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Monday, December 17, 2018

Former Sun City Anthem Board Member Says Good-Bye to a Dedicated Resident

Tribute to Tim Stebbins

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Jim Mayfield
Former Board Vice-President
Former Finance Committee Chairman
Sun City Anthem

When Sara and I closed on our home in SCA ten years ago, members of the Board approached me to serve on the Finance Committee. 

The following spring, the Board appointed me to the Finance Committee. 

During my first year on the Finance Committee, I learned two fundamental lessons. 

One, Nevada laws and regulations to protect homeowner associations (“HOAs”) are different, indeed more convoluted, than what I experienced in the other states. 

Two, enforcement by the State of the laws and regulations designed to protect Nevada homeowners is negligible.

While climbing up the leaning curve on Nevada homeowner laws, regulations and their enforcement, I was mentored by three experienced, knowledgeable people at SCA, one of whom was Tim Stebbins

 This week, Tim passed away. 

 I will miss Tim, and SCA has lost a valuable member of our community who devoted much time to protecting the rights of SCA homeowners. 

Besides his knowledge and faithful devotion to attending SCA Board meetings and Nevada Real Estate Division (“NRED”) board meetings, Tim brought a pleasant, cordial countenance to his efforts. 

Plus, no matter how many times he was disappointed by SCA Board members and NRED officials, he quietly and methodically continued his efforts to understand Nevada laws and to protect the rights of SCA homeowners. 

Tim also generously gave of his time to educate and mentor new members of the SCA Board and committees.

Public apathy, ignorance of the law, and disregard for the law because you can get away with it , are undermining good government from Washington, DC to SCA. 

Tim’s examples of civic responsibility, standing for respect for the law, and holding persons accountable who are entrusted with governance are attributes from which all of us can learn and should emulate.

Farewell to a much-appreciated mentor and an admired example of civic responsibility and courteous behavior.

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