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Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Former Sun City Anthem Board Member Addresses a Serious Concern: Senior Driving Abilities

Street and Parking Lot Safety in Sun City Anthem

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  1. From Robert Opinions

    When you give consideration to how SCA has screwed up our lives with their endless & mindless regulations, the LAST thing we need is for SCA management try to dictate how we drive.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    Hi Dick...

    Jim Mayfield is worried about OUR poor driving skills, RIGHT?

    Perhaps he doesn’t travel Anthem Pkwy and see the skills of the drivers driving through to Inspirada et al..

    In my opinion these younger drivers speeding and unsafe lane changing through our community are a much bigger concern than older Seniors diminished skills.


    Ticket the reckless behavior, young and old.  

    Suggesting mandatory required driving classes or any other IMPOSED (without authority) EDICT should be DOA.

  3. Bob,

    There is no doubt that certain Inspirada AND Anthem Highlands elements have created a dangerous driving environment, likely due to their not being a 55+ community, in addition to some seniors who should NOT be on the road.

    Those under 55 still believe they are invincible in many cases...AS WE DID WHEN WE WERE THAT AGE.

    I fully agree that "enforcing the existing laws" is the best medicine. 

    Personally, I try to keep the speed limit (usually taking an extra 5 mph), but I can't ever remember a time NOT BEING PASSED by both young and old.  

    I've always maintained that if the law was properly enforced (with a bit of common sense discretion) that within 2-3 days, the amount of speeding fines collected, would pay the annual salary of a police officer; that the best pain a violator could experience came from a pocketbook in fines and increased insurance premiums. to the Senior communities, I believe that there is one element that might be addressed by the HOA (if possible)...GOLF CARTS.

    What bothers me most of all are GOLF CARTS being driven by those who believe they are driving regular automobiles. 

    Watching some SPEED down a street (especially streets that pass numerous side streets), can be death warrant to any person in an unprotected vehicle that is WHACKED by a person that enters the moderately traveled street by a senior who BLOWS A STOP SIGN, referring to such stupidity as a "rolling stop".

    So, where are the police? 

    Very few seem to be around when you need them unfortunately. 

  4. From Art Opinions

    As part of my activities with the Community Patrol, I go through the parking lot twice a shift. What we usually look for is if people parked in handicapped spots have either a placard or handicapped plate.

    In the process of doing this we are exposed to some of our drivers. The majority are fine. But the others are scary.

    Speeding in the parking lot.

    Don’t know what a stop sign means.

    No signals.

    A quick stop and a turn.

    Taking up an entire 2 way lane,

    What I call driving blind, not looking out for where you are going.

    Shoot through at the lane intersections and finally,

    Backing out of a spot with your eyes closed! 

  5. From Tony Opinions

    Hi Dick,

    I agree with you & Robert Smith.

    Also Bob Nusser makes a valid point.   

    Maybe Sandy could spend some time observing the traffic on her way to a well deserved lunch.

    You however make the point the best. 

    We (you and I) probably drove like the young folks up the hill many years ago.

    Good subject to bring up back memories.

  6. From Ellen Opinions

    I will limit my thoughts to the parking area and one way road near Anthem Center which goes to the end of the Center, around the turn, one way, past the center entrances (computer room, sewing room etc.) and past the mailbox. 

    Having almost been hit by cars going the wrong way on the one way, the Board/CEO should consider improved safely with better and larger One Way signage, repainting the one way arrow with bright paint, and set up camera at strategic points to monitor traffic.

  7. From Linda Opinions

    I agree with many of the opinions expressed in response to Mr. Mayfield's posting.

    I would like to add two points to consider:

    1. There are a number of places on our SCA streets that bushes, shrubs, trees, etc. are obscuring sight lines.

    There is a particular one on Anthem Pkwy and Olivia Heights that blocks the view as traffic comes down the hill to Albertson's, etc.

    (Where traffic comes over that hill at quite a clip!)

    I have reported such in the past...with very favorable response.

    If you see something...please report it.

    2. Our SCA board needs to be proactive in lobbying RTA to bring a bus route up to us...closer than Horizon Ridge.

    It would be wonderful if something ran from here (at one of the shopping centers) to the Southern transit station that is on Gillespie.

    You can catch buses going all over the valley from that transit center.

    Traffic is only going to be a bigger hassle in the years to come with all the growth we are seeing.

    Makes sense for a number of of which is an aging population.
