Information Pages

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sun City Anthem Board Vacant Board Appointment...An Opportunity to Reestablish Credibility

Sun City Anthem Board Appointment 
Raises the Question

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For what good reason would a Board of Directors withhold the names of those willing to offer their service to fill an unexpired term as a Director?

This vital choice concerns a community, not just a few members of a Board, and it would seem to make a great deal of sense to those who have applied for the vacant position to be made public...

...and my guess is that those who have applied, would be more than pleased to have that information disclosed to the community.

Normal Board elections are made public, so why would those who have volunteered their service for the same position, now be considered a private matter in this case?

We understand it is the legal right of the existing Board to choose an individual to fill a vacancy (or allow the seat to remain open until the next regularly scheduled election), but...

Is the community entitled to know on what basis that choice was made?

Is the community entitled to know the vote of the individual existing Board members, as well as, their respective reasoning for choosing that individual

They individually and publicly vote on matters that are far less trivial, don't they?

If this Board wishes to establish any intention of regaining the confidence of a community that has questioned so many of their decisions; it would seem that in this case, openness and transparency are the only avenues available to accomplish that goal. 

We urge the existing Board to put aside politics and their continual and tiring "good ole boy" network, and prove to the community their willingness to be objective in choosing the right individual who brings an alternative view to what has to date, been a MACHINE.

We believe this decision should be made in a public setting, not one in which only more conflict will inevitably result.

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Barbara Opinions

    Did you get the proposed changes to our CCR's that was included with the new Spirit?

    Very confusing and, I am sure most people won't understand it.  I know I didn't.

    Looks like the board is saying they have the right to fill all positions without any community input but I am not exactly sure.

    Do you have any update? 
  2. Barbara, I've read it three times and I don't get it either.

    I have sent it to others in the community to get their opinion as well to see if this is anything new.

    If it's just reiterating the current law, I can't understand its purpose, and my first question was:


    Like you, no one seems to understand it, but there was one glaring observation that I noticed that brings out my second question:

    The memo was signed by Bob Burch as President, THE DAY BEFORE HE RESIGNED.

    Why that would take place at that particular time, makes we wonder if there's another "rabbit" that's going to be pulled from the MACHINE HAT.

    Maybe someone out there can give a better understanding of the rationale as well as WHY WE SPENT MORE MONEY ON A LAWYER as well as WHY IT WAS SIGNED BY A MAN WHO KNEW HE WOULD BE HISTORY THE NEXT DAY.! 
    1. From Robert Opinions


      Because they can.

      Why Can They?

      Because of the overwhelming apathy in SCA.
      1. From Claudia & Dave Opinions

        We agree that the board needs to be open and transparent with all it's dealings including filling vacancies etc. on the board.
      2. From Patricia Opinions

        I would go a step further and ask those who have applied for the vacant position to write and let everyone know they have applied.

        We’d like to know who they are!
        1. Fom A. Opinions


          I agree with you 100%.

          Keep up the fight against the MACHINE.
          1. We received a few emails asking why a blogger specifically takes aim at Anthem Opinions again and again.

            We're certainly not the only target.

            Within the past week or so, his rants included criticizing other bloggers as well, specifically Nona Tobin and Ron Johnson...

            ...individuals whose life has brought past measures of personal success and accolades in their respective fields...

            ...success he never achieved...

            ...and are clearly designed to destroy both the character and credibility of those individuals.

            Why would that be ???

            Jealousy !

            In lack of any personal success achieved...

            ...he has no life other than verbally beating people up trying to convince others of his importance; when in fact, his accomplishments in life, couldn't fill in a thimble.

            As a matter of fact, he is the only person writing a publication who lost a career due to dishonesty.

            He knows that the intelligent members of Sun City Anthem realize that, but those who are of the same caliber as he, feel a need to gravitate to such a person whose past success is likely as limited as their own.

            Most of his acquaintances consist of individuals whose life rarely gets them out a community; and all too often, their entertainment is defined as going to a boring predetermined meeting in which approximately 30-40 people attend, listening to individuals who are every bit as boring as him.

            They are the ones who, in so many cases, believe "the world owes them everything".

            Success has eluded him his entire life, for a simple reason.

            He never did the things "successful people" do.

            He has no business background and has never received any industry accolades in whatever he's ever done to our knowledge...otherwise, his ego would have likely displayed it.

            In short, he's a wannabe who needs acceptance in any way possible.

            He is what he is, and always will insecure individual who needs attention, and believes that bullying is the manner in which to obtain it.

            Have you ever noticed that he's the only blogger who places his picture on a blog named after himself ?

            We've caught the guy so many times in lies, deception, and character assassination over the years, that when his name is mentioned, quite often a look of disdain overtakes most people.

            Disagree with him, and he feels this "uncontrollable disturbing need" to contact an individual personally to make an attempt to convince an individual of his importance.

            Make a minor error, and like a pit bull lying in wait, pounces on an individual for the most insignificant of reasons for a single purpose...

   avoid the main subject and divert attention.

            In his mind, a "Machine" must survive, because if IT DIES, he dies.

            What the pathetic creature can't comprehend is that most intelligent people won't even consider discussing anything with him, knowing that any disagreement with him, will likely incur some form of sinister public condemnation.

            The best suggestion we received from a reader was to have him rename his publication:

            B's Bull Sheet 
            1. From Favil Opinions


              You have nailed it with this one. 


  1. From Barbara Opinions
    Did you get the proposed changes to our CCR's that was included with the new Spirit? 
    Very confusing and, I am sure most people won't understand it.  I know I didn't. 
    Looks like the board is saying they have the right to fill all positions without any community input but I am not exactly sure. 

    Do you have any update? 

  2. Barbara, I've read it three times and I don't get it either.

    I have sent it to others in the community to get their opinion as well to see if this is anything new.

    If it's just reiterating the current law, I can't understand its purpose, and my first question was:


    Like you, no one seems to understand it, but there was one glaring observation that I noticed that brings out my second question:

    The memo was signed by Bob Burch as President, THE DAY BEFORE HE RESIGNED.

    Why that would take place at that particular time, makes we wonder if there's another "rabbit" that's going to be pulled from the MACHINE HAT.

    Maybe someone out there can give a better understanding of the rationale as well as WHY WE SPENT MORE MONEY ON A LAWYER as well as WHY IT WAS SIGNED BY A MAN WHO KNEW HE WOULD BE HISTORY THE NEXT DAY.! 

  3. From Robert Opinions

    Because they can.

    Why Can They? 

    Because of the overwhelming apathy in SCA.

  4. From Claudia & Dave Opinions

    We agree that the board needs to be open and transparent with all it's dealings including filling vacancies etc. on the board.

  5. From Patricia Opinions

    I would go a step further and ask those who have applied for the vacant position to write and let everyone know they have applied. 

    We’d like to know who they are!

  6. Fom A. Opinions


    I agree with you 100%.

    Keep up the fight against the MACHINE.

  7. We received a few emails asking why a blogger specifically takes aim at Anthem Opinions again and again.

    We're certainly not the only target. 

    Within the past week or so, his rants included criticizing other bloggers as well, specifically Nona Tobin and Ron Johnson...

    ...individuals whose life has brought past measures of personal success and accolades in their respective fields...

    ...success he never achieved...

    ...and are clearly designed to destroy both the character and credibility of those individuals.

    Why would that be ???

    Jealousy !

    In lack of any personal success achieved...

    ...he has no life other than verbally beating people up trying to convince others of his importance; when in fact, his accomplishments in life, couldn't fill a thimble.

    As a matter of fact, he is the only person writing a publication who lost a career due to dishonesty.

    He knows that the intelligent members of Sun City Anthem realize that, but those who are of the same caliber as he, feel a need to gravitate to such a person whose past success is likely as limited as their own. 

    Most of his acquaintances consist of individuals whose life rarely gets them out a community; and all too often, their entertainment is defined as going to a boring predetermined meeting in which approximately 30-40 people attend, listening to individuals who are every bit as boring as them. 

    They are the ones who, in so many cases, believe "the world owes them everything".

    Success has eluded him his entire life, for a simple reason.

    He never did the things "successful people" do.

    He has no business background and has never received any industry accolades in whatever he's ever done to our knowledge...otherwise, his ego would have likely displayed it.

    In short, he's a wannabe who needs acceptance in any way possible.

    He is what he is, and always will insecure individual who needs attention, and believes that bullying is the manner in which to obtain it.

    Have you ever noticed that he's the only blogger who places his picture on a blog named after himself ?

    We've caught the guy so many times in lies, deception, and character assassination over the years, that when his name is mentioned, quite often a look of disdain overtakes most people.

    Disagree with him, and he feels this "uncontrollable disturbing need" to contact an individual personally to make an attempt to convince an individual of his importance.

    Make a minor error, and like a pit bull lying in wait, pounces on an individual for the most insignificant of reasons for a single purpose... avoid the main subject and divert attention.

    In his mind, a "Machine" must survive, because if IT DIES, he dies.

    What the pathetic creature can't comprehend is that most intelligent people won't even consider discussing anything with him, knowing that any disagreement with him, will likely incur some form of sinister public condemnation.

    The best suggestion we received from a reader was to have him rename his publication:

    B's Bull Sheet 

  8. From Favil Opinions

    You have nailed it with this one. 
