Information Pages

Friday, September 13, 2013

Losing a Lovely Losing Part of American History

Sun City Anthem Angel...Now a Part of God's HOA
We don't often make mention of those who have left us, but this is an exception.
According to Anthem Today, we lost Elizabeth Swann this morning...and I want to thank Rana Goodman for allowing me to publish these pictures from her forum.
Many of you may not aware of Elizabeth Swann... but The City of Henderson Certainly was.... Mayor Andy Hafen honored her with awarding this city plaque in May of last year.

I had the opportunity of meeting Elizabeth only once...a couple of years ago on a Friday evening while watching an evening concert at Anthem Center.
There she was, rocking away with the music with her daughter and dear friends, Sun City Anthem residents, Norm & Mary McCullough, who have watched over her for years in such a loving and caring manner.
Here she is with Mary McCullough. 

Elizabeth Swann lived through World War I, Women's suffrage, the roaring 20s, a great depression, World War II, and  many years experiencing racial discrimination.
...and the Lord allowed her to witness the election of this nation's first black president.
Elizabeth Swann was 104 when she passed away today.
Anthem Opinions sends our deepest sympathy to her daughter, Hazel, and her "adopted" family, the McCulloughs.
Dick Arendt & Allen Weintraub


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