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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Why Has Employee's Death been Hushed by Management ?

Sun City Anthem Management
Forbids Employees from Providing Any Information
Long-Term Employee's Sudden Death

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  1. From Dorothy Opinions

    Thanks informing us about this.

    I was very fond of Kathy as well.  

    She was a such cheerful person who added so much positive side of Sun City Anthem.  

    Please send our condolence to her family and close friends!

  2. From Marcia Opinions

    After the shock wore off when I became aware of Kathy Elliott's death, I began to think of the cavalier attitude once again demonstrated by Sandy Seddon. 

    Those homeowners that care and pay her exorbitant salary are not asking for the personal details of Kathy's demise, but perhaps want to know where a simple condolence card may be sent to her family or perhaps where the funeral will be held so that they may attend.

    Regardless of what Sandy thought, many residents liked Kathy for her upbeat and smiling interaction with them.

    Do the words callousness, arrogance and lack of human decency laced with kindness come to mind regarding how the top of management is handling this issue???

  3. Marcia,

    Do the words BIAS or JEALOUSY come to mind as well ?

  4. From Ellen Opinions

    Can we ask management if  her family is setting up a fund or go fund me fund for expenses and family needs and what are her funeral arrangements?

    Funeral arrangements are not private.

  5. Ellen, let us know if you have better luck than Forrest Fetherolf.

    We're now discovering that Kathy Elliott and Seddon had a number of "run-in's regarding the Seddon management style.

  6. From Robert Opinions

    This controlling factor is similar to what I experienced a couple of years ago.....I've become friendly with one of the SCA maintenance crew.

    I saw the individual on the SCA grounds and stopped to speak with him-he told me to 'make it snappy' because IF he was observed speaking for someone in excess of an internal time limit (I THINK it was 15-20 minutes) he would 'get in trouble'.

    So the persuasive dictatorial influence extends further than anyone knows....this is worse than Junior High School.

  7. Well now, Mrs. Karrow, Sun City Anthem President, are you getting a message here?

    Has your idea of Board proper governance responsibility resulted in uncontrolled rude Management behavior as a result of your definition of "micro-management"?

    Do the rest of the Sun City Anthem Board members have an opinion on this matter?

    The community would like an answer to this question...and..are entitled to it.

    Did Seddon handle this matter correctly?

    Will any of or all of you remain silent and "go along to get along"...after each of you campaigned on "transparency"????

    How about standing up for the people, rather than one individual who wraps all you around her controlling fingers?

  8. From Lenore Opinions

    I can understand some of the “privacy” about Kathy’s untimely death, but confirming the truth (about her death) is only confirming the truth.

    It’s not gossiping or speaking rudely about her.

    I hope management posts information about funeral services (if any) or memorial service.

    Kathy was very personable and considerate.

    RIP Kathy

  9. From Valerie Opinions 

    It never ceases how much control Sandy has over the owners! 

    Kathy was delightful and friendly and did an excellent job. 

    Many of us appreciated her and her efforts to be friendly and efficient. 

    I have lived here since 2001 and have enjoyed how Kathy has enhanced her job with her friendliness and efficiency going out of her way to help people and was appreciated by all who knew her.

    The insensitivity shown by Sandy toward Kathy shows that she is lacking in an important trait of compassion.  She continues to make living in SCA more like a prison as opposed to a happy environment in which to live. 

    Why do we have to put up with this controlling manager? 

    Life here has sadly become like a jail. 

    Sandy is  is OUR EMPLOYEE who has far too much power, and she needs to be replaced and soon!

  10. Valerie,

    The apple doesn't fall far from the Board Member tree.

    A previous Board put her there, gave everything but the kitchen sink to her IN SECRET MEETINGS at the M Resort during the tenure of Bella Meese and Thomas Nissen, allowing her to redo what was once a happy community to one where:

    She hired a $40,000 per year employee to issue over 2,000 ridiculous compliance restrictions that infuriated residents....

    Hired a CFO at close to $180,000 per year who isn't even a CPA...

    Hired a contingency of "her handpicked more than highly paid people" that have been reported for rude behavior to residents...

    Hired a Facilities Director at over $150,000 per year who was ABSENT when a torrential rain storm brought substantial damage to Independence Center a week ago....

    Was the subject of a HOA Hall of Shame Channel 13 TV segment.

    Hired an outside firm to send out Election ballots that cost residents $85,000 when in the past, all elections had been handled locally and at a nominal cost with resident volunteers...

    ...and of course, received in excess of 825 "no confidence" signed signatures in a recall election a couple of years ago.

    And..then...despite that "stellar record" of achievement...

    ...received an employment contract that STRANGLED FUTURE BOARDS that was approved by current Board members Candace Karrow, James Coleman, and Forrest Quinn...along with the 9th place finisher out of 11 candidates in the 2019 Board election, Rex Wedddle.

    If you're looking at where "the buck stops" LOOK CLOSELY THAT THE ORIGINAL CAUSES of the problem...


  11. From Janet Opinions

    As others, I too was shocked to hear about Kathy’s death.

    We get E – Blasts from management about roof leaks and pool closures, but when a well liked and Long Term Employee passes away, not a word from management or our board.

    Other bloggers are quick to write obituaries about people who pass away; however, there has been Silence about Kathy.

    I’m quite familiar with HIPPA Law but in this case HIPPA stands for


    Rest in Peace Kathy.

  12. From Victor Opinions

    An employer must respect the privacy of the employees. 

    Whether they are doing it because it is their obligation or at the request of the surviving family, it should be honored. 

    Those that were close enough to her to have contacts in the family can obviously make personal condolences. 

    The rest of us should watch notices in the papers for ways of expressing condolences the way the family wishes.God bless her soul.

  13. From Margot Opinions

    What gives Sandy Siddon the right to make the decision about Kathy?

    We all adored her.

    Everyone is so fed up with management.

  14. From Vince Opinions

    I to knew Kathy and would see her at her desk or sometimes walking.

    She would always have a nice thing to say and with a wonderful smile.

    Last I saw her was at the Anthem Center gym sitting at the desk.

    I joked and said, " O you have a new job and hope you received a good raise".

    She laughed and said, "No not a new job, just dropped by to say Hello".

    A big loss to Anthem.

    P/S I don’t understand why such a secret.

    I and I am sure others would like to go to her memorial if any.

    May God bless her and her family. 

  15. We received a report that those members of the Sun City Anthem community Current Events Club overwhelmingly voted a THUMBS DOWN to the manner in which Sandra Seddon refused to allow all employees to inform residents of the  passing of long-term employee, Kathy Elliott.

  16. To those who claim that "things never change in SCA" I can say 'you are wrong'............they change and get worse

  17. It appears that the "people" have spoken loud enough to finally produce an eblast regarding the sad passing of Kathy Elliott.

    There is little if any doubt that the entire community was heard on this sad matter and pressured a CEO to finally "do the right thing".

    Kathy Elliott was a  fine human being giving years of devoted service to Sun City Anthem Anthem. 

    Why it took a massive outcry of a community to invoke a proper response following an order not to answer even the fact of her passing, cannot be excused. 

    Her email to Forrest Fetherolf said it all.

    That cannot be denied by her, nor camouflaged by a "machine bureaucrat" blogger's sick attempt to justify BAD and INSENSITIVE BEHAVIOR.  

    This not about HIM, nor was it about ANTHEM OPINIONS.

    It was about "class"....who displayed it, and who did not !

    The "people" spoke loud enough to demand  the CEO "do the right thing".

    They succeeded.

    To all of you on behalf of a lovely lady,  thank you for giving Kathy the kudos and recognition she has long deserved.

    God bless you, Kathy. May God take you under his care.

  18. From Donnie Opinions

    I too was told nothing when i asked about Kathy. 

    I too feel that management thinks we work for them rather then they for us. 

    We are an inconvenience when we go in to speak to any of them.
    We are bothering them. 

    None of them ever behaved in a kind way to me in all the years I have lived in Anthem......none except Kathy. 

    She will be missed by me. 

    I just hope we can take up a collection to give to her boys.

  19. From Marty Opinions

    I’m so sorry to read we lost Kathy Elliot.  She was always (well) the key person at the front of the nut farm, at her desk as usual unless she wandered around to check on our cards for the valid folks to be here. 

    We of course would give her a hard time and she’d play the game and we always had fun with the insanity from the whatever the office made her do. 

    This was always on Thursday around 10AM and after a computer club general meeting where a bunch of guys would congregate where she’d show up.
