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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Deceptive "Machine" Sun City Anthem Candidate Will Do Anything to Get Elected...First it was Bankruptcy Deception, Now More Lies Added to Her Resume

Poor Wendy...or is it "Windbag"?
 Caught in a Lie

Here's What Emma Stone Could Look Like As Cruella De Vil - CINEMABLEND


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  1. From Marcia Opinions

    As of 4-23-20, Wendy Linow HAD NOT LISTED HER PHONE NUMBERS or EMAIL address on the SCA web site. 

    It only appeared on 4-24-20, the same day that she wrote her article on David's Anthem Journal stating the information had ALWAYS been available ON THE SCA WEB SITE.

    That puts her in the liar's den.

    I would be willing to challenge her publicly because her denials started way before her latest lies about you.

  2. Marcia, thanks for confirming our article.

    Unfortunately the "Dick Arendt hit", has continued with a woman named Margaret Carbaugh, a woman I have never met who, though despite writing a rather "neutral" article on the Bull Sheet, appears to be typical of those who populate it.   

    She has the full right to state:

    "First, let me say that I am no fan of Dick Arendt. Based on what I’ve heard and read over the years, it is quite obvious that he is a very bitter, negative person. And unfortunately, thanks to modern technology and his right of free speech, he has a platform from which to spew his venom.It’s really kind of sad – and it is even sadder that people can’t seem to just ignore his rants and choose to react. " 

    But, when it come to the "What I've Heard and read over the years" part, I think it's more than obvious as to where she "heard or read it". 

    She is not a subscriber to Anthem Opinions, we have no idea she has visit us, is unable to state anything specific, and obviously has fallen for the continuous bunk which is characteristic of the Berman crowd. 

    But Ms. Carbaugh, to assume a person that "it is quite obvious that he is a very bitter, negative person" without even having had a single contact with a person in order to come to that conclusion, yet, never mentions that her hero has done hatchet jobs of character association on numerous individuals over the years, makes one question her ability to "see the forest through the trees."

    Of course in her estimation, referring to individuals as "racists", "demented","anti-semantic", and writing false stories that even video prove a person is a liar, in no way constitutes a "bitter, negative person" in her mind.... 

    ...not counting the ability to realize that the individual she seems to criticize, never forged a judge's signature or lost a law license due to dishonesty, much less has never been accused of any form of dishonesty in his life until a person who has committed such acts, accused him of it.

    None of that counts, does it Ms. Carbaugh?

    Of course not, your ability to determine credibility should be commended.

    Sorry Ms. Carbaugh, but all you've done is prove the statement":

    "When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME".  

  3. From Peter Brown to Marge Carbaugh...c/o Anthem Opinions
    (Part One)

    Ms. Carbaugh, since you are not listed on the SCA directory, I am unable to send this to you directly, and you leave me no choice other than responding to your article here on Anthem Opinions.

    I read your article today (4-27-20); it was provided to me by a friend, as I do not access Berman’s blog anymore.

    Please read my last posting to his blog, replicated below in bold.

    He is an odd person, though apparently, he is your friend, it is instructive to me that many of your thoughts regarding Mr. Arendt are applicable to Berman.

    As to your article, frankly I am not sure why it was written; 30% seems to describe who and what you are; 50% applies to your thoughts on how to approach COVID-19 and our economy; 15% applies to your thoughts regarding Mr. Arendt; 5% TBD.

    I personally do not know you and have no interest in your political views or leanings, I suspect most people would also be disinterested.

    As to your thoughts about COVID-19 and the economy, yes your entitled to your opinion, but why would anyone besides yourself and your friends and Berman be interested?

    As far as I know, you stated no expertise or experience on these matters.

    Then there are your thoughts about Mr. Arendt.

    In this regard I have a few questions or thoughts:

    **You indicate your opinion is based on “what I’ve heard and read over the years”.

    So why not indicate what you have heard and from whom?

    Why not indicate what you have read and who wrote it?

    **You indicate “it is quite obvious that he is a very bitter, negative person”; obvious to whom?

    How can you make this statement with no support whatsoever?

    **You indicate it is unfortunate Mr. Arendt has the same right of all Americans, free speech and his opinion. Further, you state he “spews his venom”.

    What venom? examples?

    **Strangely you end your “essay” claiming Mr. Arendt has the right to make his own choices! Everyone does!

    The odd thing is your article primarily discusses you and COVID-19.

    Why make your final proclamation about Mr. Arendt!

    Why would you think Mr. Arendt or anyone else needs you to pronounce their right to choose, odd indeed?

    Though it does explain your friendship with Berman, like minds…………….!

    Finally, how many times have you met with Mr. Arendt; how many phone calls; how many emails?

    I suspect the answer is you have never communicated with Mr. Arendt in all your years at SCA.

  4. From Peter Brown to Marge Carbaugh...c/o Anthem Opinions
    (Part Two)

    Briefly, when I moved to SCA a year ago, I communicated with Berman on occasion.

    He told me that Mr. Arendt is an evil and destructive force in this community (SCA).

    He also indicated Mr. Arendt was the sole reason the SCA community has so much negative exchanges and he has simply ruined this community.

    Berman challenged me to meet Mr. Arendt and see for myself what
    he was saying was true.

    So, unlike you, and many others I reached out and sat and had coffee at Mr. Arendt’s home.

    Note, he was straight forward, outspoken and willing to discuss and answer any of my questions.

    No, he was not as Berman described him in any manner.

    In the end, it turns out that Berman is more like what he describes others, and sadly many in this community cannot or will not accept that simple truth.

    This was my post on the Berman blog:

    D. Berman I have now come to the conclusion that reading or subscribing to your blog is a waste of my time.

    Your blog rarely provides knowledge, humility or purpose.

    Frequently you make accusations towards others and create an atmosphere of negative consequences.

    Sadly, you present yourself as a sad little man seeking attention or admiration.

    Yes, you have a small group of sycophants that feed your desire.

    Recently you posted about unnamed “jerks”...

    ...more of the same.....I suspect you're well qualified to know one..

    ( Birds of a feather flock together).....

    let’s be straight for the uninformed.....

    A jerk in the slang as you presented It tends to mean....

    ......a contemptibly naive, stupid, or insignificant person; a foolish, rude, or contemptible person.

    Take a deep breath and realize for a moment.....these definitions seem to fit you in many ways.
