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Saturday, June 8, 2013

There Will Never Be Another "Oscar"

Meeting "Oscar" was Reliving a History Book

Former Mayor Oscar Goodman & Dick Arendt

Being a radio talk show host for The Vegas Voice has its perks, mainly meeting some of the most fascinating people in town.

Last week, Vegas Voice publisher, Dan Roberts, and his lovely lady, Rana Goodman, owner of the Anthem Today forum, took my wife, Marla, and  I out for an exciting evening in which we met former Mayor Oscar Goodman at his restaurant at The Plaza Hotel, "Oscar's Beef, Booze & Broads".

Dan Roberts, publisher of The Vegas Voice, Former Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Rana Goodman (no relation), political editor of  The Vegas Voice, and owner of Anthem Today forum

Former Mayor Oscar Goodman & Marla Levey, wife of Dick Arendt, and "Editorial Goddess" of The Vegas Voice Newspaper

Meeting "Oscar" was truly a highlight.  He was kind, friendly, and for those of you familiar with his past was, at one time, a famous attorney for some of the most infamous individuals in the history of Las addition to having been its mayor  for 12 years.

I am from Chicago, and when I told him that I had known of him well before I relocated to Las Vegas in 2005, he looked at me with a smile and asked if I was familiar with "26th & California". 

I was...

It is the address of the Chicago Criminal Court Building in which he defended a number of "businessmen".

I bought his book entitled "Being Oscar...from Mob Lawyer to Mayor of Las Vegas...Only in America".

Opening up the cover, I'm proud to say, this is how he autographed my copy:

I suggest you read this fascinating first hand experience of a man who has accomplished what can best be described as "Only in America".  It's great...and most entertaining...

...and it's available on at a special reduced price...on either hard cover or for your Kindle.

It's Oscar...being Oscar !

Dick Arendt

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