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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Deciding When The Time Has Come to Need Living Assistance...The Warning Signs

Deciding When to Place a Senior in Long-Term Care
The Most Difficult Decision One Has to Make

Image result for placing a loved one in long-term care

Sun City Anthem is now 20 years old and when originally constructed, it was designed as a "Senior Independent Living" environment.

As the years passed, the concept of "independent senior living" for many in our community has sadly dwindled, and are now faced with the final years of advancing age.

For those of us who are "the lucky ones", we still have the ability to be independent, but for an ever increasing number, that dream of independence is coming to an end...

...a sad reality, but one that must be faced !

After all, "it's part of life" !

And...if...or... when the time comes to face the effects of advanced age, the agony of watching a once virile and active individual a person has loved for many years, lose their ability to care for themselves, it is both a painful experience for the person experiencing it, as well as, for those who care for them....

...and you should be aware of signs that the time is approaching...or...has arrived.

What are some of those warning signs that the time might have come for the one you love needs assistance you or they can no longer can provide?


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