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Monday, February 12, 2018

Nona Gets Boot from Sun City Anthem Attorney in 43 Page Letter...An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Sun City Anthem Association Attorney in 43 Page Letter:
Nona Tobin NOT eligible to Run for Sun City Anthem Board


Yes, you read it right... billed...association paid...pages !

We knew something was up, and sure enough, "the machine" made sure that Nona Tobin cannot even be a Board candidate for the Sun City Anthem Board.

Keep in mind this woman has NEVER had the opportunity to defend herself against any act of supposedly "enriching herself".

Despite her constantly making attempt after attempt to be heard...

The Nevada Real Estate Division has allowed this nightmare to continue for in excess of six months...

... a legal body that is supposed to protect HOMEOWNERS against injustices.

Though "the machine" will make every attempt to state all of this was done at the advice of an Association Attorney, make no mistake...

This was at the encouragement and acceptance of a Community General Manager, and the six Sun City Anthem Directors who voted to remove her without due process of any kind.

...two of which have arrogantly (or laughingly) filed for reelection....

Aletta Waterhouse
(winner of 1200+ removal votes)

Robert Burch
(who escaped the removal ballot due to the "expert" CPA firm not being able to read and count Clark County property records)

Nona Tobin's Sun City Anthem Community blog, "SCA Strong" tells Nona's side of the story.

We suggest you read it.  

Just click on these links:

Nothing...and I mean... nothing...has more clearly demonstrated the depth a group of individuals will go to harm an innocent party.

This isn't "draining a swamp"...

Returning Burch, Waterhouse, and Coleman to the Board...while barring Nona Tobin from even entering the elective process... irrigating it !
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  1. From Tony Opinions

    Why doesn’t Rana Goodman run for the board, with her mouth, brains, & guts?

    She would be a welcome addition to the board.

    If the machine is afraid of Nona, they would run for the hills with Rana Goodman.

    Look at the super job she did on the guardianship issue.

    She’s got my vote.
  2. From Robert Opinions

    Their arrogance will continue due to the overall Apathy in the SCA community.

    Maybe someday when we're paying over $500 per quarter HOA fee, it will finally 'sink in' that we're basically being molested by this group and their hand-picked GM (aided and abetted by their Internet Troll).
    1. From Linda Opinions

      Unfriggin’ believable that this attorney can keep Nona Tobin from becoming a candidate for the Board.

      This has definitely become a dictatorship and must come to a stop sooner rather than later.

      Surely, there must be something that can be done to stop this!

      I get so angry when I read this stuff.  I can’t imagine how Nona Tobin deals with this.......tough lady.

      Hope she succeeds.
    2. From Buddy Opinions

      I attended the election committee meeting today to see the new candidates.

      Interestingly enough there were 34 visitors to the meeting.

      The committee must not have expected this crowd as they had to expand the room and add more chairs.

      The meeting opened with the chairman reading a letter from Rex Weddle. This letter basically said that Nona was not acceptable as a candidate.

      I did see Nona before the meeting go up to the election committee chairwoman to talk to her and then Nona sat down.

      The chairperson ran the meeting and did the majority of talking.

      I did hear that Nona Tobin wanted to make some statements, but was not permitted to do so.

      I can only presume the large turnout for the meeting was in support of Nona
      Sandy "The Queen" Seddon and her assistant were at the table, but did not say anything.

      We were told that we could observe but not speak.

      One candidate asked specifically why Nona Tobin was not on the candidate list and the Chairwoman said she was sent a letter with the reasons and tried to move on.

      The candidate once again pursued and asked why, and was told that he would get a copy of the 40+ page letter telling why Nona Tobin was excluded.

      This meeting was informational on what candidates could and could not do.

      Nona Tobin appeared unhappy about not being able to speak.

      From my perspective, the meeting was worthless.

      This is the same baloney that we have previously heard.

      After all, who said Nona was not able to be a candidate?

      That person or group should have been there to defend their position.

      Instead this board once again suffers from a lack of transparency and apparently a hidden agenda.

      It is a sad state of affairs that the people cannot be represented.
      1. Nona Tobin's Response to the Election Committee Snub

        Just click on this link from her blog, SCA Strong:


  1. From Tony Opinions

    Why doesn’t Rana Goodman run for the board, with her mouth, brains, & guts?

    She would be a welcome addition to the board.

    If the machine is afraid of Nona, they would run for the hills with Rana Goodman.

    Look at the super job she did on the guardianship issue.

    She’s got my vote.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    Their arrogance will continue due to the overall Apathy in the SCA community.

    Maybe someday when we're paying over $500 per quarter HOA fee, it will finally 'sink in' that we're basically being molested by this group and their hand-picked GM (aided and abetted by their Internet Troll)

  3. From Linda Opinions

    Unfriggin’ believable that this attorney can keep Nona Tobin from becoming a candidate for the Board. 

    This has definitely become a dictatorship and must come to a stop sooner rather than later. 

    Surely, there must be something that can be done to stop this! 

    I get so angry when I read this stuff.  I can’t imagine how Nona Tobin deals with this.......tough lady. 

    Hope she succeeds.

  4. From Buddy Opinions

    I attended the election committee meeting today to see the new candidates.

    Interestingly enough there were 34 visitors to the meeting.

    The committee must not have expected this crowd as they had to expand the room and add more chairs.

    The meeting opened with the chairman reading a letter from Rex Weddle. This letter basically said that Nona was not acceptable as a candidate.

    I did see Nona before the meeting go up to the election committee chairwoman to talk to her and then Nona sat down.

    The chairperson ran the meeting and did the majority of talking.

    I did hear that Nona Tobin wanted to make some statements, but was not permitted to do so.

    I can only presume the large turnout for the meeting was in support of Nona
    Sandy "The Queen" Seddon and her assistant were at the table, but did not say anything.

    We were told that we could observe but not speak.

    One candidate asked specifically why Nona Tobin was not on the candidate list and the Chairwoman said she was sent a letter with the reasons and tried to move on.

    The candidate once again pursued and asked why, and was told that he would get a copy of the 40+ page letter telling why Nona Tobin was excluded. 

    This meeting was informational on what candidates could and could not do.

    Nona Tobin appeared unhappy about not being able to speak.

    From my perspective, the meeting was worthless.

    This is the same baloney that we have previously heard.

    After all, who said Nona was not able to be a candidate?

    That person or group should have been there to defend their position.

    Instead this board once again suffers from a lack of transparency and apparently a hidden agenda. 

    It is a sad state of affairs that the people cannot be represented.

  5. Nona Tobin's Response to the Election Committee Snub

    Just click on this link from her blog, SCA Strong:
