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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Latest "Machine" Restaurant Con is Laughable

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"Nevada Know How...Archives Page Seven"


  1. We want to bring to your attention  a statement by an individual named Arnold Hinden on the Berman blog, a statement that was perhaps the most outrageous statement ever made on that publication...

    ...a statement that if EVER A SUCH STATEMENT would be made on Anthem Opinions, would be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED, and that individual's subscription IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED.

    This disgusting individual, in his hatred filled mind, is now considering the suggestions of a possible restaurant social club as...


    Read this, weep, and look at the true definition of hate, asking yourself if such an individual should be considered a "friend of Sun City Anthem" or a DETRIMENT to it.

    "Dear David and Wendy;

    As I started to read the letter from Arendt and Orth my blood started to boil.

    I immediately had visions of racist connotations. "private social club."

    When do the signs go up "No Dogs and Jews allowed" No African Americans. No Asians need not apply.

    I grew up seeing these things. Their true color has finally come to the surface and I am not happy at what I see.

    In fact, it worries me. With this kind of thinking what type of person is running for our board? 

    This is my Homeowners association how dare you want to open a private club.

    It’s not coming to where I live!" 

    Is this the fist time LOSERS use such words?

    Unfortunately NOT....and in all cases they appear on the Berman blog.

    A few years ago Anthem Opinions questioned  naming James Coleman for a position on the Sun City Anthem Board, stating that he, prior to his being APPOINTED, not elected, had never in his 17 years of residency, EVER attended a Board meeting.  

    Bringing that to the attention of our readers, I included that he was the President of the American American Club....accidentally, and I stress the word, accidentally, omitting the word "Culture" from the name.

    That somehow caused Coleman to state on the Berman blog that such omission OUTRAGED the entire Black members of the Sun City Anthem community..

    ...ONE word omission...just one.

    That in turn caused David Berman and his wife to confront me at Green Valley Ranch and eventually the incident report I filed with the Henderson Police Department was filed; however, as he and his wife left the casino in a FIT OF RAGE, he loudly called me both a RACIST and Anti-Semitic.

    For both their DISTORTED minds, let me say that my wife is Jewish and we have been together for 35 years.

    While in college, I was Vice-President and Pledge Chairman of Sigma Alpha Mu, a predominantly Jewish fraternity.

    Many of my closest friends in the Sun City Anthem community are Jewish, including my blog partner, Allen Weintraub, whom I have known for over 50 years, as well as, those of the Asian Community.

    In addition, over the years, my experience with many members of the Entertainment industry, I have invited a number of Black individuals to my home as GUESTS, not employees.

    So, to both Berman and his latest henchman, Arnold Hinden, both of you should be ashamed of introducing such hatred and RACIAL tones to a community that have NEVER BEFORE, EVER entered the picture, until BOTH OF YOU, and JAMES COLEMAN, made some kind of SICK decision to do so...

    ...for the sake of a homeowners association election!

    As far as referring to Nelson Orth in the same condemnation, MR. Orth, as a retired Naval Commander and member of the Johns Hopkins University management team, WAS NEVER referred to his distinguished careers in the disgusting manner he has referred to by Allen Hinden....and allowed by David Berman.

    And on Good Friday ?

    Shame of you, and I hope this community will look closely at this in the manner you both deserve after this latest hateful act. 

    Sun City Anthem, wake up...this is what WE MUST NOT ALLOW to exist in our community.

    It is people like this who BRING ALL OF US DOWN, and must be thoroughly rejected.

  2. His comments appear to validate the idiom: "Life is like a cesspool-(you-know-what) sinks to its own level"

  3. From Peter Opinions 


    Agree! Hinden is a joke and incapable of rational thought.

    Likely another “puppet” for the sad little man.

    I am glad I don’t visit that blog anymore. 

    It is disgusting to attack you and Nelson on this basis when they have no ideas or the capacity to think or engage intellectually when they bring in the “race” card.

    This further underscores what the sad little man is all about.

    The sad thing is there are likely many in this community who either accept this as truth,  or think the same way. 

  4. Thanks Peter,

    The SICKEST aspect is that this was actually allowed to be posted on the Berman blog.

    I noticed that the comment was written on April 9th at 7:40pm, leaving little if any doubt that DAVID BERMAN approved of such disturbing commentary.

    As of this writing, it STILL REMAINS.

    Now people have the opportunity to see just how DESTRUCTIVE these "insects" can harm our community.

  5. From Buddy Opinions

    We have many clubs in SCA with titles that someone with a small mind might consider restrictive, but this is NOT the case.  

    Italian American Club has non- Italians.

    Havurah has non-Jews; 

    Filipina has other ethnic members, etc etc. 

    In fact, who is to say that everybody who belongs to the Ballroom Dance Club is  actually light on their feet?  

    The point is, having a social club for dining out purposes is actually less restrictive than the titles of many of our existing clubs would indicate. 

    All you have to do is want to and be willing to eat and pay your dues. 

    All the other clubs charge dues as well. 

    Maybe they’re discriminating against people who don’t have money by charging to be a member?  

    All the Clubs in SCA are “private” and can only be joined by residents and tenants who pay the annual club dues and adhere to club rules.

    Are they all discriminatory? 

  6. Good point, Buddy.

    Perhaps someone should send a notice to all HOAs in the valley are RACIST if they utilize a restaurant as a Social Club.

    Nelson, if you're out there, MAKE SURE YOU MENTION that TO members of Anthem Community Council and Anthem Country Club that a Sun City Anthem resident named Arnold Hinden and a blogger named David Berman consider their club as being invested with RACISTS.

  7. From Bll B. to Anthem Opinions

    The true racist has finally surfaced, and it's not here.

  8. Isn't ironic when another blogger refers to the owner of Anthem Opinions as a "low brow" when his readership is substantially less than that of Anthem Opinions?  

    Of course his record includes endorsing one who introduced racism to our community...

    ...allows others to pollute our community by granting them acceptance in doing the same

    ...ranting and raving the same ugly words by spewing racist comments in a public setting


    ...recommending that a community elect one individual who declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy to guide it's financial future addition to another one who insults members of the community with specific attention to the Asian population, and in addition, has the ability to create such an adverse atmosphere, that 6 of 7 members of the association Finance Committee resign !

    Who follows that advice?  

    Those who are of the same character.
