Information Pages

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Striking Difference Between Sun City Anthem Website Envelope and That Used in the Removal Election

New Sun City Anthem Website Letter
A Comparison to Removal Election Notification

Image result for the letter

Sun City Anthem unit owners recently were sent a letter from Sun City Anthem management  that came in an envelope that looked like this:  

It was what the Sun City Anthem Administration determined was extremely important ...that it not be discarded because of the manner in which an individual must complete the information in order to subscribe to the new SCA website.

For those of you who completed the form enclosed, if you have not yet tried out our "new and improved" community website..

We recommend you do at your earliest convenience.

But...that's not the purpose of this article...another is !

After examining the envelope carefully, you will see that it is plainly marked as coming from Sun City Anthem Association....and...further MARKED:


Now let's turn back to clock to a few months ago when we held a Removal election in Sun City Anthem.

How about we look at the envelope in which the removal ballot was placed !

 See a difference...or...what seemed to appear on the first, but was OMITTED from the second?

While a website notification was clearly identified from Sun City Anthem and marked: 

"Important...Don't Throw Away"...

...No such wording appeared on the envelope referring to the Removal election !

Think that was an accident?  

Which would you say was more important?

Anyone still want to believe that fairness was demonstrated during that crucial time period of Sun City Anthem history ????

..that the current management with full support of a Board, didn't engage in "stacking the deck" to have a direct affect on that vote ????

...purposely creating confusion ????

....with the result that many unit owners (especially those not currently residing in the community, yet owning and renting property), discarded the envelope believing it was junk mail ????

And who was on that board that is currently running for re-election?

Aletta Waterhouse
Robert Burch
James Coleman

Should Sun City Anthem unit owners re-elect individuals who have demonstrated such behavior?

In our opinion...

They should ...if they endorse sneaky individuals who engage in such unethical practices to win at the cost of sacrificing fair play and integrity!

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Patsy Opinions


    Like you, the very first thing I noticed on the Website mailing was that the envelope had the SCA return address and the note that it was IMPORTANT AND DON’T THROW AWAY THE ENVELOPE.

    Strange they would do this for this kind of mailing but not for the very important recall election.

  2. Patsy,

    I've received numerous calls with the same comment.

    I was able to get in and sign up, but my wife couldn't. As per the instructions, an email was sent to the proper party and am still awaiting a response.

    Looks like another success story, doesn't it?

    Anyone else out there have an answer?
  1. From Patsy Opinions


    I actually tried to log on by entering the www.SCA address and it gave me the same message.

    I guess I can live without the site even though I’m paying for it.

    That hacks the heck out of me!
  2. Another strong reason to give the General Manager and her staff another raise !


  1. From Patsy Opinions

    Like you, the very first thing I noticed on the Website mailing was that the envelope had the SCA return address and the note that it was IMPORTANT AND DON’T THROW AWAY THE ENVELOPE. 

    Strange they would do this for this kind of mailing but not for the very important recall election. 


  2. Patsy,

    I've received numerous calls with the same comment.

    I was able to get in and sign up, but my wife couldn't. As per the instructions, an email was sent to the proper party and am still awaiting a response.

    Looks like another success story, doesn't it?

    Anyone else out there have an answer?

  3. From Patsy Opinions


    I actually tried to log on by entering the www.SCA address and it gave me the same message.

    I guess I can live without the site even though I’m paying for it.

    That hacks the heck out of me!

  4. Another strong reason to give the General Manager and her staff another raise !
