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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Tips on When the Time Might Have Come

The Decision to Stop Driving
Something Every Senior Has to Face Some Day

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  1. From Neal Opinions

    I am on my bicycle most days of the week, usually alongside Anthem Parkway, between Anthem Drive and the shopping center and the Anthem Highlands southern end of the Parkway loop.

    Since I know that in the last few years there have been a few bicyclists killed on roads in this vicinity, I ride on the sidewalk.

    (In fact, over the years I’ve personally known two bicyclists killed by collisions with vehicles, and I don’t intend to be another statistic myself.)

    However, on my typical route  I must cross Anthem Parkway, a road with curves and short sight distances for drivers.

    Most challenging is when I have to cross the Parkway.

    In particular, there are two spots with crosswalks and flashing warning lights to protect pedestrians.

    In my experience, a very significant number of drivers, perhaps 1 in 15, simply will not stop for a person in the crosswalk!

    I wear a bright yellow construction vest, so I know I can be seen.

    To deal with these drivers I’ve made it a habit to remain completely out of the crosswalk until the cars actually come to a stop, assuming at all times that they will not.

    As I have waited on the curb for the cars to give me a break, I have even resorted to signaling with my arm to call attention of the cars to the flashing lights—often to no avail.

    Fortunately I have an electric bike that can pass through the crosswalk 3-4 times faster than a pedestrian can.

    However, an elderly pedestrian who walks in this crosswalks, flashing lights or not, is a slow-moving target. He is at the mercy of distracted and negligent drivers, many of whom, most likely are not SCA residents.. 

  2. This is a tough call, Dick. I remember driving north at Scotts Valley when someone made a left turn (coming south) RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND NEVER SLOWING DOWN. They could barely see over the steering wheel.

    My contention for bicycle riders is TO STAY ON THE SIDEWALK WHILE RIDING. I don't care if they do or don't belong there. It is a better way to protect themselves against traffic so bless their souls no matter how they secure themselves. As I see it, if they have the ability to ride a bike they are competent enough to deal with the small amount of foot traffic.
