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Friday, July 3, 2020

Happy Birthday America

The National Anthem
Why We Sing It Before Sports Events

Why the Star-Spangled Banner is Played At Sporting Events - HISTORY


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"History & Holidays...Archives Page Ten"


  1. From Ed Easter of Birmingham, Opinions 

    This was a good one.

    It would be different if they were taking a knee to pray but alas that is not the case.

    To me the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance stands not for the perfect country we are, but the perfect country we are aspiring to be.

    No other country in the history of the world has come this far in the short time of our existence.

    No one country has placed as much emphasis on Human Rights and the rights of the individual.

    We rid ourselves of slavery in a little over one generation as a Nation.

    We shouldn’t forget slavery existed in this country long before the first settlers arrived among the various Native American tribes.

    We fought a Civil War, brother against brother with over 600,000 deaths.

    One out of four men that went to war didn’t return home.

    One out of thirteen that did return were missing one or more limbs.

    For many years there wasn’t a town in America that didn’t have one or more of these men that could be seen living and working in the communities.

    When it was over most of the Soldiers on both sides found forgiveness and admiration in their heart for their former enemy, beginning with Grant, Lee and Lincoln. 

    It was the politicians on both sides that started the war and perpetuated the hatred afterwards. 

    That continues today.

    Just a few thoughts to share on this Holiday weekend.

  2. From Marcia Opinions

    There is a song with words that says it all for me and every other patriotic American:This Is My CountryT

    his is my country!
    Land of my birth!

    This is my country!
    Grandest on earth!

    I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold
    For this is my country to have and to hold.

    What difference if I hail from North or South
    Or from the East or West?

    My heart is filled with love for all of these.
    I only know I swell with pride and deep within my breast
    I thrill to see Old Glory paint the breeze.
    With hand upon heart I thank the Lord For this my native land
    For all I love is here within her gates.

    My soul is rooted deeply in the soil on which I stand
    For these are mine own United States.

    This is my country! Land of my choice!
    This is my country!
    Hear my proud voice!

    I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold
    For this is my country!
    To have and to hold.

  3. Marcia, This song you referred to, "This is My Country" brought back a memory of my very early days in the insurance industry in the early 1970s.  

    I had the opportunity of insuring a group of three individuals whose company was called "Opus Three". 

    I'm sure many have never heard of that company, but two of the three individuals went on to fame. The third, was a lady named Mary Stewart, who was a good friend of Burt Bacherach.

    (I'll never forget the day I was there and Burt Bacherach called Mary to discuss some business).

    The first was a man named "Les Hooper". 

    Les eventually left Chicago and went on to Hollywood. His career includes 7 Grammy nominations, an Emmy Award, and a CLIO award. Les is still going strong at the age of 80.

    The second was a man named Jerry Liliedahl, now age 79.

    Jerry wrote a song called "Mother Country" that he eventually sold to United Airlines that was used for a number of years in their commercials of "The Friendly Skies". 

    Here is the actual commercial that I'm sure you will remember. 

    The song was subsequently recorded in 1973 by Bonnie Koloc. 

    The lyrics were: 

    Have you seen the other side of where you live?
    Don’t you know this great big land
    Has got so much to give? 

    Mother Country’s got her arms open wide.
    Don’t let your good land pass you by.

    This land is ours to share
    and it’s there before your eyes.

    Stretching out in glory,proud beneath the skies.
    Come along, sing the song.
    People, now’s the time. 
    Sweet Mother Country.
    She’s your land and mine. 

    Many times I thought she did not hear me.
    Many times I thought she was too hard.
    Still I know that no one else could ever take her place.
    Good Mother Country, hear my song. 

    Born with a burning spirit deep within her soul.
    You can feel it growing everywhere you go.
    Come along, sing the song.
    People, now’s the time.
    Sweet Mother Country.

    She’s your land and mine. 
    Mother Country’s got her arms open wide.
    Come along, sing the song.People, now’s the time.

    Many times I thought she did not hear me.
    Many times I thought she was too hard.
    Still I know that no one else could ever take her place.

    Good Mother Country, hear my song!
    Hear my song!Born

    with a burning spiritd eep within her soul.
    You can feel it growing everywhere you go.
    Come along, sing the song.People, now’s the time.
    Sweet Mother Country.She’s your land and mine.
    Sweet Mother Country.She’s your land and mine.

    and this tune, though written 47 years ago, still rings with the the spirit of America.To say the least,

    it was always one of the highlights of my 35 year insurance career.

  4. From Robert Opinions

    Our Flag and the Star-Bangled Banner:

    I have refused to watch any NFL game since they started with the kneeling. 
