Information Pages

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Water Bill Giving You Heart Failure ?

Is that water bill of yours getting awfully high lately?

You may have a leak that you might not even be aware of---and it's costing you big time !


If it is....Mr. Fix-It might know why !

For full details, just click on our Information Page, "Tips to Make Your Home More Efficient...$$$"

(located to the right of the Welcome Screen)


  1. With great pleasure, I just received a call from Shep R. thanking me for the articles I have written on Anthem Opinions and the time I spent at his home walking him and his neighbor through the steps checking for water leaks.

    Both Shep and his neighbor's water bills were in excess of $150 monthly over the last several months.

    Shep indicated his current water bill was less than $100 already and didn't reflect a full month without leakage.

    Appreciation like that...makes my efforts worthwhile.

    1. Dick Arendt and Allen WeintraubSeptember 1, 2013 at 5:54 AM

      Forrest, your articles are becoming legendary in Sun City Anthem.

      This latest piece was read by in excess of 750 readers to date, and it's obvious that both of us realize just how integral a part of Anthem Opinions you have become since you joined us.

      It's a shame that in the past, you have been so unfairly criticized.

      Despite the bitterness toward you by an alternative publication, you continue to add to our community with your tireless efforts of assisting people again and again; whether it be with fixing their homes, mentoring of the troubled veterans, the ICCC organization, attending board meetings stressing financial consciousness in community spending, and of course writing your Mr. Fix-It articles.

      The commments and emails Anthem Opinions receives for your articles continue to mount each day, and obviously, through actions, you have proven just how valuable a voice you have become to all of us.

      Thanks again, Fix-It....on behalf of all who read Anthem Opinions.
