Information Pages

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Sun City Anthem to be Topic of TV Investigative Report...TONIGHT at 6:00pm

Channel 13 to Air
Homeowner Association Management Compensation Report
Tonight at 6:00pm

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We want to alert you to a special report from KTNV's (Channel 13) Investigative Reporter, Darcy Spears.

The airing will be Thursday evening, June 28th during the 6:00pm nightly news broadcast.

It appears that Sun City Anthem's General Manager, Sandra Seddon's compensation level will be highlighted, comparing it to other Homeowners Associations.

For those of you unfamiliar with Darcy Spears, she is the Chief Investigative Reporter for the TV station's "Action News". 

Her investigate reports over the years have been legendary, exposing a number of topics that include numerous Las Vegas valley questionable activity including her "Dirty Dining" segments.

Darcy Spears' credentials are impeccable, having received multiple Emmy Awards over the years for her fearless style and approach to presenting her stories.

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She has helped countless people who have been severely wronged by businesses and business owners who are "called out" by her for their wrongful actions against unsuspecting consumers.

A number of months ago, it was her reporting (along with our Rana Goodman of Anthem Today and The Vegas Voice), who "broke" the story of the unspeakable atrocities that took place against senior citizens pertaining to Nevada Guardianship laws...and a subsquent arrest of a prime offender.

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She is a champion for all citizens who seek remedy for what has happened to them, and is respected in the media world not just in Las Vegas, but all over the USA.

This is not the first time Sun City Anthem has been the subject of a Darcy Spears investigative report.

We were able to obtain a copy of a two part story Darcy Spears reported a number of years ago.

For you new readers and residents, we suggest you watch this its entirety.

For those of you who refuse to believe that problems have existed in the past, this is what WE HAVE TRIED TO TELL YOU what has existed for years !

We suggest you tell all your  friends and neighbors to tune into Channel 13 at 6:00pm this evening.

The report promises to be "enlightening".

Note: This could change up to the last minute due to emergency breaking news or technical issues.

  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Excellent article.  Hope the new owners will reread it and become informed.

    This is no longer the wonderful community it once was!
  2. Valerie, there are so many wonderful people who reside in Sun City Anthem, but so many of them are sadly misguided by those who have what I will refer to as an unnatural need to "control" at a time of their lives when they should be enjoying it.

    Common many times have I used those words?

    In order to solve problems, they must first be identified; second, people must be aware of them; and third; individuals must open their arms to solving them.... using COMMON SENSE.

    How? not electing political hacks who have little to no relevant experience, no desire to create a sense of "community" among their constituents, and  little integrity to tell the FULL TRUTH.

    Those who pretend problems don't exist, or criticize those who are trying to make a better life for others,  makes it worse.

    They are the inexperienced, the closed-minded, the ignorant.

    As I've said again and again, "You Can't Fix Stupid", but you can make a case in telling then why they are !
    1. I am shocked and disappointed after watching that video. Moving here may have been a huge mistake. From what I've heard, the new board is really no better than the 2011 board. I'm outraged at how much money the General Manager is making!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Excellent article.  Hope the new owners will reread it and become informed.  

    This is no longer the wonderful community it once was!

  2. Valerie, there are so many wonderful people who reside in Sun City Anthem, but so many of them are sadly misguided by those who have what I will refer to as an unnatural need to "control" at a time of their lives when they should be enjoying it.

    Common many times have I used those words?

    In order to solve problems, they must first be identified; second, people must be aware of them; and third; individuals must open their arms to solving them.... using COMMON SENSE.

    How? not electing political hacks who have little to no relevant experience, no desire to create a sense of "community" among their constituents, and little integrity to tell the FULL TRUTH.

    Those who pretend problems don't exist, or criticize those who are trying to make a better life for others, makes it worse.

    They are the inexperienced, the closed-minded, the ignorant.

    As I've said again and again, "You Can't Fix Stupid", but you can make a case in telling then why they are !

  3. I am shocked and disappointed after watching that video. Moving here may have been a huge mistake. From what I've heard, the new board is really no better than the 2011 board. I'm outraged at how much money the General Manager is making!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I forwarded the info about Darcy's show to several of my neighbors, hoping they would take the time to watch it.

    Boy what an eye-opener--especially the comparisons of Sandy's salary to those of other major communities and cities. (Before you know it, she'll be making as much as POTUS!!)

    Started hearing from my neighbors half way through the broadcast and they were sure angry to see how wasteful the BOD is with the assessment money.

    One neighbor wanted to know if tonight's broadcast could be linked or made available on Facebook or on Anthem Opinions so it can be easily forwarded to other neighbors that might have missed the show. Too bad the information wasn't aired while the petitions were going around. Bet there would've been a bunch of new faces on the 2018 Board--don't ya think?
