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Sunday, June 28, 2020

We Salute Our Men in Blue...They Count Too !

"The Policeman"
Paul Harvey

Policeman - By. Paul Harvey (Tribute to our Police Officers) - YouTube

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  1. From Marcia Opinions 

    Many years ago when I lived in Chicago, I was engaged to a Chicago policeman.  His district was the west side of Chicago. 

    He was in a single man squad car when the news broke that Dr. Martin Luther King was shot and killed.  The rioters had overturned a newspaper truck and were shooting, burning businesses and looting them. 

    I did not see him for three days and did not know if he was alive or dead.

    Having said the above, NO GROUP, especially the present day protesters, have a right to condemn EVERY policeman across our country because of a small percentage of 1-2% (bad apples). 
    You can apply that flawed logic to every ethnic group. 

    The relatively few bad people are the ones that make the headlines and not the tens of thousands of policemen who save lives, catch thieves, jail rapists, pull victims out of auto crashes, apply CPR, etc.Can you imagine our country without law enforcement? 

    Our country would be reduced to total anarchy. 

    That is exactly what our enemies would love to see happen. 

    A PEACEFUL protest is understandable, but to try to harm police who are there to protect businesses, property and human lives  is more than outrageous, it is CRIMINAL! 

    Do the protesters even consider that standing next to each other and shouting, is causing a rise in the Covid 19 cases? 

    Many of them do not even wear masks.  That is irresponsible and childish behavior on their part.

    I have talked to about a dozen policemen in Henderson. 

    They have always been polite, courteous, and have answered any questions I might have. 

    Their response to me has NOTHING to do with the color of my skin. 

    They are trained well.

    I am color blind in the sense that my professional career was solely taking care and testing veterans in two VA hospitals. 

    The staff was also comprised of various races. 

    I cannot ever remember an incident where race was an issue.



  2. From Elizabeth Opinionn

    There are so many in this community that have had emergencies and immediately dialed 911, yet I see no comments in support on this article – how strange and disappointing  

    Our daughter and her husband are both officers here in the valley and I worry for them all the time. 

    The current environment is such that just being outside in uniform is dangerous for them and they have to hide all vehicles for fear it will bring retribution at their home. 

    My son in law is investing thousands for full  body armor for our daughter since her position requires visits to victims of assault and often they are not in the kindest of neighborhoods – just showing up on the block in police uniform is life-threatening these days.  

    How is this right? 

    A gal goes to college and back for a Masters and gives up her first profession to become a police officer to help people and as a result becomes a target herself? 

    Would she ever choke-hold someone? 

    Shoot someone unless fear for her own life? 

    Would she knee someone in the neck until they cannot breathe? 

    You don’t know her or her husband, but I can tell you that they are 2 of the most generous, kind, giving and empathetic people I know and their reward is to have to live in fear, both on the job AND  at home.  

    What world are we living in now? 

    Police lives matter too ! 

  3. Liz,I have to admit, I too am disappointed in the few individuals who would be willing to come forth and merely say "I support police".

    They are either afraid to do so, don't care enough to do so, or agree that disrespecting them, shooting them, or maiming them, is acceptable.

    Yet my guess is that at the first sign of a problem, all will expect a police officer to lay down his or her life to be there for them.

    Sad that there are more comments for a restaurant that few will ever attend, than for our "men in blue".

    Sun City Anthem:

    Never forget, those who are complacent about a problem only have themselves to blame when it magnifies, and when it magnifies, the probability of it subsiding becomes less and less with each passing day until the problem becomes impossible to solve......

    ...resulting in drastic actions none would have ever believed possible.

  4. From Barry Opinions

    Dick, as you know my brother was a police officer in L.A. in the 70’s.

    He wrote me a number of letters telling me I would not believe the things he witnessed patrolling the Watts area of L.A.

    He could not believe how one human being would treat another.

    The police are the difference between civility and the wild, Wild, West.

    Where would we be, without their protection?

    My heart goes out to the number of friends we have whose children are serving us as police officers. They deserve our support and respect.

    The few bad, always ruin it for the many.

  5. From Peter Hudson... to... Anthem Opinions

    Thank you Dick for sending our way this wonderful article and words of the late Paul Harvey.

    There is not a whole lot more that my wife and I can add that hasn’t already been stated by others.

    You can add our names to the list of those who are in support of our many great men and women who are willing to put on that uniform each and everyday to serve and protect each and everyone of us.

  6. I am in agreement with the comments previously posted. My son has been a Deputy District Attorney and relates many stories about the crimes, police officers and the process; further he also worked in a Non-Profit that took in and cared for
    Abused children 24/7, these were the worst cases that had no where else to go. The form and type of abuses my son explained were difficult to believe,
    There is a very UGLY part of our society that fortunately few of us have to witness.
    So yes I have always supported the Police; Prosecutors; Firemen; Military; Border Patrol; Caregivers for abused children and many more. These are the people who help protect us and help rectify the UGLY part of our society.

  7. From Gary Smith & Helve Opinions

    We wanted to attend the Blue Lives Matters march scheduled for Las Vegas a couple  weeks ago.  It did sound like there was HUGE interest from folks in attending that march. 

    Last we heard, the 'take a knee' crowd downtown was successful in getting it postponed until September. 

    We think the 'take a knee' crowd downtown was worried about backlash. 

    Say what you will, but we are pretty certain that the planned Blue Lives Matters march didn't include rioting and property destruction as part of its agenda for demonstration.

    Don't believe the propaganda you are fed by the mainstream media. 

    They are still trying to avenge their 2016 election rejection any way they can. 

    Don't be naive, our society is over run with criminality -- head to toe. 

    When push comes to shove, we think you will be surprised at how much support our police have. 

    A safe and sane place to live is why we live here. 

    That is why we pay taxes. 

    We support our dedicated and brave police!
