Information Pages

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Tax Settlement...... Kudos or Criticism?

Sun City Anthem Tax Settlement Comments

OK, we have reduced the tax penalty to 8 cents on the dollar. Should we be celebrating and giving praise to our administration for orchestrating a big reduction? Maybe, 8% is better than 100%.

But why are we in this mess in the first place? Why should we be celebrating paying a fine and interest.

What and who created the problem? A prior board was informed of the potential liability. They were advised that the carryover of funds would create a problem. They ignored an expert who detailed in a letter how these funds should be handled. They were told to return the excess funds to avoid this tax penalty. They wrote to the expert, who was a resident, and told him he was wrong. THEY WERE WRONG and we received a penalty. So, why are we celebrating a negotiated smaller penalty?

Shame, shame. We should heed the warning signs so we are not liable for tax penalties. 

Who were the experts that we hired that influenced our board? Were they paid to give us expert advice? Were they paid for their service? If so, in the spirit of transparency, we the residents should know how much we have spent on incorrect advice.  If they were, they should return all their bills and fees for giving us bad advice that created a tax penalty.  Let's place blame where it belongs..on the advisors that guided our board.

As long as we are discussing experts and how much we pay for this good advice, why are we not utilizing more of the expertise that we have within our resident community.  We have a large number of individuals from all walks of life with careers of experience.  How can we best utilize the talent that we have right under our noses.  Are you one of those?  Are you involved to help our community create a better and more efficient environment.  If more of us are givers, we will all benefit.

1 comment:

  1. When will it be disclosed as to the total costs association with this IRS matter in addition to the actual amount paid to IRS?
