Information Pages

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Resident Looks at Liberty Center Options...Offers Cost Conscious Altermative

We encourage all of our readers to read his article. This is a detailed analysis, as well as, cost efficient feasible alternative,  to the Liberty Center Bocce Court problem.

Liberty Center Bocce Court Alternative?

 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

(located to the right of the Welcome Screen)


  1. Part One of Commentary

    We have never commented on another publication that has constantly criticized certain members of our community....but sadly, it can no longer, be avoided.

    Why someone would say "The Long Knives Are Out"...

    Why a responsible individual would refer to another journalist as a "cancer on a community"...

    Why the most demeaning comments are made against others, merely for the sake of doing so...

    is baffling.

    Comments made here, and on Anthem Today, have been OBJECTIVE, offered ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS with detailed explanations, and are without MALICE toward others.

    Neither Rana Goodman, Ron Johnson, nor Allen Weintraub and I have, in any way, made overtures to "sell" any concept to this community; we have only brought forth comments as to cost and feasibility, and perhaps offered a possible solution which might solve a problem in a more economical manner.

    No one on Anthem Today, Today's Anthem View, or Anthem Opinions has belittled the idea of a miniature golf course; what they have done, is question if it is in the best interests of Sun City to usage and a wise use of community funds.

    Ron Johnson's "Today's Anthem View" statistics as to questioning the usage of this venture are not worthy of criticizing an alternative suggestion. They merely brought out the fact that a person of authority in Summerlin stated how little usage their miniature golf course was receiving.

    ...and my viewing of an initial video through the eyes of a TRAINED experienced marketing business owner, clearly reflected two obvious flaws that no one recognized, but now have been acknowledged through Mr. Johnson's one was playing on that miniature golf course, and seeing a full rack of unused putters, apparently left no doubt as to my theory of little usage.

    This was fact, and not in any way critical of a potential mini-golf idea, as has been portrayed elsewhere.

    It was not deserving of name calling and derogatory commentary; it was OBJECTIVE, and asked a community to consider this option carefully from ALL FACETS, rather than shallowly looking at just a so many others have been over the years.

    Yes, I questioned a survey where another publication states that there is some form of massive support stating that 68% of respondents have looked at the mini-golf course as being a favorable option; when in fact, that 68% represents a mere 3% of our entire community.

    That in my opinion, was NOT telling THE FULL STORY, and was unfair to the community in order to make a proper decision.

    Does that make Forrest Fetherolf and I "cheap" as portrayed elsewhere? our makes us FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE.

    Both of us have one basic belief when in comes to spending money...spend it...if it makes sense, not just because it is there to spend.

    Is there anyone in this community who disagrees with spending WISELY?

    That belief has allowed both of us to enjoy a history of success in our past business lives, and both of us have tried desperately THROUGH THAT PAST EXPERIENCE, to convince this community to "think before you act".

  2. Part Two of Commentary

    I have gotten to know Forrest Fetherolf quite well over the years. He is what all of us should strive to honest man who unselfishly gives of himself, time and better this community.

    Criticism of Forrest Fetherolf is completely unfounded, and over the years, Mr. Fetherolf has proven to be something NOT portrayed elsewhere.

    He has been a mentor of Judge Stevens Veteran's court, attends meeting after meeting offering the advice of his past experience in the construction industry, is always available to anyone for home assistance, treasurer of the I.C.C.C. Club, and still finds time to write Home Improvement articles on Anthem of the most heavily read columns on this blog.

    That represents an HONORABLE man, not a "clown" or whatever other disrespect he receives elsewhere.

    So why would Mr. Fetherolf not respond to the original request made by the alternative blog?

    Is there any person who would, given what he has endured by that blogger or some of those who use the most disrespectful commentary?

    How many others out there would still try to unselfishly assist others and give so much to their community, after the constant verbal beating he takes almost daily elsewhere?

    Not many...IF any.

    So don't look at those who disagree as "carrying long knives" to be aimed at another; look at them as forces who continuously make attempts at keeping this community FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE in order that all of us can maintain a responsible retirement lifestyle.

    ...and should this too be criticized elsewhere, there are so many in this community who would like to know WHY you do, and WHY alternatives deserve such demeaning responses ?

    ...and even more importantly, WHY you would think that form of disrespect is considered journalism, or enlightening or entertaining, in any way ?
