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Sunday, March 1, 2020

February 27th Sun City Anthem Board Bombarded with Anti-Self Management Restaurant Opponents

No Restaurant for Now
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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"


  1. From Robert Opinions

    A couple observations stand out:

    1. Mr. Berman's presentation begged the following question: If experienced restaurant owners couldn't make it work, HOW DOES HE EXPECT A BUNCH OF NAIVE, INEXPERIENCED PEOPLE (e.g. US) TO BE SUCCESSFUL WHEN WE TRY TO 'SELF-MANAGE' THE PLACE??

    2. I was disappointed that no one challenged David Weil as to WHY he supports a restaurant when he previously stated that he would NOT invest his own $$ in such a venture.....Was he wearing that mask because he was actually sick OR were we being 'robbed' by a masked bandit??

  2. Robert,

    First, to answer your question about Mr. Berman, he expects it to work like all bureaucrats do...spending an unlimited amount of other people's money. What's new?

    As far a Weil, he is not only hypocritical, but his knowledge of things, couldn't fit in a thimble.

    I don't look at him as bad guy, just one who is so ignorant of business dealings, that the only words that can describe him is a MACHINE BUREAUCRAT whose time in the sea of intelligence departed years ago.

    We tried to tell a community what would happen if Weil and Scheutz ever got elected, and the community got what it deserved in the process.

    The same with Coleman and Karrow.

    So if the community wants to keep this fiasco in place, just reelect Karrow and elect her two "Machine" puppets, Linow and Perlstein.

    You can be assured that they, along with Weil, will SPEND, SPEND, SPEND.

  3. From Peter Opinions

    One word - FANTASTIC!!! 

    Great follow up article of meeting and sentiments expressed by its membership.  

    This whole idea is a failure from the start and the only way it will work is if there is a guaranteed equal dollar assessment per year, per home coming into the coffers.

    This all is fine as long as the food and management meet and exceed expectations, but I have experienced too many times in different private clubs where the board does not react quick enough, take action to correct the situation and the snowball effect begins to unfold once again.  

    With a guaranteed income revenue coming in, it really doesn’t matter if you like it or not, for we will be more than happy to take it out of your wallet and spend it for you.
