Information Pages

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Federal Court to Decide if Residents Were Injured by Henderson Officials

Sun City Anthem Residents Sue City of Henderson

Former Henderson Police Chief, Jutta Chambers and Sgt. Jeffrey Farley of the Henderson Police Department, as well as the City of Henderson, were sued by Sun City Residents, Bob Frank & Tim Stebbins, on November 16, 2012,  following three years of allegations for filing a false police report.

The actual text of the complaint can be obtained as a PDF file on the website.

The misdemeanor case, after three years, was dismissed some time ago when the state's attorney made the determination that the allegations were without merit.

There is little doubt that this matter will, in all probability, take years to proceed through the court system.

What we find odd is that the one community publication, after years of obsession referring to both men as "criminals," has now decided to refrain from commenting on this litigation.

Perhaps the miscellaneous "Doe" potential future defendants might involve those who have been continuously defended by that publication, and/or contributed to the rhetoric over the years in condemning Frank & Stebbins in the court of public opinion.

As the saying goes, each person is entitled to "have their day in court" and these men, having been through humiliation and expense over a substantial period of time, were eventually exonerated for any wrongdoing.

This issue goes far beyond the financial relief both men are seeking.  It proceeds to the credibility of those who seek to defame others in the eyes of people by using the precious power of the written word as a source they trust for accuracy.

Ordinarily this type of action would be considered a private matter and not worthy of commentary, but as a result of the continuous verbal assaults made on these men over the past three years, and the emotional  and financial suffering both have endured, this issue must come to a truthful conclusion.

We, the residents of Sun City Anthem, are entitled to the truth, and we trust our justice system will open many doors in the days to come from depositions of individuals, with a jury making a determination as to the relief, if any, these men are entitled, for what they endured.

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