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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Sun City Anthem Self-Managed Restaurant Revisited...Realistically

Did You Starve in the Past 45 Days?

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  1. What kind of a person would make this kind of statement?

    In all the years of posting, it is the most hateful remark ever made by any human being in the Sun City Anthem Community and should NEVER be condoned by any person having a sense of moral character.

    This person is a DISGRACE to all of Sun City Anthem, and certainly should not be representative member of any civilized society, much less a senior community.

    This person should be ashamed of such a statement and I hope our entire community will look at such an individual for the hate that has clearly been demonstrated.

    We have no room for such a person in our community who would make such a statement:

    I believe Dick Arendt's comments are tongue in cheek type of talk and should not be taken at face value. If he really believed what he wrote, he should have committed suicide already, "for the betterment of the society and mankind."

    Posted by: Tien H Cheng | April 30, 2020 at 01:08 AM

    Does this really represent Sun City Anthem? My goodness, I certainly hope not.

    And of course, where does such hatred appear and allows such trash to be a part of his publication?

    The one who constantly is saying others are "filled with hate"....

    ...the one who needs to look in the mirror for allowing this to be printed ?

    David's Anthem Journal

  2. From Rana Opinions 

    Tien Cheng:

    I a have a T'shirt that says:

    "In a world where you can be anything, be kind."

    For you to make a statement like that, wishing someone dead "for the betterment of society and mankind," you must not believe in Karma...

    That is about the nastiest thing I have seen, especially considering what we are all going through at this time.

  3. From Bill Opinions 

    Thankfully I don’t know who this is, but it’s a shade of threat to your life that frightens me and makes me ill. 

    Believe me , I have no love for the guy who publishes this garbage, but would never say anything like this - nor would you publish it.

    Another reason I won’t go on his blog.

  4. Bill,

    A reader brought to our attention that this individual, Tien H Cheng, might be the same Tien H, Cheng, who is a  Doctor of Radiology.

    If that be the case, it not only becomes a disgrace to the Sun City Anthem community, but to the medical profession itself.

    What kind of physician suggests "suicide" in any way?

    In our opinion, if this is the same Tien H. Cheng, I would hope any person needing the services of such a person who would make such remarks, think twice of utilizing such an individual in any such medical capacity.

    This gives the medical profession a black eye.

  5. From Robert Opinions

    Hi Richard.

    When is the best possible time to consider opening a restaurant?

    Two choices…

    1.  Immediately after sustaining a atomic bomb attack!

    2. During or immediately after a worldwide coved-19 virus epidemic!

    Please urge our New Board members to consider the consequences, assuming, after the election we have new members.

    Thanks for putting the full time effort into publishing this blog daily for ALL Anthem residents.

    Posing these choices to existing board members would not matter.

    They’d vote to contract for another restaurant regardless.

    So sad!!

  6. Robert,

    This question will be answered depending on which of the SCA candidates are elected and if a majority of the Board would exist to oppose it.
