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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

This is What A Community Wanted to Maintain ??? An Anthem Opinions Editorial...Laced with COLD COSTLY FACTS !

Sun City Anthem Legal Bills Continue to Soar

While the Association President continues his rant against those who supported the removal effort...'s a little something you might think about the next time he produces a report as to the "tremendous job" he and his cohorts have demonstrated while in office.

Remember, we got a new association attorney who was supposedly going to save our community money?

Well folks...hasn't happened yet...and likely WON'T !

For those out there who chose to believe we were being properly represented...and...managed in the most "efficientmanner...

This is what you got in return:

October, 2017 Legal Fees:    $34,797.79  
Year to date total Legal Fees $230,384.33

Now let's compare that to the original 2017 budget numbers:

October, 2017 Legal Fees:   $7,500.00
Year to date total Legal Fees:  $75,000.00

Over Budget

But...we have more...

Let's look at the Recall Election fees AUTHORIZED by the same individuals (who constantly are blaming others for their WASTEFUL DECISIONS...always insisting "it's someone else's fault") ...

...and are exclusive of the above association attorney fees already discussed.

Total year to date costs:  $73,286.16

Of course we can't forget the $270,000 paid to the General Manager whose recommendations they  embraced !

Add it all up and that means we have dumped....


...on just these examples !

That folks, translates into $80.30 of your annual dues or 6.6% of all you contributed in 2017.

Is that "bang for your buck" or you "getting banged"?

Our sincere best wishes to those who condemned those who made an honest attempt to promote efficiency.

YOU...those who felt so strongly to retain those responsible for this travesty...

...are to blame.

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  1. From Valerie Opinions

    We are getting royally "banged".
    1. From Nona Opinions

      Nona Tobin has written an article about the financial concerns of Sun City Anthem.

      We encourage our readers to read her latest comments by clicking on this link


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    We are getting royally "banged".

  2. From Nona Opinions

    Nona Tobin has written an article about the financial concerns of Sun City Anthem.

    We encourage our readers to read her latest comments by clicking on this link:
