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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Another Election without Hope ?

Reports from An Election Committee Meeting
An Anthem Opinions Editorial

There they were...all huddled in the same location...waiting to see if there was someone out there willing to "rock the boat" they so carefully contrived in order to maintain their precious "machine"...

...former and current Board members that included Bella MeeseAletta Waterhouse, Bob BurchDon SchramskiMike Carey, and of course, their mouthpiece, the blogger whose history of endorsing them, while at the same time, never stating anything that would in any way be considered the "full truth", was there lying in wait to watch any "renegade" come forth in preparation of destroying their character.

It's all so typical, and this year will not be any different.

To date, only 2 individuals have made it known they intend to run in the 2018 Board of Directors election:

Nona Tobin and her handpicked Board appointed Machine "Rent a Replacement" Jim Coleman !

Am I wrong about Coleman?  

He's NEVER voted against ANYTHING the machine has proposed.

But mark my words, the "machine" knows how to play the game, folks.

Somewhere around 30 minutes before the final bell rings to announce candidacies, a certain number of them will come forth to make sure their "system" is protected...

...a predominant bunch of "recruited groupies" who, for some unnatural reason, will seek the power almost all of them never achieved in their pre-retirement lives, but now have to have it as they get closer to the "Pearly Gates" !

Competence and relevant experience will have NOTHING to do with anything...that's been obvious for years...

...but butt licking certainly will !

...many of which are too ignorant to realize their egos were stroked and merely recruited for a vote, that "obey" is an unofficial requirement for endorsement by "the machine".

And what a record to boast of !

Just look at the results if you believe my beliefs are in error.

Dues increased

Attorney Fees out of control

Foundation Assisting Seniors gone

No checks and balances on expenses

A construction defect lawsuit with no end in sight

Clubs in revolt

A General Manager who believes a community is her personal kingdom 

With the exception of Nona Tobin, all of them supported the antics displayed in the recent removal election for one reason...

...they were scared to death that playing with a full deck might actually have a community look at them for what they are....

...political hacks who will use any unethical tactic possible in order to avoid telling a community the truth !

A few months ago they claimed a "huge" victory while employing tactics that even DISHONEST individuals would question, didn't they?

How ETHICAL was it to send out ballots to people while disguising them in a CPA's envelope?

How ETHICAL was it to dump $85,000 on an election that should have cost $8,000, and...then blame others for the waste !

How ETHICAL was it for an outside CPA firm to miscount the ballots and allow one of the "machine" to escape the removal by all of 2 votes AFTER PROOF was submitted they was not counted properly?

How ETHICAL was it to have a new Association attorney make sure every HONEST and FAIR attempt at an election was BLOCKED, while, with the full support of a General Manager that 10% of an association members signed a "no confidence" petition, would EXPENSIVELY USE HIM, portraying herself as an "innocent lamb" that did so, to ensure "fairness"???

...a "lamb" that has established control over a senior community that has been forced to cater to her ever increasing whims and demands, protected by her hotline to the association attorney and backed by a spineless Board, at an income that exceeds just about every person in Nevada with similar responsibilities !

How ETHICAL was it to have a Board Treasurer compose a BIASED report, have it published on an official association source, alongside an association employee forwarding it to all CLUB members asking them to forward it to their members....while DENYING ANY OPPORTUNITY TO REBUT ?

This bunch even went so far as to gather about $5,000 among themselves to send a letter to every homeowner, filled with propaganda.

But...despite all of that, the "machine" was only able to obtain less than 400 more votes than the removal proponents.

Over 1,200 people believed the machine "had to go" !

One would have to wonder what the result would have been had ETHICS and FAIR PLAY been displayed?

Well, when all is said and done, don't look for any big changes...

...unless at least three others can somehow come forth and join Nona Tobin to win a majority of the director positions.

The clock is ticking !

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  1. From Robert Opinions

    I used to think it was total apathy in SCA that prevented a slate of candidates beating a path to the election 'door'.

    I realize I was wrong:  MAYBE the SCA residents recognize the futility of running for the Board AND - if elected - do not want to face the fate 'ala Nona Tobin' if elected and TRY to change the "machine".

    Most people moved to SCA to enjoy their "twilight years" and get away from unnecessary BS, and most don't find it necessary to achieve "importance in life" they never achieved during their working careers.

1 comment:

  1. From Robert Opinions

    I used to think it was total apathy in SCA that prevented a slate of candidates beating a path to the election 'door'.

    I realize I was wrong:  MAYBE the SCA residents recognize the futility of running for the Board AND - if elected - do not want to face the fate 'ala Nona Tobin' if elected and TRY to change the "machine".

    Most people moved to SCA to enjoy their "twilight years" and get away from unnecessary BS, and most don't find it necessary to achieve "importance in life" they never achieved during their working careers.
