Information Pages

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

So What Should Be Done? Write the Board...or...The Members of the African American Heritage Club ??? ....The Membership List with Emails Have Been PUBLISHED on the Internet ...Another Violation of Sun City Anthem Club Rules

It's Time You've Been Made Aware
an Association Matter that Concerns all Property Owners
(Part Four of Four)

Open Your Eyes

Click on our Information Page:
"Nevada Know How...Archives Page Nine"

Sometime between 7:30pm on September 2, 2020 and 4:00am on September 3, 2020, someone...likely from the African American Heritage Club...decided to remove the membership list from the internet.

It was on the internet, we have witnesses it was present.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm delighted to see that this is going to be your final Opinion on this topic about the AAHC. I'd prefer that you spend your time letting us know about the restuarants and strip action. Now, that's your real skill. Thank you.

  3. David, thank you for the comment, but in the past few days, we have NEVER HAD HIGHER READERSHIP then on this particular subject.

    Anthem Opinions felt obligated to inform the community as to the current status of the potential problems that all of our SCA property owners may be subjected to in the future in order that those who are concerned, should write the Board as to their opinions regarding the matter and how it should be handled.

    We found the entire matter DISTASTEFUL and hoped it would fade away, but that does not appear to be the case.

    It has many elements that should concern all residents, one of which is a member of the Sun City Anthem Board, Wendy Linow, PUBLICLY DEFAMING residents on the internet by sending UNAUTHORIZED correspondence AS A BOARD MEMBER to a Club, which the Club President PUBLISHED, to which SHE DOES NOT BELONG AS A MEMBER, thereby proving both BIAS and behavior that should subject her to REMOVAL from the Board.

    To all our readers, do not forget, this member of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors now has taken it upon herself to VIOLATE NRS 116, and that cannot be tolerated NOW or at any time in the future.

    David, in the future, please identify yourself with your entire name.

    This will be the last post will will allow without your doing so.

    Our policy does not permit anonymous comments.

    To our readers, in order that it does not appear that we are "picking on" David, we will be enforcing this requirement on all individuals from this point who wish to post anonymous comments without providing a full name.

    In the future, any such posts not identifying themselves without a last name will be removed.

    Thank you.

  4. A "David" name! Why a "David" name? Is it possibly a "David" that is our SCA pariah "David" that is always conniving and seeking ways to his own agenda? The "David" that hated helicopters, and was "committed" to their destruction and wanted them to go to Sloan (which, by the way never made it there). Our "David" that was concerned Henderson airport would blossom into machines flying thru our airspace like flies around horses and would surely crash into the then open spaces of south/west St Rose? OMG!

  5. From Dorothy Opinions

    This very unfortunate situation happened by residents who are trying to use racial divisions as an issue to regain their lost power.  

    I have been fighting racial discrimination all my professional career life, let's say, from 1964 til 2002 or so, but nothing like this one when someone using wrong stationary sending out political endorsement to official membership listing--this is wrong action for sure.

    I am so sorry that you and Rana, as eyes for all residents betterment, are being accused of racial discrimination.

    To me it is unthinkable!!!  

    It is SO LOW!

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