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Monday, April 13, 2020

Coronavirus...A Postitive Look ! An Anthem Opinions Editorial....and..a Thanks to a Reader

It's Not What You Say
It's How You Sing It

Julie Andrews to Receive the 48th AFI Life Achievement Award

With a Parody from
The Lovely
Julie Andrews

Are you tired of the depressing articles and "doom " & "gloom" manner in which the Coronavirus is reported EVERYWHERE ???

We certainly are, and we have to admit...

Thomas Paine Quote: “These are the times that try men's souls ...

But...sometimes, in the spirit of making those we love aware of a problem, there's a better way to say it...or...perhaps sing it !

Over the past weeks I've received one parody after another about our national plague, but there was one that stood far above the rest !

It was sent to us by one of our valued readers, John Schmidt, and I invite all of you to view it, and send to all you know who, like you, must face this crisis day in and day out.

It "says it all" in a manner that I believe,  both identifies the concern we all share, yet in such a positive manner, to encourage hope and optimism for the future...

...and  I can't think of a better way to send  send a message to those grandkids out there whose lives have left them with fear and confusion.

Just ask the lovely Julie Andrews !

The Sound of Music's 50th Anniversary | Vanity Fair

Thank you, John Schmidt, you helped us to get through another day!

From Dorothy Opinions

Julie is one of my favorite actresses.  Thanks for sharing!

1 comment:

  1. From Dorothy Opinions

    Julie is one of my favorite actresses.  Thanks for sharing!
