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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Is it Time to Get Back to Living ?

Freedom of Choice
What's Your Opinion?

Freedom of Choice Poster by Jason Roache - Creative Action Network


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  1. From Lorraine Hunt Bono (former Lt. Governor of Nevada and Owner of The Bootlegger Opinions 

    Thank you Dick!!  

  2. From David Opinions

    Great Editorial, Dick

    It galls the s_ _t out me to have doctors who are making $400,000/year ordering McDonald's employees making $20,000/year that they absolutely cannot work and they will be sent to jail if they do.

    Assuming the "shut down" approach saves 24,000 lives, the cost is $167 million per life saved.

    Cost/life saved




    Probably 50% of those lives saved were people who were retired. Their life is definitely not worth $167 milliom.

    They have had a good shot at life.

    Don't put a small fortune into them when they are going die in a relatively short time anyway.

    A total waste of resources.

    That calculation was done a month ago when the governor was just starting its "relief" programs.

    It is probably much higher than that now.

    It's pathetic.

  3. From Debbie Opinions

    Have there been any reports of the virus here? 

    I am happy to say I don’t know any one that has/had it. 

  4. From Mary Lee Opinions

    The virus does not Age discriminate.

    I have lost two friends this past week, one in NV age 52 and the other in Texas age 44.

    Deaths are under reported.

    Our daughters, aged 49 and 59 are concerned and have also lost loved ones.

    Perhaps when it hits Your loved ones, the Stay at Home order will make more sense.

    Sadly, people are Not careful about social distancing therefore putting our doctors, nurses, service people at Risk while helping keep us safe and well.

    If you want reality, interview the doctors, nurses etc putting in 12-14 hour shifts daily with insufficient ventilators to save patients at any age. 

    The protesters are Spreading the disease, shameful and inexcusable in my opinion.

    I’ve had a good life and do not fear death, BUT do fear the idiots not taking this pandemic seriously that could effect my daughters, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

    Look at the Age statistics for deaths in total as its not seniors.

    We Have lived through the polio epidemic and followed All Medical Experts suggestions.

    May everyone remain safe and healthy. 

  5. Mary Lee, 

    No one is saying,don't be cautious.

    That's common sense, but to refer to all individuals who protest as spreading the disease and inexcusable when all they are trying to do is feed their families, is just as inexcusable.

    No one is saying they don't take the pandemic seriously; they instead are referring to the many negatives of over reacting to it.

    There is no doubt that losing a life at age 49 or 59 is sad. We also do not know if they had immune systems that might have had a direct effect on their lives.

    Nonetheless, in Clark County, the count is less than one-half of 1% of the population, and in the minds of many, the odds are all but non-existent of death, but reality is that if over reaction continues, those same individuals believe it will be a 100% cause of the collapse of the American economic system.

    For that reason alone, many of us don't believe we even want to take a chance of such devastation.

    Obviously, you believe that the world should shutdown until the last person is cured. 

    That is your opinion, and you are entitled to you belief, just as other are of theirs; and if you choose to remain in solitude from the rest of society, that is your choice.

    The difference is that we don't insult an entire group for a different belief.

  6. From Barry Opinions

    Dick, It is obvious the people that read Mr Berman’s blog need to have someone tell them what to do in their lives.

    People that read your blog are free thinkers; therefore your articles are meant to stir discussions of different opinions.

    I would say free thinkers know what is safe or dangerous activity, and know how to protect ourselves.

    I wonder how many of his readers would be the first to whine if their income stream was cut off?

    Most of us would give our lives to protect our children and grandchildren.

    Not sure Mr Berman understands the sacrifices we make for our loved ones.

    No politics in these comments, just someone who believes a free man or woman can make intelligent decisions without being told to give up our rights.

  7. Barry, 

    After reading that article, it was obvious who would sacrifice their own kids to benefit themselves.

    If his article was to somehow consider me "not human" for placing the lives of children above those who have lived a long life, then I am guilty as charged.....

    ...and I am proud to say I am.

    I didn't want to believe any individual who loved their children, wouldn't die for them.

    Obviously I was wrong.

    It appears that there really are some who would sacrifice their own children in our community, as evidenced by comments some made in addition to the author whose morality has been questioned for years.

    They are not to be disliked; they are, what loving people are not. Instead, they are to be pitied.

  8. Sometimes, you actually have to read things a few times to believe what you've read. 

    This is one of those times. 

    This comment actually was made on the Berman blog:   

    "This is the last paragraph of a letter I have submitted to the Sun.

    There is a right for peaceful protests. However, I feel I am continuing the patriotic duty I demonstrated by enlisting in the Army and following the teachings of Christ by accepting the practice of social distancing and putting life ahead of money."

    Posted by: John David Burke | April 21, 2020 at 07:23 AM 

    I am a Catholic, but until this guy can follow Jesus feeding 5,000 people with a single loaf of bread and a fish, then I'll believe this guy would make some sense.

    Until that day, his thoughts won't solve a problem of unemployment and hunger.

    How about it, Mr. Burke?

    Until that day comes, I think you and your followers should donate your social security checks, pensions, and stimulus checks ?

    If you need the names and addresses of food banks and charities, let me know. There are lots of them.

    And one more thing.

    Can you provide the passage in the Bible that covers social distancing?

    Yes, this man actually exists !

  9. From Peter Opinions

    I don’t know about you, but I had not heard the term “social distancing” until the outbreak of the coronavirus.

    Intentionally staying several feet away from the nearest person had never crossed my mind.

    I spend enough time in airplanes—crammed in among strangers—that it never would have seemed feasible before now.

    In Biblical days, however, it was very much a practice in relation to leprosy.

    Those who were afflicted by the disease had a variety of skin and nerve issues, including disfigurement, rashes and rotting flesh. The subsequent numbing of body parts meant that the leper could suffer an injury (or even be chewed on by a rodent), without realizing it was happening.

    It was an incurable disease. A death sentence.

    It was feared that leprosy was highly contagious, and becoming inflicted led to severe social stigma.

    In fact, those who fell victim to the disease had to cover their faces and yell “Unclean” as they walked the streets, ensuring that others could stay away.

    Social distancing.

    One of the earliest examples in the Bible is recounted in 2 Kings, chapter 5:1-19.

    It’s an incredible story of the provision of God, and ultimately serves as a beautiful illustration of the Gospel.

    Naaman was the commander of the Syrian army. He was successful, powerful and renowned.

    One problem: He had contracted leprosy.

    A young girl, who had been captured in Israel and brought as a slave to Syria, told of a prophet in her home country who could heal this disease. With the Syrian king’s blessing and an incredible sum of silver and gold,

    Naaman set off to find the prophet Elisha.

    His first stop was the king of Israel, who didn’t take the visit kindly.In fact, the king was sure that this was a setup.

    He tore his clothes, and screamed, “Am I God?”

    He accused Naaman of “seeking a quarrel.”

    Elisha intervened, asking the king to send Naaman to his house.

    Surprisingly, when Naaman and his entourage arrived, Elisha did not come out to greet him.Instead, he practiced social distancing and offered simple instructions.

    “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times,” said Elisha, “and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean.

    ”At first it angered Naaman that Elisha wouldn’t come out to see him, and he was madder still that Elisha prescribed something so simple to overcome such a deadly disease.

    Further, I’m sure that Naaman was filled with doubt as he entered and left the Jordan time after time with no visible improvement.

    However, as he washed the seventh time, the Bible says that Naaman’s “flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean” (2 Kings 5:4, NKJV).

    Naaman’s whole world changed when he encountered the God of Israel.He vowed to Elisha that he would “no longer offer either burnt offering or sacrifice to other gods, but to the Lord” (2 Kings 5:17b, NKJV).

    My friends, Naaman was dealing with a physical disease, but all of us deal with a spiritual disease.

    Naaman had leprosy, but we don't.

  10. From Bill Opinions

    And Bless Mr. Burke's soul.

    I think he should continue to practice social distancing at least till the end of 2020.

    If fact I think  he can stay home forever If he would like.

    The problem is, he wants to impose his thinking of what is the right thing to do on everybody else.

    There is no reason on God's green earth why we cannot have the common buildings in SCA reopen by May 1.

    Certainly if they want to continue to practice social distancing,  and this is really not a bad idea, they can remove all the leisure furniture in the lobby in Anthem Center and take many of the gaming tables and put them up there to keep more of a distance between all of the tables.

    The same can be done pretty much in all the buildings and rooms with game tables and  seating and gym equipment- take a few away and spread the rest out!

    Certainly ballot counting can go on as planned for May 1 with tables and seating spread far enough apart and the use of gloves and masks.

    Further, there is no reason not to open all of the outdoor courts. The experts have confirmed that being outside is not only healthy but safer because of the fact that germs dissipate in the outdoor air.

    People that want to play pickle ball, bocce,  tennis or go to the pool should be allowed to do so.

    And after all that is said and done, those who don’t feel safe certainly have the “right” to stay home just as those that are comfortable with it have the “right” to go out and mingle using proper precautions.  

    I am sure our Management is happy the way things are and want to maintain the status quo for as long as possible.

    They have the buildings all to themselves and much less work ( no events to schedule, nobody coming in and asking for things or complaining to them and no Board or Committee meetings to attend) with everybody hunkered down, but I don’t think the decision should be up to management because, in fact, it does behoove them to keep things the way they are.

    Also, the board as a whole, should not make the decision on whether or not we open.

    For ballot counting on May 1 because there’s at least one member that gets an advantage by maintaining her seat on the board beyond May 1, she should not be included in deciding whether not to re-open.

    BTW, how many cases of the virus have you even heard of in Sun City anthem?.

    Of the people I know and communicate with,  I have not heard of even one case.

  11. Now we have Wendy Linow putting her 2 cents into the mix.

    Trouble is, it' probably not her 2 cents.

    Her 2 cents was likely provided by others as a result of her very recent Chapter 7 bankruptcy...

    ...the one she never disclosed in her attempt to "dupe" the community.

    And by the way, Ms. Linow, why don't you be more concerned about running against the other candidates?

    If you haven't noticed, I'm not running for anything....except your history of financial ineptitude when it comes to you handling $8-9 million of dues a year.

    So...Suck it up, Buttercup !

    All you are is the latest "crony" in the chain of Machine incompetence.... matter what you say !

  12. From Peter Opinions 

    First, I would like to say that I agree and support the “Freedom” article by Anthem Opinions via Dick Arendt.

    Also, I agree with Barry Goldstein’s comments regarding the same article, it was well written and to the point.

    Bill Breier’s comments struck many points and again I am in full agreement with his thoughts.

    I have been provided comments made by a Ms. Linow on another blog; in reference to that I have a couple comments:

    In this article she indicates the 50 and over population represents 35% of the USA population; who cares, the thrust of the Freedom article was for seniors (65+) ; this group represents 15.7 % of the population.

    In general, her comments seem to be rendered useless.

    Further information from the CDC as follows:

    **76 Deaths in Nevada; Represents 4 tenths of 1 % (.0044) of the Total of 17,229 deaths in USA

    **13,518 Deaths at 65-74 or 78.5% of the Total Deaths

    **510 Deaths at 0-44 Years of age representing 2.96 % of the Total Deaths.

    In addition, 10,865 Deaths are from NY; NYC; NJ. or 63% of all deaths.

    If 4 states in the Midwest had 60-70% of all Deaths, would New York and other big cities be Lock downed?

    Probably not!

    Finally, for those that want to stay home for whatever length of time…Just Do It and let others make their decision.

    I wonder if these same people in the late 1960’s and 1970’s and 1980’s who were aware that 2nd hand smoke killed….

    ...did they stay home or go to Casinos; Restaurants; and so many other places?

    If they were smokers did they stay home and only smoke there not to impact others, children, and people with lung issues?

    Probably not!

    Remember our Freedom is a right!

    What is being done by many government agencies is a breach of our liberties.

  13. From Bill Opinions

    If Berman’s sycophants feel they have an opposing point of view to an item written by someone that you posted on your blog, then why don’t they come on your blog and present their side of the story?

    This business of him copying comments and then having these people answer on his blog is ridiculous.

    Many of us. believe it or not, don’t read his blog, so the individual writing a comment has no opportunity to defend themselves.

    Are they too afraid to respond directly on your blog to the person has posted something that they disagree with?

    That’s like a bunch of high school girls gossiping about a classmate. 

  14. Bill, 

    I wish it was that easy, and if it was, I would gladly do so; however the problem comes the content of the commentary.

    Only a very few have been removed from an Anthem Opinions subscription. 

    Those specific individuals make the most rude and derogatory comments, rarely present any intelligent argument, merely criticize without going into any detail as to why the criticism is made, do so entirely based on the writings of Berman, and would embarrass Anthem Opinions to allow them to be printed.

    What we consider trash, Berman instead encourages, and actually refers it as journalism, a standard we refuse to lower ourselves to, despite his constant distorted and ugly writings designed either to assassinate a character, defend a corrupt MACHINE, and normally combine the two.

    Hence the likely reason that Anthem Opinions visits in the course of a month are 10 times that of David's Anthem Journal.

    Perhaps without his constant insulting behavior, there would be few if any comments at all.

    You will note that unlike Anthem Opinions, Mr. Berman's articles often center around HIM, a characteristic of an insecure individual, who has accomplished little in life, and through his pen, has an unnatural need to achieve some element of importance, at this late stage of life.

    Let's face it, he has no record of any real accomplishment.

    Any person who has read it over the years is fully aware of his past and current disturbing  behavior. 

    He is what he is, and will never change.  

    His holding the association record for being the #1 receiver of "Code of Conduct" violations until his wife as a former President made sure such behavior would no longer be subjected to community punishment or fine, speaks for the character and behavior he has exhibited toward other residents.

    He has also severely harmed our community by introducing the "race card"' not once, but three times.

    Add to that the disturbing and all to often simple-minded  derogatory comments that are little other than rude unprofessional insults similar to his own, proves the market he attracts. 

    However, with regard to your request, if any person on that publication can come up with some kind of meaningful commentary or argument without their typical rude behavior, Anthem Opinions would be glad to print both sides of a story. 

    As to the other publication doing the same, I wouldn't hold your breath !

  15. From Marty Opinions

    I see Vermin is a “writing fool” lately. 

    It seems he’s in panic mode and has a need to vent so its a daily thing to say anything as long as it goes the way he wants it to go. 

    I love the way he can pervert the words to meet his agenda as in yesterday’s offering from our governor. 

    As we see today on Fox, a channel we can be sure that he never watches, that states like North Carolina, Georgia, Alaska, and possibly Oregon are opening within the next couple of day at a limited exposure.

    He’s completely freaked at Mayor Goodman’s wanting to get the city going. 

    He obviously doesn’t understand anything to do with economic issues as he never has had to run anything in a normal sense. 

    “It’s the economy stupid,” as they have said. 

    His history as we all have seen in past times, especially the St Rose Incident and the tremendous growth witnessed recently has forced him to go after minuscule problems. 

    He’s a “has been” just trying to maintain his position in our growth…along with people like Wendy Linow and types.

  16. Marty,

    I'm waiting for just one of the "close the world" types who will destroy the economy, to back up their beliefs with BUCKS...

    ..their own bucks...

    ... such as their stimulus checks, social security, and miscellaneous pension or 401(k) checks ... those those who have NOTHING, are unemployed, have no hope in sight and can't feed their families.

    They all have big mouths, but no common sense as to the long-term effect on our town, much less the entire state, as long as it's at the expense of others...

    ...and in the case of Linow, how to work the system.

    So who is going to be the first out there who is so concerned that they will donate their funds?

    I received a few emails yesterday complaining about my article, but when I responded asking them if they would donate their checks to help out those who were being destroyed by their belief, guess how many responded that would?



    Do as I say, not as I do" !

  17. From Buddy Opinions

    Just leaving Costco. They have already change their routine.

    There were no lines outside to get in, no one counting how many patrons are in the store.

    Yes, they have tapes on the floor so when we check out we don’t get too close and they’re wiping down the conveyor belt and the plastic that guards the cashiers, but other than that everybody’s free to come and go as they please and roam the store.

    Many people are recognizing that things have changed.

    I just wish our governor and SCA management would too.
