Information Pages

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Former Sun City Anthem Board Member and Finance Committee Chairman Looks Back at Bob Frank &Tim Stebbins Sun City Anthem Contributions

Time to Remember, Learn Lessons & Move-On

Image result for jim mayfield sun city anthem
Jim Mayfield
Former Board Vice President 
Chairman of the Sun City Anthem Finance Committee

Within the last year, the SCA community lost two of its long-time activist homeowners--Bob Frank and Tim Stebbins.  

They shared as common goals the governance of SCA in accordance with the law, both state and Federal, and promoting the rights of homeowners.  

Their commitment to these principles led to a long-term (over 10 years), bitter dispute with the faction in the SCA community, led by David Berman, who didn't agree with them.

Like most feuds, the original reasons for the feud are only vaguely remembered or aren't known by those living in SCA today.  

Most homeowners living in SCA today, including myself, didn't live here when the feud began, but, the divisions caused by the feud within our community remain self-perpetuating.  

The governance of SCA and the SCA board election process remain adversely affected by the feud.

When I served on the Finance Committee and subsequently on the Board, I got to know both Tim and Bob.  

I didn't always agree with their interpretation of law or the best ways to address and remedy the violations, but, I never doubted the sincerity of their beliefs or their basis in protecting the rights of SCA homeowners and open governance at SCA.  

I learned to respect both men and the benefit to SCA their activism brought to homeowners.

Now is also the time to learn the lessons resulting from their efforts and move on to a different governance environment at SCA--one that is centered in homeowner rights, respecting different perspectives, and maximizing the quality of life within our community.

I offer a final salute to Col. Frank for his service to his country, the State of Nevada and our community. 

My sympathy to Bob's surviving spouse and family.

From Hollis Opinions


We need Jim Mayfield….and Barry Goldstein BADLY… to fix this mess that Meese. Berman, Weddle, Waterhouse, etc, etc….have created.
  1. From Robert Opinions

    With regard to Messrs Frank and Stebbins:

    "Their commitment to these principles led to a long-term (over 10 years), bitter dispute with the faction in the SCA community, led by David Berman, who didn't agree with them."

    Perhaps Mr. Berman cut Law School the day they taught about the First Amendment?


  1. From Hollis Opinions


    We need Jim Mayfield….and Barry Goldstein BADLY… to fix this mess that Meese. Berman, Weddle, Waterhouse, etc, etc….have created.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    With regard to Messrs Frank and Stebbins:

    "Their commitment to these principles led to a long-term (over 10 years), bitter dispute with the faction in the SCA community, led by David Berman, who didn't agree with them."

    Perhaps Mr. Berman cut Law School the day they taught about the First Amendment?
