Information Pages

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Change in Document Information Form...Another Act to Destroy Document Dissemination

It's the End of Reporting
Sun City Anthem Financial Information

Image result for cartoon man walking away in the sunset

Normally it takes weeks...and in Nona Tobin's case, still months, for the Nevada Real Estate Division to answer complaints...

...but not this time.

The Office of the Ombudsman, at the obvious urging of The Sun City Anthem Association attorney, likely at the instigation of the association General Manager, with the blessing of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors, managed to "get to them" ...

...and SOMEWHAT reversed the previous decision regarding the Document Request Form placed on the new Sun City Anthem web site.

An eblast was sent on Thursday, April 5, 2018, clarifying the "new and improved version" of the form...

...a version that now LITERALLY makes it impossible to avoid certain penalties, if one discloses certain (and obviously embarrassing) information to third parties.

The old version stated a signature was REQUIRED and was struck down by the Ombudsman's office.

The new version has now been APPROVED that now includes the following verbiage:

"The Association does not require the execution by signature of the form to obtain records."

Despite this language, NONE of the PENALTIES were removed.

So...what does that mean?

In our opinion, the form was altered in such a way as to ACCOMPLISH it's original intention...without having an individual signing it.

Namely, a disturbing  (now government approvedattempt to STONEWALL any information from being published to make unit owners aware of certain information...


And that means, NOT PUBLICLY DISCLOSING the outrageous incomes paid Sun City Anthem Management.

Here's what the SNEAKY BUNCH just pulled off !

If you disclose ANY INFORMATION THEY CONSIDER A VIOLATION to a third party UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, you run the possibility of:

aCriminal misdemeanor
bFines (of an undetermined amount)
cCivil litigation

...and if you believe this bunch and their hired gun attorney won't do anything to enforce those penalties AS THEY SEE FIT, spending any sum they choose to make life MISERABLE for any person trying to INFORM a community of their UNCONTROLLED SPENDING HABITS in the process...

...all one has to do it look at the extent of the funds expended during the removal election ($85,000) and those for the first 2 months of 2018, another $80,000.

We wonder what this latest act ON THE PART OF MANAGEMENT cost the unit owners of Sun City Anthem to suppress them in disseminating vital information a PUBLIC SHOULD KNOW ???

With all of this in mind, we find it no longer possible to provide you any such information sent to us by individuals who chose to supply us with it.

That would be an unconscionable act that likely would greatly harm that individual whose intention was merely to MAKE AN UNSUSPECTING PUBLIC AWARE of information they believed was in their best interests.

This is a sad day in the history of Sun City Anthem as a result.

To our knowledge, NO other HOA in the Las Vegas Valley places any such restriction or THREATENS a unit owner in this manner.

But..lest we forget, in 1776 a brave group of individuals chose to sign a document that began with the words:

"When in the course of human events... becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We believe we have declared those causes as they pertain to Sun City Anthem by exposing the many deceptive acts that have greatly harmed the well-being of the island all of us chose to live out our remaining years that include:

Unethical removal election methods

Witnessing a Board member being removed without affording her any opportunity of defense

Club restrictions

Limiting a populace to restaurant decisions while forcing them into a financial burden that likely will increase year after year after year

Removal of the Foundation Assisting Seniors...

...and now...

...this inability to freely disseminate vital information without fear of repercussion...

...being the latest act of oppression.

That "spirit" has been so badly damaged that never in the entire 19 year history of Sun City Anthem, has such apathy existed...

...and it sadly will continue if those in power are allowed to govern and manage it.

Accordingly, those who choose to DESTROY that spirit, demonstrated by the many actions to alter the independence of our lives, must not be allowed to continue a road to financial and moral decay.

Those individuals include three incumbents running for reelection:

Aletta Waterhouse
Robert Burch
James Coleman well as a General Manager and Association Attorney.

We urge all of you...

Let 2018 be a new beginning that would carry into the 2019 election system.

Not allowing them to remain in office might stimulate a hope that others can see reform is possible, that a fresh group of individuals might come forward to running for office and being elected who would restore the SPIRIT that once existed in a fresh and exciting community filled with activities, open communication,  and a "love thy neighbor" atmosphere... which all of us are entitled.

It's now up to you...

With this Board, General Manager and Association Attorney's latest "victory"...

...they have succeeded to closing a vital lane in the information highway.

Only you, through the ballot box, can now decide if that highway will be permanently closed.

Why have the unit owners allowed this to happen?

Simply stated, most don't care !

And now, they will pay a price as a result.

As we said a few days ago, this election is not about individual candidates; it's about what they represent...


Are we wrong in our belief of this latest act to reduce freedom of speech?

All it takes is...

... a published letter from The Association stating no actions will be taken against ANY OWNER who shares information with an outside party !

Anything short of that....BEWARE OF...

Image result for BIG BROTHERS

Image result for BIG BROTHER is watching you

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:

  1. From Robert Opinions

    If you put a frog in a pan of hot water, it immediately jumps out to save itself.

    If you put the same frog into a pan of tepid water and slowly increase the heat, by the time the frog realizes what is happening, it's too late - the frog is dead.

    We are all frogs

    (note - this is meant as a corollary...not a proposal to conduct experiments in animal cruelty)
    1. From Jing Opinions

    2. From Peter Opinions


      Is the dog chasing its tail spinning to the right, or is it spinning to the left?

      I’m sorry but what a total bogus email sent on Thursday the fifth signed by someone with the last name of “Management”

      Who is this person?

      I am more confused now than I was a week ago.

      I now am left to believe I should contact my own attorney in advance and state I might be in need of their help over a request for some information I and every other member are in titled to without any strings attached.

      Who cares  who you share it with?
      Be proud of your accomplishments, don’t hide behind them.

      Do we stick to any principles at all?

      This is not complicated folks, all the Board, and I mean all the Board has to do, is say enough is enough and lets bring back some common sense and retract all this nonsense / confusing as stated within said email and go by and adopt as published within NRS 116.31175.1 through 8.

      It’s that simple.

      My wife and I came from an Association back east where all the membership had access to anything they might of had a question about. Most members didn’t care because there was a trust factor involved.

      Yes, we had a management team as well and whereas our members did go through them if they had issues with lawn and or snow services and so on, but as for matters of the association, that was handled 100% by the Board.

      Our Board gave direction to management, not the other way around. The need for an attorney, very seldom, kept Bylaws simple, understandable and without the need for spin.

      As Anthem Opinions states, can that happen here? Yep sure can, but “TRUST” by the membership is earned and should always be in the forefront and the number one goal of any Board.
    3. What I find so disturbing is that no member of management or a member of the Board in any way, would answer the inquiry as to their obvious intent to punish those who in any way choose to share information to 3rd parties without fear of intimidation...WITHOUT A SIGNATURE.

      They should be ashamed of themselves for obviously concocting a scheme to deny anything they wish to be hidden from public view.

      It's time for the FBI, folks.This bunch is are despicable and need to be investigated.

      This has gotten out of hand.


  1. From Robert Opinions
    If you put a frog in a pan of hot water, it immediately jumps out to save itself.

    If you put the same frog into a pan of tepid water and slowly increase the heat, by the time the frog realizes what is happening, it's too late - the frog is dead.

    We are all frogs

    (note - this is meant as a corollary...not a proposal to conduct experiments in animal cruelty)

  2. From Jing Opinions


  3. From Peter Opinions


    Is the dog chasing its tail spinning to the right, or is it spinning to the left?

    I’m sorry but what a total bogus email sent on Thursday the fifth signed by someone with the last name of “Management”

    Who is this person?

    I am more confused now than I was a week ago.

    I now am left to believe I should contact my own attorney in advance and state I might be in need of their help over a request for some information I and every other member are in titled to without any strings attached.

    Who cares  who you share it with?
    Be proud of your accomplishments, don’t hide behind them.

    Do we stick to any principles at all?

    This is not complicated folks, all the Board, and I mean all the Board has to do, is say enough is enough and lets bring back some common sense and retract all this nonsense / confusing as stated within said email and go by and adopt as published within NRS 116.31175.1 through 8.

    It’s that simple.

    My wife and I came from an Association back east where all the membership had access to anything they might of had a question about. Most members didn’t care because there was a trust factor involved.

    Yes, we had a management team as well and whereas our members did go through them if they had issues with lawn and or snow services and so on, but as for matters of the association, that was handled 100% by the Board.

    Our Board gave direction to management, not the other way around. The need for an attorney, very seldom, kept Bylaws simple, understandable and without the need for spin.

    As Anthem Opinions states, can that happen here? Yep sure can, but “TRUST” by the membership is earned and should always be in the forefront and the number one goal of any Board.

  4. What I find so disturbing is the no member of management or a member of the Board in any way, would answer the inquiry as to their obvious intent to punish those who in any way choose to share information to 3rd parties without fear of intimidation...WITHOUT A SIGNATURE.

    They should be ashamed of themselves for obviously concocting a scheme to deny anything they wish to be hidden from public view.

    It's time for the FBI, folks.This bunch is are despicable and need to be investigated.

    This has gotten out of hand.
