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Monday, May 18, 2020

Reformers Prevail at Sun City Anthem Board meeting....

Sun City Anthem "Machine" Set Back
 Reformers Vote

Good job!” – Mostly Montessori

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  1. Just who writes the Sun City Anthem eblasts?

    Whoever does is SO BIASED as to what is going in in the community and with a new Board,  it is hoped that they will reflect what really takes place in the community. 

    Note this latest that was emailed on Monday afternoon, May 18th. 

    "At the May 18 board meeting, the Board TOOK ACTION on the following: Reviewed the Unaudited Summary Financial Statements through April 30, 2020

    Reviewed Pending and Settlement Litigation Disclosures

    Approved the revised Election Ballot Count procedures for May 22, 2020 due to COVID 19

    and Approved to reduce the 3rd Quarter Main Association Assessments from $302.50 to $257.50, a reduction of $45.00 in order to return the surplus funds from 2019 to residents. 

    See anything missing?  

    NOTHING about the Board President and her MACHINE being rebuked regarding the Audit Reports or Tax Returns being deferred to the new Board, insTead "sugarcoating the REAL VOTE. 

    NOTHING about the resignations of MACHINE Audit members Arthur Schuetz and David Weil. 

    Anything to avoid the community knowing WHAT REALLY TOOK PLACE, and likely to protect the MACHINE.

    Just another reason why this DECEPTION and who authors it, must carefully be scrutinized and approved by an entire Board before publishing.  

    This has to STOP.

  2. From Peter Opinions 


    The management cannot be the voice of SCA; it has to be the Board and the E-blast should be signed as from your Board.

    Also, I was amazed to learn that the Board minutes are prepared by a secretary, and the Board doesn’t review or approve prior to posting on the Web Site.

    In addition, the Board President or any Board member should not be able to write a letter to a member on Board letterhead when many other Board members were not aware or included in the process.

    (That is what happened when Karrow wrote me with the indication “We” (The Board) was not inclined to remove Art Schuetz from Anthem Council Board.)

    I am expecting a new Board with the goal of honesty, respect, integrity and a commitment to transparency.

  3. From Robert Opinions

    Just another reason why this DECEPTION and who authors it, must carefully be scrutinized and approved by an entire Board before publishing.

  4. From Buddy Opinions

    Weil felt he wasn’t well enough to be on the Board, but stayed on the audit committee.

    Then he resigns from the Audit Committee.

    Shuetz resigned from the audit committee,  but stays on the Anthem Council.

    What a joke. 

    Now there is no doubt that Anthem Council must be carefully examined since SCA pays them $633,000 per year.

  5. From Liz Opinions

    I am disappointed to find out that we have Board Members that can't play well in the sandbox with others. 

    How is resigning from a Committee an example for the community?

    When I was vetted for the Election Committee, I was interviewed by the entire Committee and one point they were concerned about was whether or not I could be a "team player". 

    That, after discussion on an issue, if I did not get my way, would I go along with the majority? 

    That's called a democratically run committee and I confirmed that I understood that's how organizations operate. 

    Interestingly, the Committee then submitted my name to the Board of Directors for approval and now I come to find out that more than one of those very same people are resigning because they did not get their way.

    This is hypocrisy and there should be some guidelines - in fact, if you are on the Board of Directors and resign from a Committee, then I believe you should be required to resign from all Committees (including Anthem Council).

    It's all or nothing and if a vote doesn't go their way, they need to suck it up, especially if they are judging others by the same standards.

  6. Another aspect of the E-blast that was completely omitted was the details of a civil settlement made in amount of $250,000 to an individual who was repeatedly asked to have a caregiver care for his mother which he ignored, based on a legal defense using the American Disabilities Act.

    I wonder what our legal fees were in addition to that settlement? Of course, that is never disclosed.

  7. From William Opinions

    In my opinion Weil was not sick.

    He was troubled by the restaurant presentation and did not want problems in the future.

    A Weak man.

  8. Bill,

    I'm still waiting for the public apology he promised me when he learned Anthem Opinions never called for any boycott from a previous restaurant operator, that he made his false public statement in front of a Board meeting, based solely on the Berman lies.

    I agree, a man who is unable to admit to a lie, is very weak.

  9. From Peter Opinions

    Dick,I have heard from some SCA members after the Board meeting yesterday; many have stated their concern that Shuetz and Weil resigned yesterday, apparently because the Board refused to accept the Audited Financial Statements and instead will allow the new Board a fresh look.

    Actually being in SCA for 11 months now, there are so many things that are difficult to understand; Weil resigns from the Audit Committee, however, he resigned from the Board effective April 30 due to illness and stress, why the heck was he still on the Audit committee during the stressful audit process?

    Schuetz is incompetent; chose not to run for re-election.

    I am guessing the Audit committee is secret so members cannot see the ineptness of this body.

    In the end Schuetz and Weil chose this last gesture to allow themselves to be noticed and thought of as men of conviction. 

    Of course, it didn’t work, at least not from my point of view.

  10. From Nelson Opinions

    Art Schuetz and Larry Orlov's tenures are up, if a new Board president chooses to recalls them.

    The next Anthem Community Council meeting is scheduled for June 4th, and new board representatives can be appointed to represent the Sun City Anthem community..

  11. From Bernard Horton...former Chairman of the Sun City Anthem Finance Opinions

    Dick, you hit right on the head.....of course they would publish an incomplete summary that would avoid any question about Candace's leadership and the work of Art and Dave (who fortunately decided not to run again or to resign).

    Not reporting to the community their push to accept the 2019 audit or tax return being rejected, makes one question transparency and honesty in what the community is told.

    I cannot understand why the Eblast did not report Art Schuetz and Dave Weil also resigning from the audit committee.

    It took real courage for Rana, Forrest, and Karen to stand up and say NO ....their work was not acceptable with many questions posed by Richard Pope and Forrest Quinn unanswered.

    Our CFO admitting he did not have answers at this time and further investigation with our outside auditors was needed, was proof the documents were not ready to be accepted.

    Many public comments read at the meeting from others like myself, criticized the rush to approve the documents as there was no deadlines approaching.

    I hope the final slap in the face for Candace Karrow comes Friday when the ballots are counted.

  12. From Marcia Opinions

    What we have in SCA, are people who often never had a distinguished career before retiring.

    They retire and see a chance to become important by joining a standing committee, or run for the board.

    If they ever previously demonstrated a conscience, morals, compassion, ethics, and humility, it disappeared once they felt that taste of power.

    Their mantra is akin to what Rex Weddle replied after committing some outrageous act and when he was asked why, he answered, "Because I can!"

    We have two weapons at our disposal, the truth and to let everyone know what is really occurring and being withheld from homeowners.

    I can attest to that fact after talking to owners whom have recently moved in and telling them what is happening.

    That makes them angry and they then ask what can we do.

    My answer has been observe, keep abreast and vote after talking to candidates.

  13. While we are on the subject of E-blasts, consider the one sent a week ago. 

    It read:

    "As we look at reopening our facilities, we must remember, this does not mean that the virus is gone and we are out of the woods.

    It does not mean that SCA has been virus free and no one has contracted it.

    While no one has formally reported cases to SCA, we hear rumors about cases in the community."

    Once again, this was pure stupidity on the part of the E-blast author.


    Of what  significance is a RUMOR about a pandemic other than to scare people to death when there has not been a single case that has been proven to exist...


    is this just another way to contrive some form of  justification to close most of the community down?

  14. From Buddy Opinions 

    So we had the machine (Schuetz and Weil) that were so devoted to this community and ran for the board.

    They tirelessly worked (which I do believe), but at the end said to this community "stick it where the sun don’t shine". 

    Wimpy Weil just said "I quit".

    He then also resigned from the Audit Committee.

    If he cared as much as he said he did, why not continue until the term is up? 

    Boo hoo

    Schuetz really stuck it to us…..quitting the Audit Committee.

    Oh my god, what will we do without him for a week?

    That was about as effective as someone passing gas while alone in the forest and thinking he made a point.  

    If either of these 2 selfish people cared, they would have just stayed the course until it was over and then sheepishly walked away.  

    No way, these guys were honorable.
