In addition the actual enclosed ballot in the letter does not even fit in the return envelope back to the accounting firm.

That supposedly cost residents thousand of dollars?

But if you're still in doubt, you must read the instructions to cast the ballot.

Read it carefully, because one tiny error means that too, will cause the CPA firm to "file 13" your ballot.  They are at best, ambiguous...

...and intended to confuse an individual into such frustration, they will likely NOT VOTE.

Note too, in addition to the above chicanery, here's another RIGGED REQUIREMENT they SLIPPED IN !

Make sure your return address matches EXACTLY the way the letter to you was addressed. 

For example, if your letter was addressed John Smith and Susie Smith,  using a LABEL or writing anything other than your address, will LIKELY INVALIDATE your BALLOT.

Under all the restrictions placed on this election, how can any honest election ever take place?

Ask the SLIPPERY BUNCH who WIRED this entire removal action.

No matter what the outcome, ALL OF THEM HENCE FORTH SHOULD BE LOOKED ON for what they have clearly demonstrated themselves to be...


This is your community governance, managing, and legal body that controls your lives.

This election should now go to the Nevada Attorney General for criminal investigation. 

Is that what you anticipated when you arrived?

Got a comment?

Send it to us...and those on the Sun City Board who contrived this election travesty.

  1. From Bill Opinions

    Interesting mailing: appears to be an advertisement for the CPA firm.

    When I audited clients and sent accounts receivable confirmations letters, there was an indication on the return envelope who the vendor was; not here.

    This will delay the process and cost increases for the CPA firm.

    Done on purpose or incompetence by the CPA firm.
  2. From Virginia Opinions

    We got our ballot today. My husband, Ralph, said it looked like “junk mail” which is what I said was the intent so people would throw it out.

    It seems like all the ballots we received before said “ballot” or “important”……who would know these CPAs name from "Joe Smooth" when you get so much junk mail?

    But guess that’s their plan.
  3. Bill & Virginia:

    I believe the Sun City Anthem community is fully entitled to know if there was any particular individual who drafted this deceptive piece of trash that was specifically designed to "play" Sun City Anthem residents like a fiddle.

    What is most astonishing...and proof of the ignorance and corruption of those who obviously find this lunacy in any way acceptable, are the nature of the comments elsewhere.

    Those people have proven themselves to be mere collaborators in a conspiracy to defraud their community of a fair election.

    Those are the ones who deserve to be looked on as "enemies of fair play and justice".
    1. From Buddy Opinions

      Since many who do not currently reside in Sun City Anthem will probably not receive it from a forwarded mail, I can only ask a question based on what was told to me.

      Each returned ballot on the recall has to match exactly the address on the envelope?

      And, according to what I've learned, do I have to use the same incorrect zip code the CPA used?

      Was that the same rule for the general election, or just another rule to taint the recall election?

      If the required number of ballots are returned and the CPA firm disqualifies ballots as a result of a non perfect signature, will the number of disqualified ballots be told to us?

      Who designed the ballot with the new stringent rules that seem to apply to recall and not the general election?

      Hopefully everyone that received the ballots will be a spokesman for others to encourage them to vote yes for the recall.
    2. Buddy,

      I hope your questions will be answered by the Ombudsman and/or Nevada Attorney General.

      I have been made aware that numerous emails have been sent to the Ombudsman claiming "foul play" and the Nevada Attorney General is being contacted to examine any possible criminal activity in the manner this entire removal election has been handled...and the parties which are responsible for it.

      This now has the potential of becoming another HOA scandal as a result.
      1. And what about that postage folks? 

        Note that it is $.67 because of the excess paper in the ballot, not the normal $.49 (and this would even be less than $.49 because of the bulk mail discounts). Remove the Meeting notice, or place it on the back of the instructions, and the weight drops to 1 oz. The only reason not to do so is to cost the Association money. Do the math. Additional cost is over $1,275. Your money.

        Another example of the waste of funds practiced by this Board.
        1. From Phillip Opinions

          I left Chicago and my home state, IL, with the hope of leaving cronyism, political backstabbing and greed behind.

          Politics is a game not for the feint-of-heart. There are the good guys and the bad guys.

          In a democracy, you get what the majority wants.

          Let us hope that the "recall" is on the up-and-up. We all want our say. Let us pray.
          1. From Gary Opinions

            Item 4 talks about the return address must match the address on the main envelope. What if a person owns more than one home in SCA but the return address is the same for both homes?

            Many thanks to you, Favil, and Nona for staying on top of this "mess".

            I am very disappointed in Art and Forest. Most of us voted for them to make positive changes on the Board.

            Instead it appears they are now "drinking the
            Cool-Aide" and have become one to the sheep.
          2. Gary, use a separate envelope for each. I wish I had the correct answer for you,and I would think a responsible Board would take the time to spell this out.

            Needless to say, they haven't.

            It takes a lot for me to be at a loss for words, but this time, the only answer is CONTACT THE OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE and file a formal complaint.

            It is the worst deception ever played on the owners in the history of SCA.
          3. From Jo Ann & Jeff Opinions

            Thanks so much for advising us about making sure we match our return with the address, name that was sent to us.

            We own more than one property and each was addressed differently.

            Had to go through the recycle to rescue what we needed.

            I am also furious that there is not a depository up at the center for our reply envelope.

            If you can deposit your vote there during an election for ease, why not now for the recall?

            I usually try to stay our of politics, but boy are they making it difficult to stay neutral.

            Thoughts from an unhappy homeowner.
          4. Jo Ann & Jeff,

            Your sentiments are ringing louder than a fire engine.

            The instructions are so vague, who knows any longer? 

            The instructions state as per # 4:

            "The larger envelope MUST have your return address on it".

            Will including a name invalidate the ballot? I would just follow the instructions on the letter.

            The bottom line is this entire procedure has been a nightmare....and...being coordinated by a $270,000 General Manager, an attorney, and any Board member, they need to find "employment" elsewhere for what they have done to our community.

            Never has our association been this divided, and we have THEM to blame for all of it.
            1. From Marty Opinions

              Hi Dick,

              Just out of curiosity I looked at the SCA message board for a message I left a few days ago when Jerry Gardberg said, "Vote NO for the recall as it would cost tens of thousands of dollars (which I don't believe)."

              I wrote a message and said, "Jerry is lying, vote YES."

              Well what do you know, his message is still there, mine did not make it to the "message board!"

              Another thing is, they gave us a 8 x 10 ballot to fit in a smaller envelope, and then stick in a standard #10 envelope. What brilliant idiots we have for how they are running this charade. Such fools, and still I'll bet lots will be "suckered" into something that will continue for them to pay, pay, pay.

              Too bad.
            2. Marty,

              It made it here, and here it will stay.
            3. From Laura Opinions

              This should have gone to the Attorney General for investigation a long, long time ago.

              \It should have also gone to the news media to get this out in public and, therefore, reaching a lot more of our community.

              More needs to be done sooner rather than later.

              Thanks for all you do.
            4. From Ro Opinions


              Most people will not even open the envelope; and after trying to read the instructions, would be thoroughly confused, hoping not to make a mistake when returning it so their ballot won't be disqualified. I was even afraid to put a sticker on the outside of my envelope. Then, trying to fold the paper to put it into the envelope was difficult.

              Most residents won't even know why they're receiving a "removal" ballot anyway and don't know what's going on.

              Heck, even I, almost through it into the trash before opening. It should have had something on the outside envelope mentioning it was from Sun City Anthem.

              What a waste of our money!
            5. From Anthony Opiinions

              You're are correct in pointing out this is the type of garbage manufactured by the SLIME BALLS PRESENTLY IN CHARGE, AND THE BIGGEST OF THEM ALL---BERMAN.
            6. From Sue Opinions

              I noticed this ballot issue right away and sent emails to friends.

              One even said she hadn't realized and tore it in half.

              I hope my return address matches exactly because I already threw out the envelope.

              What happened to Aletta Waterhouse claiming total transparency if she won the election?

              ALL THE More REASON To recall them.
            7. Sue,

              Hopefully she will shortly be just a footnote in the corrupt and incompetent past of Sun City Anthem.
            8. From Bruce Opinions

              The assumptions are absolutely correct--I ALMOST deep sixed the envelope before opening it.
            9. From Al Opinions

              So when do we receive the real ballots?
            10. Al,

              After the Ombudsman decides this entire matter is flawed and crooked.


  1. From Bill Opinions

    Interesting mailing: appears to be an advertisement for the CPA firm.

    When I audited clients and sent accounts receivable confirmations letters, there was an indication on the return envelope who the vendor was; not here.

    This will delay the process and cost increases for the CPA firm.

    Done on purpose or incompetence by the CPA firm.

  2. From Virginia Opinions

    We got our ballot today. My husband, Ralph, said it looked like “junk mail” which is what I said was the intent so people would throw it out.

    It seems like all the ballots we received before said “ballot” or “important”……who would know these CPAs name from "Joe Smooth" when you get so much junk mail?

    But guess that’s their plan.

  3. Bill & Virginia:

    I believe the Sun City Anthem community is fully entitled to know if there was any particular individual who drafted this deceptive piece of trash that was specifically designed to "play" Sun City Anthem residents like a fiddle.

    What is most astonishing...and proof of the ignorance and corruption of those who obviously find this lunacy in any way acceptable, are the nature of the comments elsewhere.

    Those people have proven themselves to be mere collaborators in a conspiracy to defraud their community of a fair election.

    Those are the ones who deserve to be looked on as "enemies of fair play and justice".

  4. From Buddy Opinions

    Since many who do not currently reside in Sun City Anthem will probably not receive it from a forwarded mail, I can only ask a question based on what was told to me.

    Each returned ballot on the recall has to match exactly the address on the envelope?

    And, according to what I've learned, do I have to use the same incorrect zip code the CPA used?

    Was that the same rule for the general election, or just another rule to taint the recall election?

    If the required number of ballots are returned and the CPA firm disqualifies ballots as a result of a non perfect signature, will the number of disqualified ballots be told to us?

    Who designed the ballot with the new stringent rules that seem to apply to recall and not the general election?

    Hopefully everyone that received the ballots will be a spokesman for others to encourage them to vote yes for the recall.

  5. Buddy,

    I hope your questions will be answered by the Ombudsman and/or Nevada Attorney General.

    I have been made aware that numerous emails have been sent to the Ombudsman claiming "foul play" and the Nevada Attorney General is being contacted to examine any possible criminal activity in the manner this entire removal election has been handled...and the parties which are responsible for it.

    This now has the potential of becoming another HOA scandal as a result.

  6. And what about that postage folks.

    Note that it is $.67 because of the excess paper in the ballot, not the normal $.49 (and this would even be less than $49 because of the bulk mail discounts). Remove the Meeting notice, or place it on the back of the instructions, and the weight drops to 1 oz. The only reason not to do so is to cost the Association money. Do the math. Additional cost is over $1,275. Your money.

    Another example of the waste of funds practiced by this Board.

  7. From Phillip Opinions

    I left Chicago and my home state, IL, with the hope of leaving cronyism, political backstabbing and greed behind.

    Politics is a game not for the feint-of-heart. There are the good guys and the bad guys.

    In a democracy, you get what the majority wants.

    Let us hope that the "recall" is on the up-and-up. We all want our say. Let us pray.

  8. From Gary Opinions

    Item 4 talks about the return address must match the address on the main envelope. What if a person owns more than one home in SCA but the return address is the same for both homes?

    Many thanks to you, Favil, and Nona for staying on top of this "mess".

    I am very disappointed in Art and Forest. Most of us voted for them to make positive changes on the Board.

    Instead it appears they are now "drinking the
    Cool-Aide" and have become one to the sheep.

  9. Gary, use a separate envelope for each. I wish I had the correct answer for you,and I would think a responsible Board would take the time to spell this out.

    Needless to say, they haven't.

    It takes a lot for me to be at a loss for words, but this time, the only answer is CONTACT THE OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE and file a formal complaint.

    It is the worst deception ever played on the owners in the history of SCA.

  10. From Jo Ann & Jeff Opinions

    Thanks so much for advising us about making sure we match our return with the address, name that was sent to us.

    We own more than one property and each was addressed differently.

    Had to go through the recycle to rescue what we needed.

    I am also furious that there is not a depository up at the center for our reply envelope.

    If you can deposit your vote there during an election for ease, why not now for the recall?

    I usually try to stay our of politics, but boy are they making it difficult to stay neutral.

    Thoughts from an unhappy homeowner.

  11. Jo Ann & Jeff,

    Your sentiments are ringing louder than a fire engine.

    The instructions are so vague, who knows any longer?

    The instructions state as per # 4:

    "The larger envelope MUST have your return address on it".

    Will including a name invalidate the ballot? I would just follow the instructions on the letter.

    The bottom line is this entire procedure has been a nightmare....and...being coordinated by a $270,000 General Manager, an attorney, and any Board member, they need to find "employment" elsewhere for what they have done to our community.

    Never has our association been this divided, and we have THEM to blame for all of it.

  12. From Marty Opinions

    Hi Dick,

    Just out of curiosity I looked at the SCA message board for a message I left a few days ago when Jerry Gardberg said, "Vote NO for the recall as it would cost tens of thousands of dollars (which I don't believe)."

    I wrote a message and said, "Jerry is lying, vote YES."

    Well what do you know, his message is still there, mine did not make it to the "message board!"

    Another thing is, they gave us a 8 x 10 ballot to fit in a smaller envelope, and then stick in a standard #10 envelope. What brilliant idiots we have for how they are running this charade. Such fools, and still I'll bet lots will be "suckered" into something that will continue for them to pay, pay, pay.

    Too bad.

  13. Marty,

    It made it here, and here it will stay.

  14. From Laura Opinions

    This should have gone to the Attorney General for investigation a long, long time ago.

    \It should have also gone to the news media to get this out in public and, therefore, reaching a lot more of our community.

    More needs to be done sooner rather than later.

    Thanks for all you do.

  15. From Ro Opinions


    Most people will not even open the envelope; and after trying to read the instructions, would be thoroughly confused, hoping not to make a mistake when returning it so their ballot won't be disqualified. I was even afraid to put a sticker on the outside of my envelope. Then, trying to fold the paper to put it into the envelope was difficult.

    Most residents won't even know why they're receiving a "removal" ballot anyway and don't know what's going on.

    Heck, even I, almost through it into the trash before opening. It should have had something on the outside envelope mentioning it was from Sun City Anthem.

    What a waste of our money!

  16. From Anthony Opiinions

    You're are correct in pointing out this is the type of garbage manufactured by the SLIME BALLS PRESENTLY IN CHARGE, AND THE BIGGEST OF THEM ALL---BERMAN.

  17. From Sue Opinions

    I noticed this ballot issue right away and sent emails to friends.

    One even said she hadn't realized and tore it in half.

    I hope my return address matches exactly because I already threw out the envelope.

    What happened to Aletta Waterhouse claiming total transparency if she won the election?

    ALL THE More REASON To recall them.

  18. Sue,

    Hopefully she will shortly be just a footnote in the corrupt and incompetent past of Sun City Anthem.

  19. From Bruce Opinions

    The assumptions are absolutely correct--I ALMOST deep sixed the envelope before opening it.

  20. From Al Opinions

    So when do we receive the real ballots?

  21. Al,

    After the Ombudsman decides this entire matter is flawed and crooked.
