Information Pages

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fellow Blogger Demands Answers As Well

Ron Johnson's "Today's Anthem View" Speaks Out About Capillupo Remarks

With permission from Ron Johnson, we are printing his latest editorial as to the recent comments made by Sun City Anthem Board President, Jean Capullupo.

As you will see, most independent community blogs have strongly opposed the comments this woman made...and despite this subject circulating throughout our community and controversy it has created....

..she has still REFUSED to COMMENT or answer any REASONABLE QUESTIONS that have been asked of her.

Is it best, after her blistering attack on independent publications, to avoid further embarrassing herself and other members of our board...

...that SHE IMMEDIATELY RESIGN from the post of PRESIDENT?

or if she refuses...

SHOULD THE REMAINING MEMBERS, REPLACE HER...for the sake of our community's well-being and reputation?

Here is the Johnson article:

 SCA View Editorial

Signs of a Corrupt Board Losing Control

Why is SCA’s Board President Jean Capillupo lashing out against some of the five blog operators in her August Spirit magazine article on “Communication and Responsibility?” Among the topics discussed, Jean focused unusual attention on the subject of “Misinformation,” as if that was a pressing community issue requiring the board’s attention.
In the guise of protecting the interests of the community, Jean cautions homeowners to reject rumors that are allegedly replete with misinformation. The impression the board is attempting to convey is that unofficial information homeowners receive from some community blogs should be discounted, dismissed or simply ignored as unreliable rumors.

From the board’s overt attack on some blogs, it is evident that this board is attempting to repress free and informed speech as if that speech is replete with misinformation. Without citing any evidence of misinformation, the board seems intent on declaring anyone who might disagree or have a contrary opinion about board decisions as not benefiting the community. In so doing, the board was taking aim at unnamed blog operators as if they are enemies of the community and should be treated as such. That despicable tactic of attempting to repress dissent, typically practiced by those who exercise unchallenged power, has a long and disgraceful history.

In her article, Jean suggests that the truth lies with those who know the straight story. If that is true, will Jean tell the community the straight story about the following?

 ·        Why did the 2012 board fabricate false testimony for submission to the State’s investigator who was investigating potential wrongdoing?
·        Why is the current board refusing to disclose the contents in 9 months of available tax audit documents, documents that included association drafted schedules that ostensibly supported the IRS’s agreement to accept the association’s settlement offer?   
Ron Johnson, 22 August 2013
Why, are you allowing this to continue, Mrs Capillupo?
Can't you see the damage you've caused?
Is your ego SO GREAT, that...

It is more important than those you have pledged to FAIRLY represent?

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