Information Pages

Sunday, July 1, 2018

See Ya, Frank !

Bye G2G
We'll miss your Generosity !

Image result for cartoon man crying moving

It was a sad event when a letter was read that was sent to Sandy Seddon by Frank Tetura of G2G, that G2G was no longer interested in "gracing" our premises.... least to the self-serving few who bothered to attend the latest Sun City Anthem Board meeting !

Then again, to those who looked at the deal for what it really was, the reaction was a bit different !

Image result for cartoon group clapping moving

We can't reprint the letter because we're sure if we did, ole "DAB" would publish something that would refer to us as thieves; so you'll just have to make do with a summary of its contents.

Now folks before we tell you of its contents, let's remember the deal that wasn't sufficient for G2G...

Image result for the deal



4 large screen TVs

linen cleaning

use of our restaurant equipment

exclusive catering rights
a percentage of gross revenue above a certain amount that exceeded the average revenue of Denny's restaurants across the country that are open 24/7, seven days a week for breakfast, lunch & dinner

That just didn't cut it, did it? 

Oh no...they demanded more ...

Mr. Tetura still maintained the deal required more !

And that leads us to the last part of his letter that was...


Mr. Tetura decided to blame Anthem Opinions for  manufacturing a  "poisonous atmosphere" that was somehow negative to THE DEAL...

...the deal that... the opinion of an overwhelming number in the community, was one in which most could understand, and looked at its provisions as a manner by which a senior community would be getting financially...

Image result for cartoon getting screwed
He claimed that Anthem Opinions called for a "boycott" even before the place would open.

Here's the part of the Anthem Opinions article that Mr. Tetura determined  was worthy to ridicule a Sun City Anthem resident:

"Should those who are capable of examining this ludicrous losing financial arrangement resent this arrangement ...


 Image result for boycott

the place


As you can plainly see, it was a question, not a recommendation.

So you see folks, it wasn't Anthem Opinions who created the "poisonous atmosphere"... was likely Mr. Tetura, the Board, and the individual who decided to read Mr. Tetura's letter aloud in a public official Sun City Anthem Board meeting,  along with the  blogger, who published the BLATANT LIE...all knowingly defaming a resident.

And by doing so, the only logical conclusion that a PRUDENT and HONEST individual can come to, is that THEY are the ones responsible in creating a "poisonous atmosphere" for a Sun City Anthem resident who was merely exercising his right to free speech.

On the positive side of this, it certainly is more than gratifying to know that a man no one ever heard of before G2G , would think my mystic abilities are strong enough to control the minds of a community.

To you Mr. Tetura, we wish you well, and hope you'll inform us if the "deal" you proposed, is "sold" to anyone else and to whom.

In the meantime...

Image result for cartoon waving goodbye moving

PS...One more thing Mr. Tetura...

Any chance you need two new ovens we fronted for $43,000?  

You know, the ones our "self-management" GM bought with the approval of the "Malfunctioning Seven" before having any lease signed !

Oh well, just another example of "success"...

...that in our opinion, deserves a "raise"...

Image result for getting kicked out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Keep telling it like it is with this unwanted, unneeded, restaurant they are trying to ram down our throat.
  2. From Keith Opinions




  3. So Keith, let me understand this, you preferred a restaurant that cost owners $250,000 each and every year for infinity, to a conversion for more card space costing $700,000?

    First of all, yes, I would prefer the room being repurposed for the card players, etc.

    Second, there was no disclosure at to how anyone came up with $700,000. I think all of us should have been entitled to see that...and...had the ability of looking closely at who was being asked to bid, and if there were others (not on the "favorite" list) who would have done so.

    Third, there a lot more card players and others who would use that facility then those who would patronize a restaurant.

    Even the guy who estimated patrons of 150 each day, are a lot less than those who would use that space for other purposes.  The card players and so many others are in deep need of additional space and should take priority in my estimation rather than a very small number of daily restaurant patrons.

    Finally, if you recall, though the entire matter made little financial sense, Anthem Opinions specifically stated that IF the matter was placed before the unit owners WITH FULL DISCLOSURE, and they in turn voted to accept the proposal, we would have gladly supported it.

    This was ignored completely, so I ask you.

    Did you oppose a vote of the unit owners, and if so, why?

    I'm sure many of us would enjoy your response.

    Thanks for the comment.
  4. From John Opinions

    I would say that it was indeed you who created a "poisonous atmosphere" and threatened a boycott.

    You should at least take credit for what you've done, and not try to pass the blame else where.

    Of course, as you have said, the G2G deal didn't seem like all that great a deal for us, given all the freebies we were throwing in.

    So I agree with your position the we should have gone for the Village Pub offer rather than the G2G proposal.

    That has been your position all along in this blog.

    And you have succeeded in killing the G2G deal.

    Now perhaps you can get the board to take a harder look at the Village Pub proposal.
  5. John, I respectfully disagree with you.  

    My words were explicit and were, in my opinion, taken completely out of context for one was a "hit job" to discredit a resident who believed that fiscal responsibility was more important than the whims of a few.

    I ONLY ASKED A QUESTION of my readers. I did NOT call for any boycott.

    As I stated in my previous comment above, all that was being requested was a vote of the populace, and that was ignored. As to why, you should ask the Board why such an honest request would be ignored.

    Having been in business for myself, I NEVER signed on to anything unless I knew the TERMS, and in this case, the owners were entitled to know them, and make the decision.

    It's the money from the owners, not the decision of a Board or General Manager that should prevail in a financial decision that, based on its terms and the past history of numerous failures, was likely to fail unless thousands of dollars over the years were spent.

    If you don't believe owners shouldn't have had a voice through a vote, I'm sure many of us would like to hear why you feel that way.
  6. From Barbara Opinions

    I guess if you are going to be blamed for stopping the stupid restaurant deal, then you should also get congratulations for stopping it.

    Thanks for being such a good watchdog.  I appreciate all you do.

    Your TV interview was very impressive. 
  7. Thanks Barbara.

    Getting criticized by the "you owe me" bunch, is the price you pay to get a community to think, rather than blindly accepting the decisions of those whose business experience in fiscal responsibility is all but nil.
  8. From Lloyd Opinions


    When will the community finally realize what’s happening here in SCA, or do they really don’t care?
  9. Lloyd,

    They'll care when the money runs dry as a result of frivolous business decisions and the assessments increase.
  10. From Roseann P. to...Anthem Opinions

    I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY, G2G backed out!

    I hope we "NEVER, EVER" get another "FAILED" restaurant in our community!

    Thank you so much, Anthem Opinions, for keeping us enlightened and for all the rest that you do for our community!
    1. From A. Opinions

      Hi Dick,

      Thanks for your continuing effort to look out for our best interests in calling attention to the incompetents & otherwise unworthy to do their job as representing the 7,000 odd homes that make up SCA.

      The shame TV was spot on in describing the $$$ being "p...away" ( our $$$ ) by the current board of directors on salaries for mgmt that are so out of line !

      Thanks for calling attention to the restaurant deal where we all would have gotten SCREWED ! ! ! !

      1. From Barry Opinions

        Sounded like a certain blogger might have been  trying to give legal advice without having a license.

        Remember occupy Wall Street?

        I was in NY when this occurred. It was a formal boycott that interfered with the local business operations.

        I don't  recall any protesters being sued for the interruption of their business contracts.

        Anyway, what I gathered from most residents is that they would be protesting the bad financial deal the board was getting into.
      2. Thanks Barry,

        As  a result of the blatant untruth read at the Board meeting, since the other blogger published something that was completely untrue, he, the individual who publicly read that letter in a formal Board Meeting atmosphere, and those of his readers who have openly condoned and also defamed a Sun City Anthem Resident...

        ...perhaps might take the advice obviously directed at Anthem Opinions.

        "Be careful what you wish for".
        1. From Robert Opinions

          IF experienced businessmen walk away from such a gravy deal, MAYBE the residents - who said a formal restaurant would be doomed to failure before it even opens, just MAYBE the residents have more business acumen than does the Board?

          Only Pondering.....
          1. From Bill Opinions

            The purchase of two new ovens in the amount of $43,000 before the deal was signed confirms the board and GM lack fiscal and fiduciary responsibility.

            This should be reviewed, and if action can be taken, they should be held accountable. 
          2. Bill,

            If they haven't already arrived, perhaps when they do, they can be stored in Sandy Seddon's office or permanently displayed at a Board meeting as a trophy to the wonders of self-management.

            Then again, another option might be the front door of the other blogger who believes all them deserve sainthood for their extraordinary financial decisions.

            A couple of weeks ago, when we learned that the the G2G deal was "iffy" we suggested that they cancel the order until the deal was finalized.

            Oh well, what can I say except...

            Thanks Darcy Spears, you made an entire Las Vegas valley aware of how well self-management has worked !
            1. Bob Opinions

              Today’s ‘OPINIONS” contained both good and bad announcements.- the good that G2G withdrew their offer to open the hash house in our clubhouse, a relief to most of our dues payers, and the bad that the" Seven Blunderers" of the Board allowed some restaurant equipment to be  ordered prior to signing to the contract to allow our pockets picked by the proposed tenant.

              (Is someone occupying our property without paying rent still considered a tenant?)

              The $43,000 commitment would never have occurred by any person or group with any business sense or experience before a deal is finalized and signed copies in the hands of all involved parties.
            2. Bob, ordering those ovens before a lease was signed had to be one of the most ridiculous expenditures ever made.

              That's the kind of mistake that a rookie makes, not a $277,000 employee; and in my opinion and most others in corporate America, a reason to reconsider the individual's employment status.

              Just remember that Seddon may have suggested it, but the ultimate responsibility revolves around a Board who approved it.

              That's where the buck stops; however, this is absolute incompetence on all of their parts.

              No other explanation is possible, and must have WILL.. happen again.

              It is the "Peter Principle" on steroids.

              If this was my employee...especially at that income level,  I would have called her into my office and given her an immediate reprimand and demanded she either resign or face termination...END OF STORY.

              No employee costs a company $43,000 and remains an employee.  That's GOOD BUSINESS.

              In addition the funds LOSS and MISAPPROPRIATED should also result in this Board apologizing to the community for the  lost and admit that it was the result of incompetence.

              I can assure you of one thing, any of the existing Board members who have not taken action for this error that has cost the homeowners such a substantial sum, should think twice about reelection.

              Not taking action is a sign of weakness and can only be construed as condoning incompetence...

              ...and we will do our best in conveying that to the voters.

              This is our home, not a playground.
            3. From Tim Opinions

              Nice article on the demise of G2G, but the restaurant may not be as dead as we would like.  There may be at least some board members who will continue to fight to get a restaurant.

              One indication of this is that there are only two alternatives for the space in the Anthem center - a restaurant or re-purpose the space to some other use.

              Note the board is not even discussing any sort of re-purposing.  They just pay the over $17,000 per year in taxes that would be saved by re-purposing the space to some other use.  I

              t looks like the board is satisfied to throw this money down a rat hole rather than face the fact that any restaurant in not feasible.
            4. Tim, if you would let us know which members of the Board have another restaurant in mind, please convey that information to us. I believe this something the unit owners should be well aware of in order to determine their future on a Sun City Anthem Board.

              We are no longer taking any of this lightly, and the community has spoken quite loudly that it will not tolerate secrecy and must have a say in any decision they make.

              So, for those who aren't happy with the Darcy Spears report, we suggest you make that known to any of these individuals....that they clean up their act, and listen to the people's desires.

              ...because from this point the media will be looking over their shoulder, watching their every action.


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Keep telling it like it is with this unwanted, unneeded, restaurant they are trying to ram down our throat.

  2. So Keith, let me understand this, you preferred a restaurant that cost owners $250,000 each and ever year for infinity, to a conversion for more card space costing $700,000?

    First of all, yes.

    Second, there was no disclosure at to how anyone came up with $700,000. I think all of us should have been entitled to see that...and...had the ability of looking closely at who was being asked to bid, and if there were others (not on the "favorite" list) who would have done so.

    Third, there a lot more card players and others who would use that facility then those who would patronize a restaurant. 

    Even the guy who estimated patrons of 150 each day, is a less than those who would use that space for other purposes.  The card players and so many others are in deep need of additional space and should take priority in my estimation rather than a very small number of daily restaurant patrons.

    Finally, if you recall, though the entire matter made little financial sense, Anthem Opinions specifically stated that IF the matter was placed before the unit owners WITH FULL DISCLOSURE, and they in turn voted to accept the proposal, we would have gladly supported it.

    This was ignored completely, so I ask you.

    Did you oppose a vote of the unit owners, and if so, why?

    I'm sure many of us would enjoy your response.

    Thanks for the comment.

  3. From John Opinions

    I would say that it was indeed you who created a "poisonous atmosphere" and threatened a boycott.

    You should at least take credit for what you've done, and not try to pass the blame else where.

    Of course, as you have said, the G2G deal didn't seem like all that great a deal for us, given all the freebies we were throwing in.

    So I agree with your position the we should have gone for the Village Pub offer rather than the G2G proposal. 

    That has been your position all along in this blog.

    And you have succeeded in killing the G2G deal.

    Now perhaps you can get the board to take a harder look at the Village Pub proposal.

  4. John, I respectfully disagree with you. 

    My words were explicit and were, in my opinion, taken completely out of context for one was a "hit job" to discredit a resident who believed that fiscal responsibility was more important than the whims of a few.

    I ONLY ASKED A QUESTION of my readers. I did NOT call for any boycott.

    As I stated in my previous comment above, all that was being requested was a vote of the populace, and that was ignored. As to why, you should ask the Board why such an honest request would be ignored.

    Having been in business for myself, I NEVER signed on to anything unless I know the TERMS, and in this case, the owners were entitled to know them, and make the decision.

    It's the money from the owners, not the decision of a Board or General Manager that should prevail in a financial decision that, based on its terms and the past history of numerous failures, was likely to fail unless thousands of dollars over the years were spent.

    If you don't believe owners shouldn't have had a voice through a vote, I'm sure many of us would like to hear why you feel that way.

  5. From Barbara Opinions

    I guess if you are going to be blamed for stopping the stupid restaurant deal, then you should also get congratulations for stopping it. 

    Thanks for being such a good watchdog.  I appreciate all you do. 

    Your TV interview was very impressive. 

  6. Thanks Barbara. 

    Getting criticized by the "you owe me" bunch, is the price you pay to get a community to think, rather than blindly accepting the decisions of those whose business experience in fiscal responsibility is all but nil.

  7. From Lloyd Opinions


    When will the community finally realize what’s happening here in SCA, or do they really don’t care?

  8. Lloyd,

    They'll care when the money runs dry as a result of frivolous business decisions and the assessments increase.

  9. From Roseann P. to...Anthem Opinions
    I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY, G2G backed out! 

    I hope we "NEVER, EVER" get another "FAILED" restaurant in our community!

    Thank you so much, Anthem Opinions, for keeping us enlightened and for all the rest that you do for our community!

  10. From A. Opinions

    Hi Dick,

    Thanks for your continuing effort to look out for our best interests in calling attention to the incompetents & otherwise unworthy to do their job as representing the 7,000 odd homes that make up SCA.

    The shame TV was spot on in describing the $$$ being "p...away" ( our $$$ ) by the current board of directors on salaries for mgmt that are so out of line !

    Thanks for calling attention to the restaurant deal where we all would have gotten SCREWED ! ! ! !


  11. From A. Opinions

    Hi Dick,

    Thanks for your continuing effort to look out for our best interests in calling attention to the incompetents & otherwise unworthy to do their job as representing the 7,000 odd homes that make up SCA.

    The shame TV was spot on in describing the $$$ being "p...away" ( our $$$ ) by the current board of directors on salaries for mgmt that are so out of line !

    Thanks for calling attention to the restaurant deal where we all would have gotten SCREWED ! ! ! !


  12. From Barry Opinions

    Sounded like a certain blogger might have been  trying to give legal advice without having a license.

    Remember occupy Wall Street?

    I was in NY when this occurred. It was a formal boycott that interfered with the local business operations.

    I don't  recall any protesters being sued for the interruption of their business contracts.

    Anyway, what I gathered from most residents is that they would be protesting the bad financial deal the board was getting into.

  13. Thanks Barry,

    As  a result of the blatant untruth read at the Board meeting, since the other blogger published something that was completely untrue, he, the individual who publicly read that letter in a formal Board Meeting atmosphere, and those of his readers who have openly condoned and also defamed a Sun City Anthem Resident...

    ...perhaps might take the advice obviously directed at Anthem Opinions.

    "Be careful what you wish for".

  14. From Robert Opinions

    IF experienced businessmen walk away from such a gravy deal, MAYBE the residents - who said a formal restaurant would be doomed to failure before it even opens, just MAYBE the residents have more business acumen than does the Board? 

    Only Pondering.....

  15. From Bill Opinions

    The purchase of two new ovens in the amount of $43,000 before the deal was signed confirms the board and GM lack fiscal and fiduciary responsibility.

    This should be reviewed, and if action can be taken, they should be held accountable. 

  16. Bill,

    If they haven't already arrived, perhaps when they do, they can be stored in Sandy Seddon's office or permanently displayed at Board meeting as a trophy to the wonders of self-management.

    Then again, another option might be the front door of the other blogger who believes all them deserve sainthood for their extraordinary financial decisions.

    A couple of weeks ago, when we learned that the the G2G deal was "iffy" we suggested that they cancel the order until the deal was finalized.

    Oh well, what can I say except...

    Thanks Darcy Spears, you made an entire Las Vegas valley aware of how well self-management has worked !

  17. Bob Bob Opinions

    Today’s ‘OPINIONS” contained both good and bad announcements.- the good that G2G withdrew their offer to open the hash house in our clubhouse, a relief to most of our dues payers, and the bad that the" Seven Blunderers" of the Board allowed some restaurant equipment to be  ordered prior to signing to the contract to allow our pockets picked by the proposed tenant.

    (Is someone occupying our property without paying rent still considered a tenant?)

    The $43,000 commitment would never have occurred by any person or group with any business sense or experience before a deal is finalized and signed copies in the hands of all involved parties.

  18. Bob, ordering those ovens before a lease was signed had to be one of the most ridiculous expenditures ever made.

    That's the kind of mistake that a rookie makes, not a $277,000 employee, and in my opinion and most others in corporate America, a reason to reconsider the individual's employment status.

    Just remember that Seddon may have suggested it, but the ultimate responsibility revolves around a Board who approved it.

    That's where the buck stops; however, this is absolute incompetence on all of their parts. 

    No other explanation is possible, and must have WILL.. happen again. 

    It is the "Peter Principle" on steroids.

    If this was my employee...especially at the income level,  I would have called her into my office and given her an immediately reprimand and demanded she either resign or face termination...END OF STORY.

    No employee costs a company $43,000 and remains an employee.  That's GOOD BUSINESS.

    In addition the funds LOST and MISAPPROPRIATED should also result in this Board apologizing to the community for the  lost and admit it was the result of incompetence.

    I can assure you of one thing, any of the existing Board members who have not taken action for this action that has cost the homeowners such a substantial sum, should think twice about reelection.

    Not taking action is a sign of weakness and can only be construed as condoning incompetence...

    ...and we will do our best in conveying that to the voters.

    This is our home, not a playground.

  19. From Tim Opinions

    Nice article on the demise of G2G, but the restaurant may not be as dead as we would like.  There may be at least some board members who will continue to fight to get a restaurant.

    One indication of this is that there are only two alternatives for the space in the Anthem center - a restaurant or re-purpose the space to some other use. 

    Note the board is not even discussing any sort of re-purposing.  They just pay the over $17,000 per year in taxes that would be saved by re-purposing the space to some other use.  I

    t looks like the board is satisfied to throw this money down a rat hole rather than face the fact that any restaurant in not feasible.

  20. Tim, if you would let us know which members of the Board have another restaurant in mind, please convey that information to us. I believe this something the unit owners should be well aware of in order to determine their future on a Sun City Anthem Board.
    We are no longer taking any of this lightly, and the community has spoken quite loudly that it will not tolerate secrecy and must have a say in any decision they make.
    So, for those who aren't happy with the Darcy Spears report, we suggest you make that known to any of these individuals....that they clean up their act, and listen to the people's desires.

    ...because from this point the media will be looking over their shoulder to watching their every action.

  21. To our readers,
    Looks like Mr. Mouth is once again doing his "dance" denying he lost his law license.
    Let's see, if a Massachusetts judge says you are to be suspended from the practice of law for various unethical activities as in forgery and cheating a client including the state of Massachusetts tax department, someone might explain how that is not losing a license.
    Now I hate to be redundant, but read it and weep folks.  The guys is what he is, and it ain't pretty.

    The biggest questions are:
    1. Why did he never seek reinstatement?
    2. How did he pass a background check to work for the federal government in a computer room?
    3. Even stranger why would any lawyer worth anything, give up a law practice to be a flunky in the computer room?
    In most states, forgery...especially of a judge, would not call for suspension, but likely being totally disbarred...and...likely TIME.
    Don't you just wish this lunatic would just shut up and leave the rest of us alone and live in peace ?
