Information Pages

Monday, July 9, 2018

Looking at the Latest Sun City Anthem "Hoodwink"

Drain the Sun City Anthem Swamp
Don't Restock it with Sharks

Image result for draining the swamp

Many residents of the Sun City Anthem community received the following email a few days ago, likely in response the article written by Anthem Opinions and the Darcy Spears report. 

Dear SCA Residents,
As I previously notified earlier this week, Bob Burch has resigned from the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.  Under provisions of NRS 116.3103 (2)(c), the Board will exercise its responsibility to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Burch’s resignation until the next regularly scheduled election. 
If you are interested in being considered by the Board of Directors for appointment to a position on the Board, please be sure to place your written request to General Manager, Sandy Seddon, no later than end of business on Friday, July 13, 2018.  Click Sandy Seddon to submit via email.  This correspondence should include your name, phone number and a brief statement as to why you feel you should be considered to serve on the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors. 
Once the Board votes on this appointment, they will also vote on the re-organization of the Board and select its officers.

Rex Weddle
Acting Board President
Within a day of the Channel 13 report, Bob Burch, the Sun City Anthem president, resigned "for personal reasons".

Whatever the reason, he was part of THE MACHINE...

...and as we have documented on several occasions, wrongfully was omitted from the Removal election ballot by 2 votes, despite proof he should have been included.

Whatever his reasoning, one conclusion can be drawn...

He's's time to "move on".

When it was originally announced that his replacement would be chosen by a meeting of the remaining members of the Board, let's just say....

...the memories of a recent "replacement" immediately came to mind...

..namely choosing an individual, James Coleman, in a closed door session without allowing any person in the community to show interest in the position.

Coleman had literally no community involvement in his 19 year history of residing in the community with the exception of his assisting in the creation of the "African American Heritage Club" a few months prior to his appointment.

It made no sense, and many of us feared that method of choosing a replacement of a Board member, would set an ugly precedent...

...a MACHINE precedent, a political maneuver that would maintain the control of THE MACHINE.

It worked, and if you followed his voting record on issues, he has proven to be just that....MACHINE.

With that in mind, we now have another opening, and it first appeared that the same political ploy would be used, many believing they would  place defeated previous Board member, Aletta Waterhouse, back on the Board.

We found the possibility of a Board choosing a person who had not only lost in the previous Board election, but had also received 40% of the total votes cast in the Removal election to remove her... insult....a slap in the face to every unit owner!

...that out of 7,144 homes, that was the best they could come up with to choose such a person for appointment ???

In our opinion that method of choice HAD TO STOP, and with the above memo it first appears that it did.

but...DID IT?

According the above email, any resident may submit their interest by way of an email to Sandra Seddon, the Sun City Anthem General Manager  and object of the recent Darcy Spears investigative report that showed how grossly overpaid her compensation is when compared with others in the state of Nevada.

What exactly did that notification solve


It means they want to "make it look good" ; that's all it means.  

Image result for make it look good

It's like offering to feed you, but charging you $250,000 a year for the privilege?

Sound familiar?

As of now, the Board will still make the decision in a secret backdoor meeting.  

Our comment to that memo sent by "Acting President" Rex Weddle, is simply...

Image result for who are you kidding

Are you "playing" the community...again?

This community is sick and tired of the games being played that result in deception and loss of association funds made through decisions of a MACHINE. 

If this Board wants to be completely transparent and show the community our concerns are unfounded, we might suggest to make the following alterations to that clever "backdoor deal".
Image result for suggestion box

First, make the names of those who wish to apply for the position public information along with the reason they would like to be appointed to the position.

Second, allow each individual to be interviewed separately and a IN PUBLIC SETTING.

Third, have pre-set list of questions for each person, ending with a final statement as to why they wish to obtain the Board position.

It would allow the community to know who wants the  job and why they do ... in their own words !

Finally, once the decision is made, not only should the decision be made public, but WHY that individual was chosen over the other candidates, as well as, why they eliminated the other candidates from consideration...

...and the vote total for the chosen candidate, summarizing who voted for that person, and who, if any, dissented.

This would allow the community to know the rationale for the decision, and most importantly, if the decision was impartial.

...and for any of you who desire to apply for the position in sending the email to Seddon, we strongly suggest you add this to request:

"Please send an acknowledgment of your receipt"

Why, because if you recall, 2 pages of petitions signatures were "missing" that would have placed Burch on the Removal ballot.

Then send us notification that you placed your name in nomination.

We'll keep the names on file. 

That way, we might compare the qualifications of those who applied to the individual chosen.

The people must know who represents them and when a Board has the opportunity to choose a replacement, that this decision is acceptable and representative of the people....not a contrived method in which to maintain a MACHINE.

Remember too, NRS 116 also allows that NO REPLACEMENT be appointed.

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Jim Mayfield...former Vice President & 2 Term Sun City Anthem Board Opinions

    The person appointed by the Board to fill the vacant seat on the Board will be critical to several decisions over the remainder of the current Board year.  Furthermore, the reality is that this person will have a distinct advantage in the next election.

    In order for SCA homeowners to have a first-hand feel for each applicant for the interim position and their views, I recommend that the Board authorize the Current Events Club to host a debate between the candidates.  A live debate provides insights that written statements do not provide, and the candidates' responses cannot be prepared by third-parties.

    I recommend the Current Events Club because, in my experience, it has consistently hosted the best organized, informative debate during the regular election process.    In addition, it is widely perceived as an independent group of homeowners who are not  subject to influence by the Board, General Manager or different factions within the SCA community.

    The Board of Directors is granted the authority to appoint an interim director under Nevada law.  But, board members would do well to remember that effective governance is only achieved when a governing body has wide support of the governed.
  2. From Rana Opinions

    I could not agree with Jim more. This is an excellent idea.
    1. From Robert Opinions

      I'm wondering if we can find out IF the accounting firm was the one that hid those pages OR if the Board was responsible....either way SOMEBODY failed to perform their fiduciary responsibility.

      I'm sure SOMEBODY has all the copies of the signature sheets where it can be reconciled to PROVE the fraud.

      Until we find out, I wouldn't trust that accounting firm to balance my checkbook.
    2. Robert, the biggest joke is the "acting president" who wants to "appoint the new Board member" via backdoor deal meeting....a guy who also received 40% of the votes to recall him.

      Anyone wonder why Aletta Waterhouse is being considered?

      Both shared that same common total and well, "Birds of a Feather...."
      1. Good grief, here we go again with the half-truthed blogger who obviously gets his kicks out of deceiving a community, not withstanding his usual manner of making an ass of himself.

        He writes: 

         "Acting Board President Rex Weddle responded as follows to Mayfield, also sending his response to SCA bloggers.

        Blogger Dick Arendt published Mayfield’s message but refused to publish Weddle’s reply, thereby assuring that his readers would see only the side of the question that Arendt wanted them to see.

        Well, Mr. Half-Truth, I never received anything from Rex Weddle (the guy who also had 40% of the votes to KICK HIM ASIDE), and I don't expect to since he and I are not exactly "drinking buddies", but after reading the response you received, in my estimation, this is merely a replay of how he and Seddon handled the Removal Election ballot...

        ...using an aspect of the law to HIS ADVANTAGE....which had the affect of DECEIVING the PEOPLE.

        He could have done what Mayfield suggested, or he could have merely not appointed anyone. Both options are readily available, but somehow, we all know THAT'S NOT THE WAY THE MACHINE DOES BUSINESS.

        And in bashing the Tobin request, Mr. Half-Truth must have been quite a lawyer. 

        After all, in this nation a person is innocent until proven guilty...

        ...but that certainly doesn't seem to apply to her, does it?

        Unfortunately, Mr. Weddle , Mr. Half-Truth, & bunch should learn that the community is not as stupid and naive as they believe it to be. 

        Darcy Spears certainly confirmed how out of whack this community is in its spending habits.

        Yes,WEDDLE AND BUNCH.. PLAYED US...and instead of showing good faith in opening up this important decision to a community, kept it a BACKDOOR deal.

        I wish all of them would stop insulting the intelligence of's as old as the hills, and is only working on those lacking common sense.
        1. From Yun Opinions

          The BOD and GM just keep doing the same thing, year after year, and it’s doubtful you will see change benefiting ALL

          The community and you see them taking care of themselves and that’s all they care about.  Some things never seem to change and  SCA residents continue to “bury their heads in the sand”

          I do NOT understand that…at all!

          Most don’t know much of anything about the operation and are too lazy to learn, they read and then do nothing,.,duh….

          IF an assessment hits their pocketbook, THEN and only THEN will they wake up and it will be too late.

          Thanks for all you do in trying to keep folks informed… they are totally unaware of how much time and effort you put into your web site/blog!  
          1. From Patsy Opinions

            Guess Weddle is up to his old tricks.  It’s his way or the highway.

            Apparently, he will not even consider the suggestion that we have a town hall meeting where we can meet the candidates (or is it chosen candidate).

            Jim Mayfield’s suggestion was on target and it’s an insult that Weddle has dismissed it.

            We, the dues paying owners, have a right in the decision on who sits on our BOD.  It is not his decision but ours.

            Then again, we have all been ignored for many years….so what else is new?
            1. From Patricia Opinions


              I loved your comments about people applying for Board membership and keeping the proceedings public. 

              I agree with all you said!


  1. From Jim Mayfield...former Vice President & 2 Term Sun City Anthem Board Opinions

    The person appointed by the Board to fill the vacant seat on the Board will be critical to several decisions over the remainder of the current Board year.  Furthermore, the reality is that this person will have a distinct advantage in the next election.

    In order for SCA homeowners to have a first-hand feel for each applicant for the interim position and their views, I recommend that the Board authorize the Current Events Club to host a debate between the candidates.  A live debate provides insights that written statements do not provide, and the candidates' responses cannot be prepared by third-parties.

    I recommend the Current Events Club because, in my experience, it has consistently hosted the best organized, informative debate during the regular election process.    In addition, it is widely perceived as an independent group of homeowners who are not  subject to influence by the Board, General Manager or different factions within the SCA community.

    The Board of Directors is granted the authority to appoint an interim director under Nevada law.  But, board members would do well to remember that effective governance is only achieved when a governing body has wide support of the governed.

  2. From Rana Opinions

    I could not agree with Jim more. This is an excellent idea.

  3. From Robert Opinions

    I'm wondering if we can find out IF the accounting firm was the one that hid those pages OR if the Board was responsible....either way SOMEBODY failed to perform their fiduciary responsibility.

    I'm sure SOMEBODY has all the copies of the signature sheets where it can be reconciled to PROVE the fraud.

    Until we find out, I wouldn't trust that accounting firm to balance my checkbook.

  4. Robert, the biggest joke is the "acting president" who wants to "appoint the new Board member" via backdoor deal meeting....a guy who also received 40% of the votes to recall him.

    Anyone wonder why Aletta Waterhouse is being considered?

    Both shared that same common total and well, "Birds of a Feather...."

  5. Good grief, here we go again with the half-truthed blogger who obviously gets his kicks out of deceiving a community, not withstanding his usual manner of making an ass of himself.

    He writes: 
     "Acting Board President Rex Weddle responded as follows to Mayfield, also sending his response to SCA bloggers.

    Blogger Dick Arendt published Mayfield’s message but refused to publish Weddle’s reply, thereby assuring that his readers would see only the side of the question that Arendt wanted them to see. "

    Well, Mr. Half-Truth, I never received anything from Rex Weddle (the guy who also had 40% of the votes to KICK HIM ASIDE), and I don't expect to since he and I are not exactly "drinking buddies", but after reading the response you received, in my estimation, this is merely a replay of how he and Seddon handled the Removal Election ballot...

    ...using an aspect of the law to HIS ADVANTAGE....which had the affect of DECEIVING the PEOPLE.

    He could have done what Mayfield suggested, or he could have merely not appointed anyone. Both options are readily available, but somehow, we all know THAT'S THE WAY THE MACHINE DOES BUSINESS.

    And in bashing the Tobin request, Mr. Half-Truth must have been quite a lawyer. 

    After all, in this nation a person is innocent until proven guilty...

    ...but that certainly doesn't seem to apply to her, does it?

    Unfortunately, Mr. Weddle , Mr. Half-Truth, & bunch should learn that the community is not as stupid and naive as they believe it to be. 

    Darcy Spears certainly confirmed how out of whack this community is in its spending habits.

    Yes, HE WEDDLE AND BUNCH.. PLAYED US...and instead of showing good faith in opening up this important decision to a community, kept it a BACKDOOR deal.

    I wish al of them would stop insulting the intelligence of's as old as the hills, and is only working on those lacking common sense.

  6. From Yun Opinions

    The BOD and GM just keep doing the same thing, year after year, and it’s doubtful you will see change benefiting ALL

    The community and you see them taking care of themselves and that’s all they care about.  Some things never seem to change and  SCA residents continue to “bury their heads in the sand”

    I do NOT understand that…at all!  

    Most don’t know mch of anything about the operation and are too lazy to learn, they read and then do nothing,.,duh….  

    IF an assessment hits their pocketbook, THEN and only THEN will they wake up and it will be too late.

    Thanks for all you do in trying to keep folks informed… they are totally unaware of how much time and effort you put into your web site/blog!  

    Hang in there.

  7. From Patsy Opinions

    Guess Weddle is up to his old tricks.  It’s his way or the highway. 

    Apparently, he will not even consider the suggestion that we have a town hall meeting where we can meet the candidates (or is it chosen candidate).

    Jim Mayfield’s suggestion was on target and it’s an insult that Weddle has dismissed it. 

    We, the dues paying owners, have a right in the decision on who sits on our BOD.  It is not his decision but ours.

    Then again, we have all been ignored for many years….so what else is new?

  8. From Patricia Opinions


    I loved your comments about people applying for Board membership and keeping the proceedings public. 

    I agree with all you said!
