Information Pages

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Employee Seeks Counseling Due to Alleged Harrassment

Is There an RMI "Hostile Work Environment" ?

YES...Say's Community  Association Manager's Administrative Assistant !

Are there internal problems that exist between RMI and their employees?

Are the problems discussed in our community in the past month, true?

We were able to obtain an email sent from Community Association Manager's Administrative Assistant, Lily Cardenas, to Community Association Manager, ROB FELDMAN, dated Friday, April 12, 2013, at 4:08pm. Nothing states this is a private email, and it has already been shared with a number of individuals.

Copies of the email were sent to :

SCA Board

SCA Staff

and two other members of RMI

The contents were SHOCKING.  

As you read this, ask yourself...
IS THIS THE ENVIRONMENT that YOU. a resident, or any individual, would choose in which to work ?

I am writing this email to inform you that I will be taking the next week off to seek counseling and other methods to deal with the way you have been treating me.  Last night when you called me at  home, and hung up on me during our conversation, it was unprofessional and demeaning and unorganized. Your technical skills with computers and software are not very good, and you dump stuff all the time instead of delegate.  You are a very mistrusting individual and this alone hurts our team.  We never pointed fingers at each other until you came.  Your approach and communication is often verbally and emotionally abusive and demeaning, your temper flares often, and you do not take into consideration mine, or others, workloads.  None of us are perfect in what we do and say, you have been critical of me and torn me down instead of built me up as a leader.  I am beat down, I dread coming to work, and this is why I need time off.  On another note Skyler left because of you, and told me this personally.  Justin also told me that although the finance committee and board wanted someone else in here with a different skill set,  you were treating him the same way you treated me and he was anxious to leave because of your management style.  Please do not contact me during my time off, I will go through HR.
The email was subsequently acknowledged by a vice president of RMI with a follow up to SCA Staff at 8:15pm that same day.  We, at this time, will not reprint the contents of that communique.

Is this the firm that should continue managing our assets ?

Or...should we IMMEDIATELY remove them from any further consideration ?

This issue is quite timely....

... as there will be a bidders’ conference meeting this coming Monday, April 15th in the Delaware Room, Anthem Center. All seven recipients of the recent Community Management Request for Proposal respondents have indicated they will be in attendance.

The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. with a brief introductory period, after which the seven bidders will break for a tour of the facilities and a no-host lunch.

We will reconvene in the Delaware Room after lunch, which is expected to end around 1:00 p.m. At that time, we will have formal discussion and address recipients’ questions.

The meeting is open to all residents, who may observe but not participate.
As we have previously stated, this employee issue is MAGNIFYING, not subsiding, and rather than involve Sun City Anthem in any way with this delicate issue which has affected OUR RESIDENTS and our resident/monitors at the various Sun City Anthem facilities.... the opinion of Anthem Opinions, we urge Board leadership to IMMEDIATELY remove RMI from consideration of renewal of any management contract.

The time has finally arrived to say good-bye to this firm.


  1. Management starts at the top. Kathy Kline took this same style and applied it to our resident monitors.

    1. This does not surprise me !

      The letter that Rob Feldman wrote, with reference to the petition that was circulated regarding the employees and the fitness center fiasco, was at the very least condescending.
      I personally had no problem telling him that to his face when I saw him. He did not know how to act when I told him that I did not appreciate him referring to the petitioners as
      "finding change difficult to absorb."
      I think the board has a fiduciary responsibilty to the community to cut our losses with these losers and clean house.
      If the board lacks the courage to do it then they should all resign .

  2. This issue first involved OUR PEOPLE, now it is moving toward OTHERS. That cannot be denied any longer.

    Referring to LONG-TERM employees as DISGRUNTLED ?

    Is there no compassion for those who have demonstrated their dedication to our community for years, who suddenly, are now being shabbily treated, and harassed ?

    Is the retention of such a firm so important that it makes those who have spent years of their lives working on its behalf, EXPENDABLE ?

    Is there some kind of motive the owner of another publication has by going to various parties SEEKING OUT copies of the petitions completed by Mary Schramski? Why...that relentless pursuit ?

    Is there another reason to gather NAMES of those who have shown support for THEIR NEIGHBORS?

    ...or is this an example of BIG BROTHER ??????

    These employee problems ARE real; our RESIDENTS DO CARE about their own, and now, even those who are not residing in Sun City Anthem, are speaking out in a plea for HELP and SUPPORT from YOU and ME.

    ...and we, as GOOD NEIGHBORS and GOOD CITIZENS, cannot let them down.

    The need US now.... and we cannot ABANDON THEM as "disgruntled".

    Doing so, would be WRONG, and IMMORAL.

    Anthem Opinions EDITED NOTHING despite what you may have read elsewhere.

    The RMI return memo was sent by a Vice President of that firm WHO WAS A FORMER COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGER of SUN CITY ANTHEM, an individual who is now a corporate VP with that firm, a woman who was REMOVED from that position in Sun City Anthem for various reasons, a woman whose activities with a fellow subordinate EMPLOYEE, resulted in his termination.

    But...She is NOT the issue. RMI treatment of EMPLOYEES is !

    ...and no matter how this story is painted OR interpreted, one basic fact can not be overlooked...

    THERE ARE EMPLOYEE PROBLEMS with that company, and to continue involvement with a firm that has SUCH INTERNAL TURMOIL, cannot possibly assist our needs to successfully manage an $8 million annual revenue producing organization.

    We MUST terminate our relationship with RMI, not merely for those who have been injured, but for the FINANCIAL WELL-BEING OF SUN CITY ANTHEM.

    And all of us, no matter whether we are for or against various issues that pertain to our association; in this case, MUST come together, and unite toward a common goal of maintaining harmony and goodwill toward others.

    That goal can only be erasing this organization from our past, and proceeding forward on a new path of optimism and confidence, a path RMI is no longer capable of providing.

    1. Regarding the recent article about RMI, I can’t say that I “was shocked to learn” about these abuses. The article asks “Is There an RMI “Hostile Work Environment?”, which is then unequivocally answered by the disclosure of a harassed employee.

      I have lived in Sun City Anthem for more than 10 years, and during that time I have many encounters with the Parade of new Community Managers that have been assigned by RMI management to “Manage” the Sun City Anthem affairs. I’ve lost count of the number of “Managers” have passed through the revolving doors of RMI since Arnie Snow (under SCA Pres. Favil West).

      There is a common thread that binds the SCA Community Manager’s to the SCA Association’s Board of Directors. Just like the mobsters of the past, they are both “Bullies” that will inflict as much pain and suffering as they can, to any resident (or employee) who does not “respect” their imaginary authority, or WHO THREATENS TO EXPOSE illegal activity.

      The Board of Directors WANT a community manager who will “get in line” and “stay in line”, just like they expect the board members to do, and they will promote any CAM who will do just that.

      Any one who has been around here very long KNOWS that to even get elected to serve on the SCA Board, you have to get with the program, shut your mouth, close your eyes to the past misdeeds, and sing “Ever thing is Wonderful”.

      Our Board of Directors want a Community Manager that they can rely on to keep secrets and to lie if necessary when they want to punish a member of the community. RMI CAM’s and our Board of directors are “joined at the hip” in that respect.

      RMI does have some very nice employees, that are polite and attentive to the members, but if they cross the “ party line” they are treated like c - - p.

      What the RMI CAM did to Lilian Cardinas was (by all standards) uncalled for but really not unexpected.

      SCA Villa Resident
