Information Pages

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Board Treasurer A Believer in Committee Effectiveness...Praises Property & Grounds Committee Efforts

Desert Sky Resident Shares Board Treasurer's Liberty Center Bocce Court Correspondence

Mary Lee Duley, a prominent resident from our Desert Sky area, has asked  Anthem Opinions to publish the following email correspondence she recently sent to her extensive data base. 

It includes a detailed email from Board Treasurer, Jim Mayfield, asking that his comments be shared with the entire community.

We would urge all residents to read these messages in order that they may fully understand the current status of disposition of the Liberty Center Bocce Courts.

We thank Mary Lee for allowing us to share this with the Sun City Anthem community.
Subject: Fwd: Liberty Center
Date: June 16, 2013 4:21:34 PM PDT

Dear SCA Neighbors:

Jim Mayfield, one of our SCA Board of Directors, responded to an earlier email of mine regarding many resident's concern over the status of the existing Liberty Center Bocce Courts.  I do not forward emails, without the consent of the seller, and have always requested the same courtesy.  Jim, as you can see, has provided consent to share his email, which provides his views on the issue.  I am forwarding this email to all in my data base and please consider this my consent to share with your family friends, and neighbors in Sun City Anthem.

 At this point, NOTHING specific (miniature golf course, shuffle board, dog park, barbecue area, basketball,  etc) has been sanctioned or has been presented to P&G  (properties and grounds) for their vetting process, with regards to the Liberty Center Bocce  Court space. 

I am not responding to each of the emails received this past week and, as referenced earlier this week,  plan on spending quality time with visiting family. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.  IF your emails are not answered, it does not mean that I am not interested, but you have the names and email addresses of the appropriate sources that can make decisions and answer any questions you may have. 

 I do not blog, as everyone knows, and would appreciate it if blog owners would not reference me or my personal opinions, given via email,  on their  personal web sites. 

 Every resident's opinion is equally important in this community and mutual respect is the key to moving forward, working with the board of directors and committee chairpersons, and putting ALL of the negative postings and finger pointing  behind us. 

Happy Father's Day!


Mary Lee


Begin forwarded message:

Subject: RE: Liberty Center Thank you for your response
Date: June 16, 2013 3:01:08 PM PDT
To: "Mary Lee Duley" <>

Thanks for your response.  Please feel free to forward my email.  I believe that increased communication with SCA home owners by all means possible is always a positive step.

Stay in touch,

Jim Mayfield
----- Original Message ----
On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:54 AM, <> <> wrote:

Mary Lee,

I am trying to respond to all emails in order to keep in touch with the owners at SCA.  My view of the possible reallocation of the Bocce Ball Courts at Liberty is pretty straight forward.

1.  I support the work of the standing committees.  My experience as the chair of one of the standing committees, which included interfacing with the other chairs, was that the standing committees are the best place for issues to be raised and vetted.  The standing committees have experienced people with great talent who have a history of broad representation and exercising sound judgement.

2.  I think P&G did a good job of vetting the last pet park request.  My understanding of their decision is that it was based upon three criteria.  Use of common space should not
    a.  intrude on or disrupt the use of existing common space,
 b.  pose a potential nuisance to individual residences in the vicinity of common space, and  
    c.  adversely affect SCA property values.
Without getting into the merits of a pet park, I think that P&G's criteria and process represented sound business judgement and were representative of community values.

3.  Over that last two years, I have repeatedly expressed my concern about "mission creep".  We only have so much land, and I do not sense a ground swell in the community to increase the quarterly assessments to provide more activity related opportunities than those already provided by the 52 charter clubs and by staff at existing facilities.  As a member of the BoD and Treasurer, my first questions are 1>  what will be the financial impact, and 2> how many people will use and/or benefit from a proposed change?

In summary, the existing space will be costly to redeploy and represents a scarce resource.  So, lets not get ants in our pants; I support the processes and work of the SCA standing committees and think that a thorough analysis of the Bocce Ball Court area at Liberty by them is the correct path to take. 

Jim Mayfield
We hope this information has been helpful to our readers.
Anthem Opinions

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