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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Lake Mead Reaching Dangerous and Concerning Lows

 As Lake Mead Continues to "Sink"

Are Water Restrictions Coming in the Near Future?

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  1. From Robert Opinions

    Regarding the water-levels in Lake Mead, I find it appalling that the same Politicians that cry for water conservation are the SAME Politicians that keep approving all the new building permits (which, of course, add to the area's water consumption).

  2. From Linda Opinions 

    More fear mongering from a lobbyist?

    Who is paid to write this?

    For years, we have been digging a third, deeper tunnel in Lake Mead for times of drought.

    I don't know if the second one has been used yet.

    Yet continue to build houses and buildings, a Smart Inner City hub in Inspirada, as more people settle here. 
